National Repository of Grey Literature 13,394 records found  beginprevious13375 - 13384next  jump to record: Search took 0.66 seconds. 

Identification and conservation of landscape with significant cultural and historical values: landscape conservation area Čimelicko-Rakovicko
The aim of the thesis is to identify cultural and historical values of the landscape conservation area Čimelicko-Rakovicko as well as to assess risks threatening valuable elements of the area with the help of land-use planning documents. The thesis includes also assessment of the area and suggestions for further development of the area and protection of the cultural and historical values of the landscape. In the introduction, the aims of the thesis are presented and hypotheses are established, followed by the description of the model area (location and formation of the landscape conservation area, natural conditions, historical development of the area). The key chapter is devoted to defining various cultural and historical phenomena their description and evaluation with help of landscape planning documents. Afterwards, suggestions for development of the landscape conservation area and protection of its significant features are presented. These suggestions are developed further in proposal of educational (nature) trail. The final part contains analysis of the results and evaluation of the hypotheses. The thesis includes also tables, maps and photographs taken during the field survey.

Coordinated care for children with cerebral palsy in the Budweis
This bachelor thesis is: "Coordinated care for children with cerebral palsy in Ceske Budejovice". Thesis is composed from two parts when first theoretical part is focused on cerebral palsy as multi handicap and follow possibilities of treatment for individuals. Furthermore I am going to emphasize an importance and irreplaceability of coherent system of rehabilitation as an instrument of coordinated care. Theoretical part will be fluently followed by practical part dealing with coordinated care in the frame of Ceske Budejovice. The thesis aims to find out current state of coordinated care for children with cerebral palsy in Ceske Budejovice. In order to reach the goal of the thesis research question has been determinate by following: "How is in Ceske Budejovice complex coordinated care for children with cerebral palsy realized?" For purposes of this thesis additional questions have been determinate which importance came from research part of the thesis. Additional questions have been determinate as following: "How parents of children with cerebral palsy perceive informations from specialists regarding treatment therapy of their children?" "How parents of children with cerebral palsy evaluate coordinated care in frame of Ceske Budejovice and how do they perceive cooperation among specialists?" Part of the second part of the thesis was realization of research together with quantitative methods. Research itself was realized based on semi-standardized deep dive with parents of children with cerebral palsy. Question in semi-standardized conversation have been aligned to circles that allowed to flexibly change interpretation of specific questions based on actual needs. Child for purposes of this research has been defined as an individual between 1 to 15 year old. Considering needs to gain valid informations has the method of semi-standardized conversation been supplemented by analysis of scientific documentation of specific children. Parents with children with diagnosis of cerebral palsy have been chosen as a sample of this research. The result of this thesis are casuistries of specific children and based on that there is scheme created for better readability regarding coordinated care in frame of Ceske Budejovice. According research is coordinated care in Ceske Budejovice realized "freely" which means that it is not driven by any institution. According research second form of coordinated care is institutional. That means child is in care of some institution that provides complex coordinated care aligned with coherent system of rehabilitation. Main advantage of those institutions is their complexity. All researched children are currently in care of Arpida center despite it that this is not only one center focused on cooperated care for individual with multi handicap in Ceske Budejovice. Based on that we can say that Arpida center in Ceske Budejovice is most searched and often visited center by parents witch children with cerebral palsy. The part of results of this thesis is also evaluation of coordinated care in frame of Ceske Budejovice. At the end of this thesis I pointed out that despite the most coordinated most complex care all the time cares on individual level of disability and many other factors that directly determine how the development of an individual will be affected. Undoubtedly we can coordinated care take as imaginary index that guides an individual with this kind of disability right direction.

The material left by Zdeněk Wirth on his death in the documentation department of the Institute of Art History AS CR
Krummholz, Martin ; Uhlíková, Kristina ; Vácha, Štěpán
The article deals with the extensive collection of materials left by Zdeněk Wirth, which he bequeathed shortly before his death to what is today the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The unusual quantity of these materials, quite exceptional for a personal collection, together with their nature (they include many photographs, plans, and drawings), suggest the hypothesis that the greater part of this collection consists of the remains of the former Historical Monuments Archive, built up during the interwar years at the State Photogrammetry Institute.

