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The occurrence and biotope preferences of amphibians in former military area near České Budějovice.
NĚMEC, Stanislav
Submitted bachelor thesis deals with biotope preferences of amphibians. Experimental part of my work was carried out at former military tank ground near České Budějovice from March until June 2010. Biotope preferences were examined at these species: European Fire-bellied Toad, European tree frog, Agile Frog and Common toad. Since the end of military activity in 1990, there has been growing ecological succession which influences each of the species. The aim of my work was to find out what factors have influence on particular species and compare the outcomes with those of previous works carried out between 1995 and 2008. The observation was pursued during the daytime, above all at night, when frogs are most active. The outcomes has been statistically evaluated and it was found out that great pond surfaces are the most suitable for European tree frog and Common toad, whereas European Fire-bellied Toad and Agile Frog do not mind gradual growth of vegetation, moreover it suits them. The data from 1995 indicate appearance of European tree frog also in pools. My outcomes from 2010 confirmed their appearance only in ponds. On the contrary, Agile Frog has been seen here recently only seldom, in 2010 together with European Fire-bellied Toad it was the most common species. Common toad was the most precious species in the examined habitat. It was found only a few specimens. Appearance of Common toad was registered in ponds in 1995 but this was not confirmed in 2010.
Spontaneous vegetation succession in mined peatlands
Spontaneous vegetation succession in mined peatlands in the Czech Republic was studied using the space-for-time substitution approach. The study focused on the variability of vegetation in traditionally mined (block-cut) and industrially mined (milled) peatlands. The influences of age, abiotic site factors, as well as landscape factors were analysed. The thesis summarizes also the state of current knowledge on various groups of organisms (plant, algae, fungi, and animals) in the extracted peatlands in the Czech Republic. The recomendations for the ecological restoration of mined peatlands are given.
The influence of the type and age of post-mining areas restoration on biodiversity of small terrestrial mammals.
The aim of the study was to compare different types and ages of restoration from the small mammal biodiversity perspective. In 2004, three linear and two quadratic trappings of small terrestrial mammals were performed at the Velká podkrušnohorská spoil heap. Linear trappings were repeated in 2009 and quadratic were repeated in 2010. In 2004, 174 small mammals in the linear trappings and 199 small mammals in the quadratic trappings were captured. We found, that the wetland localities were the richest in small mammal diversity, the forestry restored areas were second ones, and the agriculturally restored areas were the poorest ones. During the repeated trappings, 45 small mammals in linear trappings and 64 small mammals in quadratic trappings were captured. A decrease of both abundance and biodiversity was recorded in the both types of trappings. The highest biodiversity was on wetland and forestry restored areas. The lowest biodiversity was on agriculturally restored areas. The highest abundance was on forestry sites during the linear trappings. The wetland areas were second ones and the lowest abundance was on agriculturally restored areas. Value of abundance in quadratic trappings was almost the same in wetland and forest habitats, whilst the abundance of agricultural areas was significantly lower. The results show the importance of wetland habitats, which are very important part of restoration and have a positive impact on the overall biodiversity in the landscape.
Comparison of the flora of recultivated and succession influenced areas at sandpits in Třeboňsko Protected landscape area
The goal of this thesis is to compare flora on recultivated and succession-influenced areas in sandpits of Třeboňsko Protected landscape area in Southern Bohemia. This area is situated in Southern Bohemia region. The mapped sandpits are located in floodplain of the Lužnice river between towns České Velenice and Veselí nad Lužnicí. The mining of gravelous sand was started in about 1949 and in some places continues till these days. The character and structure of the landscape are seriously harmed by any types of mining process. Therefore there are implemented some arrangements which lead to renewal of the landscape. The aim of this work is to intercept the actual composition of the vegetation on the selected landscape areas and compare how these two ways of landscape renewal take affect to the nature variety.
Succession in regrassed and spontaneously revegetated fields in the Bohemian Forest foothills
The subjects of this study were the plant succession of the regrassed and spontaneously revegetated fields in the Bohemian Forest foothills and the effect of grass cutting management on vegetation changes in time and some of the important soil microbial characteristics. The main aims of this study were to assess i) the phytocoenose differences between the re-grassed and spontaneously revegetated fields, ii) the effect of abandoned field surroundings on the field grassing, iii) the possible correlations between the successional age of fields and characteristics of meadow plant species. The data for the landscape view were collected during the season 2008 and were analyzed by ordination methods (DCA, CCA) and by the ANCOVA. The second data for the detailed view were collected during three seasons (2006-2008) from ten experimental squares and were analyzed by the ordination method (RDA) and the methods Repeated Measures ANOVA and One Way ANOVA. The significant difference between regrassed and naturally revegetated fields was not found. The effect of surrounding was important, while most of the plant species (86% in average) occurring in the surroundings were also found on the studied fields. The field age was positively correlated with particular characteristics of presented meadow plant species. Although the effect of grass cutting on the phytocoenose was not significant, the effect on the microbial biomas was significant in the mineralization rate of soil organic mater.
