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Application of logistics processes in online shop
MELENOVÁ, Štěpánka
The aim of this bachelor paper was to evaluate an activity of the company TV Products CZ, Ltd. during a calendar year, assess the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping from the customer's view and compare it with traditional shopping at stores. In the theoretical part, the terms of e-shop and store were explained. This part was also occupied with the e-shopping history and development. Then this part was focused on the payment methods and the level of the customer services. In the practical part, the selected company was introduced at first and then all activities from orders to goods delivery to customers were monitored. It was realized by personal visit to this company. Through this visit the shortcomings were detected and the measures which lead to improvement and customers' satisfaction were created. The company should pay attention to these shortcomings and focus on their removal

The Role of Nurse in the Prevention of Disease of Civilisation
PAVLOVÁ, Martina
The current state Prevention is a complex care of a patient when we are trying to prevent from the occurrence or development of a disease, or when we want to prevent from its consequences and mitigate them. Recommendations for prevention set by a doctor must be on a scientific basis, and they must be a part of all branches of medicine. Their effectiveness depends on the cooperation between patients and medical staff. The basic and most efficient method of prevention is the health promotion and health education, which is closely associated with it. The term health promotion involves a set of activities and precautions for the purpose of making health better and sustaining it. Diseases of civilisation (hereinafter "DoC") are groups of diseases which are distinguished by their association to our lifestyles. Human body is more and more threatened from unfavourable influences of external environment, such as the quality of atmosphere, work environment and environment itself, the lack of physical movement, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The list of diseases of civilisation varies and changes together with our society and the development of our lifestyles. Among the most common or frequent diseases of current time are cardiovascular diseases, which involve atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and obesity. Furthermore, between civilization diseases include diabetes mellitus type 2 or cancer, etc. The goal of the thesis There are two goals set for this paper. The first goal was to find out what the role of a nurse in the prevention of diseases of civilisation was. The second goal was to find out what the above mentioned role of a nurse was from the point of view of patients. Methodology For the purpose of the research part of this thesis, qualitative research using semistructured interviews was carried out. Respondents were divided into two groups; the first one consisted of eight nurses working at internal medicine and neurological department of the hospital in České Budějovice and a nurse working in a private office of a general practitioner for adult patients. The second group consisted of eight patients of the above mentioned health facilities. Results According to our findings, nurses and patients have different oppinions on the role of a nurse. Nurses in disease prevention see themselves as an equivalent to a doctor when undertaking this practice and giving guidance. The patient speaks only to the nurse who emphasized what they were told by the doctor and reiterated the main points. They make available to them leaflets and brochures or Internet resources. In contrast, most patients see a nurse as a more important source of information than the doctor. Patients have the feeling that the doctor does not have enough time or does not want to be botherd with questions. Rather the patient turns to his nurse, which they sees as more appropriate and someone to whom they can confide in without bothering. Summary The goal of the thesis was to focus on prevention, DoC, and the role of a nurse in the prevention of such diseases, as well as to study this issue, look at it from the point of view of patients and nurses via the interviews carried out in this paper, and to analyse such information. Based on this analysis are published recommendations for nurses and patients.

Inclusive education opportunities for children with physical disability in nursery schools in South Bohemian region
This thesis focuses on inclusive education of children with physical disability in nursery schools in South Bohemian region. The authoress describes in theoretic part of its thesis individual kind of congenital and acquired physical disabilities, next she compares inclusive education with integration and present situation of inclusive education in Czech Republic, including looking at this education in the past. She writes about child development in preschool age too, and this of aspect his motor and cognitive development, socialization in nursery school and about specialty children's psychology of a child with physical disability, which differs from development healthy child. In practical part the authoress concentrates on the opinions of selected educational staffs (teacher) and parents regarding this phenomenon in education. Research sample contains nine respondents, of which five teachers and four parents, for teachers were prepared eleven questions and for parents nine. She used as a method of research semi structured interview, that she could ask for details and digress from prearranged question. The authoress wanted to know with this research, if these two groups would be willing to support this education and what they are the reasons for this. Next she ascertained attitudes of parents of children with physical disability and benefit of this education for children with physical disability and for other children, healthy. She donated to compare these opinions between educational staffs and parents too. Finally, she tries to compare opinions between educational staff and parent from one nursery school.