Pospíšilová, Jitka ; SMOLÍK, Robert (advisor) ; ŽIŽKA, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis discusses the matter of using space in theatre scenography. There is a description of non-traditional usage concept of scenographic space in the 20th century in the theoretical part of the paper and my experiences with the organisation of space usage, work with lights and sound, costumes making during the creation of the following pieces - Sarajevo and Endgame - in the practical part of the paper, including the part of working with actors in various space (rehearsal phase and the piece itself). The possibilities of how to make the theatre "non-theatrical" and how to close up with the audience are also discussed. Picture documentation is attached to the paper including basic scenography sketches and photographs from both pieces.

Sexual transmited infections, trends and distribution after 1989 in district Nymburk
Rychtaříková, Petra ; Dáňová, Jana (advisor)
My graduation theses is focused on sexually transmitted diseases and trend of their frequency in Nymburk region. I am convinced this subject matter is actual and very interesting for their various and wide spectrum. Goal of my work refers to global serious problem of frequency of sexually trasmitted diseases. Increase of incidation of sexually tramsmitted diseases is caused by growing prostutution, sexual promiskuity, risk sexual behaviour and sexual turism. In theoretical part of theses I desribe particular disease in term of their etiological agent, clinical picture, diagnostic and preventive that is very importat in fight against described diseases. Practical part is focused on description of their appearance in region Nymburk and further I am focused on one of the most serious form primary prevention sexually trasmited and presently very disccused disease HIV/AIDS. In concerned of interactive performance which gives young people possibility gets up basic knowledge ways of trasmission HIV virus, others sexually trasmitted diseases and think about self attitudes and behaviour in possibly risk situations. Graphic documentation of particular diseases and tables with graph relating to appearance of these diaseases is attached.

Nursing in children with diarrhoeal diseases
This thesis deals with the problems of nursing in children with diarrhoeal diseases. Diarrhoea ranks the second most common disease in children and is often the reason for hospitalization because of its serious complications. Apart from the basis disease, admission to hospital represents a huge psychical stress for both a child and a family. Handling the situation depends also on the nursing personnel in a large extent. In the theoretical part you can find the division and specification of the most common causes, symptoms and basic treatment of diarrhoea. The theory is followed by the most common nursing problems developed during the nursing of children with diarrhoreal diseases. They include dehydration, pain, disrupted dermatic integrity, hyperthermia, loss of appetite, fear and anxiety. The possible causes of the occurence of nursing problems and their following solution are practically explained there. In the empirical part we dealt with the question if the presence of company leads to the hospitalization time shortening. For this purpose ten nursing records were noted. In five records the attention is paid to children hospitalized with the company of parents and further, five records of children hospitalized without the company of a close person are taken. After the analysis of the nursing records the following hypothesis resulted. Hypothesis 1: Permanent care to the limit of two nurses positively influences the adaptation of a child. Hypothesis 2: Presence of a company in a handicapped child leads to the hospitalization time shortening. Hypothesis 3: Nurses can influence the experience of children for their lifetime by their nursing. The nursing also includes the assesment and solution of nursing diagnoses. From the analysis of nursing documentation of hospitalized children (to the age of ten), the most common nursing diagnoses occuring in children with diarrhoeal diseases resulted. The presupposed hypothesis that the most often stated nursing diagnosis is the shotage of body fluids was proved. This result includes the fact that the need of fluids in babies and toddlers is considerably higher than in children and adults. Finally, it is possible to say that the results of the thesis advert to nursing problems which are solved during the care of children with diarrhoeal diseases. They can also help nurses realize the mistakes they make during the nursing of children with diarrhoeal diseases and improve the quality of nursing these children.

Clinical information systems. Quality in clinical information systems
KÝČEK, Michal
In its theoretical part, this work deals with hospital information systems, their properties and development trends in the world, in Czech Republic and in the faculty Hospital in Plzeň in particular. A special reason for taking up this subject was the on-going transition to digital operation at the RTG departament of said hospital. Pictorial documentacion in digital form is presently becoming standard part of the medical do-cumentacion. The X-ray photographs can now be viewed at any client station of the hospital information system. As the existing stations were not originally intended for visualisation of pictorial medical documentacion, image quality tests have been carried out to determine the suitability of the station monitors for such operation. The main target of this work was to identify, using the technical tools available ath the RTG departament, a suitable image quality test, to verify its informative value and compare the existing hospital information system stations with dedicated diagnostic work station primarily intended for visualisation of medical X-ray documentation. The practical part of this work consisted of two tests using special graphic images and real patient`s X-ray picture including a specific diagnostic feature. A method of controlled interview was then used to establish the image quality and the degree of certainty with which that the doctors could identify the subject diagnostic feature. The test results were subject to statistical analysis using the linear regression analytic method whereby the informative value of the tests was determined. Finally, the operational properties of diagnostic work stations were compared to those of the hospital information system. In consideration of the small number of stations subjects to tests, the statistic analysis of this comparison was not carried out.