Coastal ligneous vegetation of sand mining Lake Cep
The purpose of this study was to elaborate methods for an analysis of coastal shrubs and trees quality and quantity using picture analysis. The proposed methods were tested in a pilot study by analyzing a set of photographs of the coast shot in 2005 and changes in the recorded vegetation visible in photographs from 2009. Woody ecotonal vegetation of the 13km-long coast of the Cep grivel-sandpit was analyzed in the two points of time mentioned. As a part of this study, the effects that have a role in the succesion of shrubs and trees are also discussed.
Succession in regrassed and spontaneously revegetated fields in the Bohemian Forest foothills
The subjects of this study were the plant succession of the regrassed and spontaneously revegetated fields in the Bohemian Forest foothills and the effect of grass cutting management on vegetation changes in time and some of the important soil microbial characteristics. The main aims of this study were to assess i) the phytocoenose differences between the re-grassed and spontaneously revegetated fields, ii) the effect of abandoned field surroundings on the field grassing, iii) the possible correlations between the successional age of fields and characteristics of meadow plant species. The data for the landscape view were collected during the season 2008 and were analyzed by ordination methods (DCA, CCA) and by the ANCOVA. The second data for the detailed view were collected during three seasons (2006-2008) from ten experimental squares and were analyzed by the ordination method (RDA) and the methods Repeated Measures ANOVA and One Way ANOVA. The significant difference between regrassed and naturally revegetated fields was not found. The effect of surrounding was important, while most of the plant species (86% in average) occurring in the surroundings were also found on the studied fields. The field age was positively correlated with particular characteristics of presented meadow plant species. Although the effect of grass cutting on the phytocoenose was not significant, the effect on the microbial biomas was significant in the mineralization rate of soil organic mater.
The Occurrence and Biotope Preferences of Selected Amphibians on Abandoned Training-ground in České Budějovice
The aim of this work is to find actual occurrence pattern and biotope preferens for selected amphibian species on the former military training-ground near České Budějovice town and compare the results whit existing ones from previous research thirteen yars ago.
Occurence and density of corncrake (Crex crex) in selected parts of National Park Šumava in relation to biotope management
PEKSA, Martin
The abundance of males of corncrake (Crex crex) in dependence on its biotope management was studied in the west part of the Šumava National Park. A night counting of singing males of corncrake by the method of point transect was practised. A record of male territorial vocalization was used. The research last from 9th June 2008 to 8th July 2008 in the extent of 598,3 hectare and in the average altitude of 877,7 metres above sea-level. Sixty-two males of corncrake was found out in total. The average population density was 0,07 ex./ha. Among 39 monitored localities there were 53,9 % of perennial biomass crops, 23,8 % of localities without management, 11,9 % of grasslands and 10,5 % of localities where the management according to the agroenvironmental programme is practised. It was acknowledged a positive influence of localities where the management according to the agroenvironmental programme is practised on corncrakes occurrence. In spite of the procentual representation of these localities being the smallest the average occurrence of corncrake there is the largest. It appears from these results that the agroenvironmental programme called "Bird localities on biomass crops - the breeding place of corncrake" is beneficial.
The influence of extremal climatic phenomena at the recultivated and succession areas in Třeboňsko Protected Landscapa Area
PLA Třeboňsko is located in the southeastern part of South Bohemia, and has an area of 700 km {$^2$}. It is an extraordinary region, where preserved valuable natural assets, but also many hundreds of years of human transformation of the cultural landscape. Basic river basin axis Třeboňsko are Třeboňsko Lužnice river in the floodplain which are 14 lakes created after gravel extraction. Coast lakes were part of forestry artificially reclaimed, partly remained left natural succession. Extreme weather events (floods, snow and strong wind calamity) in 2002, 2005, 2007 have different effects on the current status of coastal vegetation rehabilitated, compared with a similar old natural secondary succession.

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