The reflection of František Bakule's work in a relation to a current special educational practice
František Bakule was a significant Czech teacher during the first half of the 20th century. He was known as the first director of the "Jedlicka Institute in Prague" as well as the founder of so-called "Bakule´s Institute" as well as one of the few representatives of the "Czech alternative approach towards education" which is very well recognized all around the world. His legacy and teachings, however, are currently not being developed on the systematic level and neither they are being put into practise by Czech professional mainstream educational community. We also need to mention that is not used by even the stream of special education, in contrast to many foreign alternative pedagogical trends, which are gaining popularity and are generally applied with success. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyse the work of Frantisek Bakule through the prism of contemporary school educational environment with emphasis on the education of students with disabilities. The first chapter is devoted to outlining the life journey of Frantisek Bakule, particularly focusing on the major milestones that influenced the formation of his personality, his ideas, inspiration and motivation which was reflected in his teachings and then in his very own coherent concept of education. To be specific, we are introduced to his family background and a significant part is then devoted to description of Frantisek´s experience as a teacher, including stages of operating in Jedlicka´s Institute and in his own "Bakule´s institute". The second part is then focused solely on Bakule´s specific educational concept. First, the core principles of the concept are defined. Later parts then talk about Bakule´s original curriculum and a his proposal of an ideal classroom environment. The text also contains a detailed description of how Bakule approached several subjects, which were at the core of his teaching concept, namely "Work activities", "Music education" and "Arts". Original teaching practices are analysed by using current teaching methodology and terminology. Due to the identified aim and goals of the thesis, the third chapter analyses the current concept of education of the above, according to Bakule´s core areas and principles. The text is designed specifically to be subsequently reflecting the work of Frantisek Bakule from the perspective of today's teaching methods, namely the methods of special education. The idea is to define common points and possible differences and uncover hidden inspirational potential, which is then the main content of the fourth and final chapter. Based on the analysis and all its subsequent reflections, the final chapter tells us that although Bakule´s educational goals don´t differ too significantly from the current concept embedded in the relevant framework of educational programs, to achieve such goals we are currently using very different techniques and methods in comparison to Bakule´s ways. Even though Bakule himself tested and verified all of his concepts in practice, which can be very simply described as "do not teach students about life and work, but through life and work", and these concepts also have been proven correct by various subsequent results of psychological researches, the current system still doesn´t draw from them too much. From all the above it is quite obvious that the legacy of life´s work of Frantisek Bakule is currently not utilized nor it is being appreciated by our professional pedagogical community. On the other hand, we need to note that it may also be due to the level of fragmentation in which his concept and materials were preserved to the present days.

A historical view of the army nurse profession.
The thesis deals with the profession of a military nurse. We can assert that the official study of military, non-medical health-care related qualifications and its use in practice not only for military purposes dates back to the fifties of the last century. However, women as health care professionals, consequently in uniforms, have always been an actual issue. The development of health care activities always existed, however, we must not neglect influence of scientific and medical findings. The historical timeline of development of medical care in the battle field was recorded and ranges from pre-historical healing. The way of Christian medicine was negatively influenced by the Catholic Church. The dark period of the Middle Ages had actually wrested medical performance from the hands of specialists and the suffering were left to the "tender" mercies of the priests. The following part of the thesis concerns modern medicine where enlightenment reforms were exercised. Some of the original six-month courses for military surgeons were organised in this period of time; they weretransformed into Military Surgical Academy, out of which the famous Josefinum originated. A expression of humanity which supported a form of health care of war veterans was demonstrated by constructing buildings for invalid people. The second half of the nineteenth century is characterized by the phenomenon of the presence of nuns in military hospitals. This study goes further in depth of professionally organized healthcare right in the battle field, which dates back from the era of wars in the Crimea.This stage describes the transformation of caring into nursing which requires the necessity of specialized preparation of persons providing nursing practice. In addition, Henry Dunant engraved himself into the history of the profession of a nurse, as the founder of the Red Cross, who first trained health care professionals for working within armed intentions of the state. The continuation of this action sketches out the process of providing first aid in principal armed conflicts of the twentieth century. It describes the functioning of commander operated military health service of that time. WWI drove Czech medical staff to both sides of the front where they provided medical help to the injured. Nurses of the WWII already performed their duties in uniforms as the rightful members of the army. The thesis also mentions post-war usage of military health care professionals in secret foreign missions and their specialized erudition.Last but not least, it marginally discusses contemporary possibilities of modern health care service of the Army of the Czech Republic. The goal of the endeavours of writing this thesis was to chart out clearly the development of the profession of a military nurse within the historical context, focusing mainly on women coming from Czech regions. In order to make the history background concerning specific female participants of the world war conflicts understandable to the reader, this paper reports, in broader extension, peculiar medical and nursing findings, already from the era of prehistoric civilisations. The history study method were applied for the purpose of the theoretical thesis. The methodology is based on searching, studying, sorting and the consecutive systematic objective describing of the events from the past times with the intention to propose comprehensive report on the subject given. It was necessary to study inexhaustible amount of sources to obtain awareness of historical connections. Factual information was derived by analysing of primary and mainly secondary documents. The thesis sketches out histories of military health care and the profession of a military health care professional stemmed from the exploration of appropriate written sources and conclusion of the basic findings. The intentions of the work are not only to clarify the past but also to contribute to solutions of every-day issues.