Perioperative nursing care from the perspective of the patient
The bachelor's thesis deals with the nursing care which is provided to the patients before, during and after the surgery until discharge to home care. In the research nurses of surgery and their cooperation in the perioperative nursing care are also included. The theoretical part is focused on the issue of the perioperative nursing care, on the preoperative preparation and the postoperative care and how the patient perceives the time just before the surgery when he/she is passed to the operating room. In the theoretical part there is also the task of the nurses included providing the perioperative care and their mutual cooperation. The first aim of the thesis was to find what is the level of continuity of the care in the perioperative time from the perspective of the patient. The other aim of the thesis was to find the cooperation of healthcare workers in the perioperative care. The survey was conducted through the qualitative research, through the method of questioning. The data collection technique were the depth individual interviews with the patients and nurses. The choice of the patients was intentional, the patients had to be after a surgery and already in home care. The choice of the nurses was intentional, too, the surgical nurses had to care for patients after surgeries, the nurse anesthetists had to work in the surgical operating theatres. The results of the survey show that in the preoperative time the patients see the biggest problem in giving lack of information about the postoperative care. In ensuring the intraoperative care the nurse anesthetist introduced herself/himself only to one patient at the first contact. In the postoperative time none of the patients were in contact with the nurse after full awakening, they only had signalling device. Further the interviews with the patients show that no patients were instructed on the first postoperative getting out of bed and further postoperative rehabilitation. Out of the results of interviews with the surgical nurses and nurse anesthetists we find out that the nurse anesthetist participates in the preoperative preparation just on the day of surgery. The problem in the cooperation of the surgical nurses and nurse anesthetists is transmission of the information and documentation during the transfer of the patient from the operating room. In the postoperative rehabilitation the nurse can cooperate with the physiotherapist but only on weekdays. The results of my bachelor's thesis could be submitted to the head nurse of the hospital but especially to the head nurses of the surgical and anestheziology department to have opportunity to agree on better cooperation and communication. Because I work in the surgical postoperative department I suppose then it would be appropriate to consult together possible improvement of providing the nursing care with the colleagues in the department throughout the perioperative period, or to organize seminars focused on the issue of nursing perioperative care. The nurses can only point out that the establishment of a sleep-in room would be a benefit both for patients and for nurses however its establishment is not real. Then my bachelor's thesis could be used as an information resource for nurses working in surgical fields.

Create a database of classifications from heterogeneous sources in an XML
Fiala, Petr ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Buchlák, Peter (referee)
The inquiry focuses on figuring out a way of creating a look-up-table database from data in XML files. Date standards created by office workers are generated into different XML files, which are described by XSD scheme.. Therefore one look-up-table corresponds to one file. Further on, it is necessary to save the data into a single database. Firstly the possible options for solutions are described, i.e. researching the possible ways of loading XML data into a database. Later on, for the most appropriate method, with regard to the conditions of the solutions and the characteristics of the task, the solution is then proposed and implemented. The final result is a functional method, which meets all the requirements of the task, together with a user manual and relevant documentation. Finally, the problems of implementation and other options for improvement of the solution are discussed.

The role of radiology assistant during the examination of kidneys by methods of nuclear medicine
Urbánková, Petra ; Špalková, Ingrid (advisor) ; Vlček, Petr (referee)
This semestral work deals with the Nuclear Medicine Methods used in Neufrourology. Methods of Nuclear Neufrourology unable to get kidney and urinary tact function information and therefore they are very often used in disease diagnosis of listed organs for both adults and children. Singular methods are complementary to Morphology Monitor Methods. Each of them has its specific asset in particular diagnosis area and that's why it is very important to judge the results of these methods always in the complex overview. The most frequently used methods at Nuclear Medicine departments are Dynamic and Static Scintigraphical Kidney and urinary tract Examination. Dynamic Scintigraphy gives information about function and drain parameter of the kidney. It is possible to judge shape, size and position of the kidney. Sometimes the method includes the Furosemid Test, Renovascular Hyperthensis Diagnosis and examination of transplanted kidney. The responsibility of radiologic attendant during the execution of these diagnostic methods consists in right, accurate and understandable instructing the person under examination, imposition of the person, setting the detector and the execution of the study right after the RF application, which is executed by a pediatrist (for children under 3 years of age) or a nurse. The radiologic...