Nursing care in a hygienic and epidemiological regime from the patient's perspective.
Considering contemporary lifestyle and possibility of travelling imported infections accrued and some illnesses come back that have not occurred nearly at us more. Not only haemorrhagic fevers and other highly infectious illnesses but also hospital multiresistant bacterial strains that mean high risk for patients constitute a threat. The number of nosocomial infectious grows still. The patient is in the case of suspicion or already diagnosed infectious illness isolated and treated in the infectious department or in the tribal department in the room with increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime. The patient is saved in a single room, the possibility of visits is reduced and the staff uses personal protective equipment. The man is holistic being and it can come due to isolation to lack of satisfaction of his/her bio-psycho-social needs. The aim of this thesis is to identify unsatisfied bio-psycho-social needs of patients in increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime and to describe changes in needs of the patient depending on the time of hospitalisation. The theoretic part describes the problematics of infectious illnesses, system of the care for the patient with infectious illness and changes in human needs in the period of the illness. The empiric part of the thesis deals with unsatisfied bio-psycho-social needs of isolated individual through quantitative research. The research suite was made up of 10 patients who were hospitalised in the room with increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime. The survey was carried out in the Hospital Jihlava by semistructured interview and the results of the survey were processed by opened coding by method paper and pencil. It is emphasized that the most needs of the patient have biological, psychical, social and even spiritual aspects. The rate of satisfaction with caregiving depends on the health condition and personality of the patient. Not small influence has the length of the hospitalisation, too. It was found out during the survey that the patients have not enough information about specifics of the care in the infectious department and that is why there is often a misunderstanding of necessity of barrier measures. It is possible to avoid useless misunderstanding through timely and suitable education. It was created an educational material with the title "Guide for patients hospitalised in the infectious department of Hospital Jihlava" for this purpose. Employees of the infectious department of Hospital Jihlava were informed with results of the research during a workshop, too.

The need for security and safety in connection with a planned surgery with the patient's perspective and nurses
BOHDALOVÁ, Jaroslava
A planned operation performance always affects patient´s needs for assurance and safety. It is important to provide necessary information connected with the planned operation performance itself so that the patient can feel assure and safe. The key role for the patient and her/his needs for assurance and safety is in general nurse´s hands because she is the closest person to the patient and can help to inspire her/his needs for assurance and safety with konfidence best through the aid of her knowledge and skills that she should have as well as through the aid of her attitudes. The target of the thesis was to find out how a planned operation performance affects patient´s needs for assurance and safety and how a general nurse inspires patient´s needs for assurance and safety connected with a planned operation performance with confidence. The following research questions were stated: How does a planned operation performance affect patient´s needs for assurance and safety? How does a general nurse affect patient´s needs for assurance and safety connected with a planned operation performance to inspire her/him with confidence? What is insufficient in filling patient´s needs for assurance and safety before a planned operation performance? How can a general nurse help a patient control her/his fear and state of anxiety related to a planned operation performance? The method qualitative research with the use of depth interview was used to figure out the investigation. The respondents were willing to record the interview which were verbally rewritten and then subjected to the contents analysis by the method paper and pencil. From the research it is clear that a planned operation performance affects patient´s needs for assurance and safety in a negative way disregarding to her/his previous experience. Patient´s worries and negative feelings can be eliminated by a general nurse who treats her/him as equal, taking up an individual approach, informing her/him about all performances and proceedings, having a calming and welcoming way of communication, using empathy and listening as well as trying to meet patient´s wishes according to her possibilities. The research reveals the advantage of patients´ readiness for planned operation performances. Patients can learn it in the framework of educational proceeding in the out-patients´ department at the same time when they learn that they are going to be operated. The research also shows that general nurses do not have enough knowledge in the sphere of therapeutical communication. The results indicate that it would be suitable to start educating patients as soon as it is known how their disease will be solved and treated in order to reduce the negative impact of surgical treatment to patients´ needs for assurance and safety. General nurses should complete their knowledge and skills to be able to help patients to cope with their difficult life-situation. On the basis of the research investigation and after the consultation with the senior nursing officer, the training course will be organized. The topic of the training course will concentrate on communication with patients before planned operation performances with a view to therapeutical communications and therapeutical interviews. Other discovered facts, for example, the lack of information provided to patients and possibilities regarding better patients´ readiness for planned operation performances will surely be solved by the hospital management.

Smoking in restaurants in the center of Pilsen
The topic of this diploma thesis is ´Smoking in restaurant facilities in Pilsen city center´. Smoking in restaurant facilities harms not only their visitors but especially their employees. This group of citizens becomes passive smokers for the entire working time which may have negative health consequences. The main goal of this thesis was to map out the problem of smoking in restaurant facilities from their employee´s point of view. Three research questions have been determined towards fulfilling this goal. The research was implemented with the help of qualitative survey. Semi-structured in-depth interview was carried out with 13 respondents who had been chosen through the snowball sampling method. Information was evaluated through the open coding method and it has responded to the research questions. The first research question - What are the smoking habits of smoking restaurant facility employees? The research has proven that the amount of cigarettes smoked by the smoking restaurant facility employees has raised. The second research question - How do the employees of smoking restaurant facilities perceive the risk of passive smoking? Respondent´s answers have provn that they do not perceive passive smoking to be a risk factor which might harm their health. Only a minor part of respondents minds working in a smoking environment. The third research question was put this way: What is the attitude of employees in smoking restaurant facilities towards the new planned anti-smoking legislation? The research has proven that most respondents does not wish the acceptance of smoking prohibition in restaurant facilities. The reasons are concerns for their jobs, decrease in revenue, refusal of prohibition in general ort he fact that they themselves are smokers. Only a small number of respondent sis acutally concerned about their health and would welcome an amendment to the Act. A short intervention was carried out with the respondents within the research, which was supposed to inform the employees of restaurant facilities about the risks of passive smoking. The research has proven that employees of smoking restaurant facilities do not perceive the risk of passive smoking really. They are often exposed to tobacco smoke even in their leisure time. The most effective prevention may be ensured by politicians who would enforce a stricter legislation.

Narcolepsy and other seizure disorders
The thesis deals with the issue of seizure disorders from the perspective of special neurology. In terms of content, it is focuses on two major areas. The first part is theoretical in nature and has descriptions of the individual disorders, their clinical manifestations, diagnoses and current treatments. It is focused on the following seizure disorder group with regard to one of the objectives of the work: epilepsy, tetany, Meniere's syndrome, migraine and more specifically narcolepsy. These findings are supplemented with information on current knowledge regarding the treatment and diagnoses of these diseases, which make the lives of thus disables people very difficult and prevent them from leading their lives the way they could if they were in full health. The aim of the work is not just a theoretical description of the currently available knowledge of these diseases from literature, but also a practical confrontation thereof from experiences, which in this case result from the true stories of people suffering from seizure disorders. A specific seizure disorder has been selected for this second part of my thesis, which needs to be talked about more in order to become better known. It is a disorder that is interchangeable with regard to its symptoms, which are similar to other disorders, and it is difficult to diagnose or is only diagnosed after an inconveniently long time - i.e. Narcolepsy . The thesis therefore deals with the issue of narcolepsy in most detail, with regard to the practical focus in the next section, where in addition to aforementioned basic knowledge, the author describes the activities and the importance of sleep laboratories and centres as institutions involved in treatment. In order to penetrate into the issue of this disorder even more deeply, she adds the aforementioned anonymous stories of people affected in this way. This part is also complemented with illustrative images of the sleep laboratory and the stories of these people as a better visual complement of the thesis for the reader. A descriptive analysis (comparison) of each symptom was chosen as a comparative method of the aforementioned thesis objective (to compare the theoretically given symptoms of narcolepsy with the symptoms of individuals suffering from this disease), in which the goal was to choose the common symptoms these people which make their lives difficult and compare these data with information (symptoms of narcolepsy) found in contemporary literature. In conclusion, we visit the most important information from scientific literature, the views of the professional community on the current research and studies on narcolepsy, i.e. the specifically examined causal links of applying the Pandemrix vaccine (against swine flu) and narcolepsy and a summary of the results of other studies investigating the etiology of this disease. The aim of this section is to present the reader with, and identify, the current developments in narcolepsy research. An evaluation of the historical development of interest in sleep disorders and an evaluation of the conclusions drawn by comparing symptoms specified in professional literature on narcolepsy with actual symptoms of people suffering from this disease are also included. The aim is to provide the reader with a bio-psycho-social view of a person with this disease, which is not always emphatically discussed in every piece of professional literature. The result of the entire thesis is a summary of the current state of knowledge of these diseases and a reflection on the research of the current possible causes of narcolepsy. It continues to compare the theoretical background of the narcolepsy disorder with the experience of living with this disease, including stories of selectively chosen individuals suffering from narcolepsy.

Genetic eye diseases in dogs
Šmejkalová, Barbora ; Hofmanová, Barbora (advisor)
Eye diseases in dogs are often very similar to humans eye disease. Eye diseases are becoming more common in pure breed of dogs, therefore it is important to take them into consideration, particularly when we are crossing the parent generation. In the first part is explained in detail and illustrated anatomy of the eye, including images and photographs. In the next part, there are described various eye diseases, namely cataract, glaucoma, hereditary diseases of the retina, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA). For each disease is described, how it is possible to diagnose the disease, how it progress, what is its connection with genetic and possible treatment alternatives. In closing there are tables and graphs showing the frequency of occurrence of a specific disease either from an overall perspective or from the perspective of individual breeds.