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Film induced tourism
Čepková, Petra ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Kalábová, Markéta (referee)
The master thesis deals with new phenomenon in tourism film induced tourism. The main objective of the master thesis is to characterize film induced tourism which could be used as a tool to increase the attendance of the destination where the film was shot. Next main objective of the thesis is evaluation of film induced tourism in Europe, more precisely in Great Britain and Northern Ireland where the film induced tourism is at relatively advanced level. The master thesis is divided into the eight main chapters. The first part briefly defines term tourism, its importance and tips related to the place of realization. In the second chapter there is described management of destination, following with marketing direction in the fourth chapter. In the fifth part, there is definition of film-induced tourism, related history, supply, the opportunities of marketing promotion and typology of the film induced tourist. Next parts of thesis show significance and efficiency of film induced tourism, film induced tourism in Czech Republic and in the Europe where the main attention was focused on Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The last chapter refers to own research where the potential of film induced tourism was investigated by using quantitative and qualitative methods from respondents which were based in Czech Republic.

International trade with fresh fruit and vegetables
Laketić, Aleksandar ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Halík, Jaroslav (referee)
The main goal of my Master´s thesis is to evaluate dynamic environment of international trade with fresh fruit and vegetables. In the first part of my thesis I analyzed importance of the production of fresh fruit and vegetables for economies of selected countries. Next I had described the trade flows and patterns. In the second part I made a characterization of payment terms and trade negotiations in the context of international trade with fresh fruit and vegetables. Furthermore I made an analysis of import and export rules and regulations of the EU. Based on this analysis I came to general conclusions on the trade policies of countries and communities. In the last part of my thesis I applied findings from the previous parts on the analysis of two cases. The first analyzed case is the situation of imports of Chinese pomelo to the EU, with regards to maximal residue levels of pesticides. Second analyzed case is the situation of South African citruses imported to the EU, with regards to the problematic of citrus black spots.

Czech administrative justice from the viewpoint of comparison with French and German system
Kukačová, Sára ; Matula, Miloš (advisor) ; Louda, Tomáš (referee)
Diploma thesis is devoted to the theme of Czech administrative justice, its current form and comparison with chosen models of European administrative justice, that is with French and German model. Goal of the thesis is on the basis of description and analysis of these models of administrative justice to get the comparison and evaluation of the differences and positive and negative elements of chosen models in relation to Czech system of administrative justice. The first part focuses on rather theoretical side and the introduction to this problem. Fundamental terms and characteristics are described and the concept of administrative justice is put to a broader scope. There is also mentioned the historical development of administrative justice in the Czech lands from year 1848 until the present day. The second part is devoted to the study of specific current legislation of chosen countries - Czech Republic, France and Germany. On this foundation is in the closing part accomplished the analysis and comparison of particular systems of administrative justice together with stating their mutual positives and negatives.

Documentation of the nature reserve Miletinska bazantnice (Czech Republic)
Stejskalová, Klára ; Skalický, Milan (advisor) ; Martinková, Jaroslava (referee)
The aim of this study is to document the floristic species diversity through research in the natural reserve Miletinska bazantnice. Documentation was carried out on the territory concerned during the growing season of 2015. There was a determination of vascular species. The research was mainly focused on endangered and protected species. The whole area is part of sites of European importance under the Habitats Directive Natura 2000 Miletinska bazantnice was declared a nature reserve in 1954 with an area of 75, 43 hectares and is part of a small-scale specially protected area. Typical features of the area are remnants of natural Podzvicinsko geobiocenosis and therefore the reason for its protection. Further it describes the history, characteristics of the territory and the natural conditions that are typical for the locality. These include soil science, climate, hydrological, geomorphological, geological and phytogeographical. On the territory of the nature reserve are recorded two memorial trees. It´s oaks (Quercus robur) called Zizkovy duby. At present territories were found in protected and endangered species and classified under the Red and black list of vascular plants of the Czech Republic (Grulich, 2012) and Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic no. 395/1992 Coll. Into the category of rare taxa that require additional attention include species such as Carex otrubae, Cerastium lucorum, Daphne mezereum, Galium boreale, Listera ovata and Primula veris. The only species Platanthera bifolia is ranked in the category of endangered under both the Red and black list of vascular plants in the Czech Republic and under Decree. In the field survey, attention was also paid to invasive species, sorted by Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (Pyšek et al., 2012) and categorized archeophytes (Arctium tomentosum, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Chelidonium majus) and neophytes (Arrhenatherum elatius, Impatiens parviflora) and described their risks (Mlíkovský and Stýblo, 2006)

Evaluation of the European Cohesion Policy in Selected Region
Podzimková, Ivana ; Tomšík, Karel (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The diploma's thesis is aiming to evaluate European policy of social cohesion and its growth options in the selected region. The evaluation is connected to the Elbe cycle route and it is based on analyses. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the subject of European policy of social cohesion while defining its legislation and framework of the legislation. It also defines the embodiment of regional politics within legislation of the local government i.e. the Czech Republic. Analyses of the development of the selected project i.e. the Elbe cycle route and its impact on Hradec Kralove district will be dealt with in the practical part of the thesis. Business results of entities participating on the Elbe cycle route project will be gathered and used in order to evaluate selected indicators. Final assessment will be based on benchmarking. Method of comparison, analyses and syntheses will be used to evaluate gathered data. Applicable data will be gathered by research of related literature. Information will be also provided by the executive entities connected to the project, regional websites focussed on cycle tourism and by the town of Smiřice. Data gathered by the entities that cooperate on supervision of the Elbe cycle route project will be used for the statistic assessment.

Nutritional analysis and optimization of breeding of selected species of edible insects under conditions of the Czech Republic with regard to human health
Adámková, Anna ; Kouřimská, Lenka (advisor)
All over the world, the edible insects are considered a highly nutritious food with high protein and fat content. However, the nutritional value of insect is not constant. It can be affected by species, developmental stage, rearing technology or nutrition. Therefore, this thesis was aimed at obtaining the selected nutritional value of edible insects. Analyses were focused on the determination of the crude protein content, fat content, fatty acid profile and sterols in selected species of edible insects, which can be commonly reared in the Czech Republic. At the same time we also analysed samples of insects reared on the island of Sumatra to evaluate the influence of the climate on the nutritional value. The main aim of the thesis was the determination of optimal breeding conditions, developmental stages and feed rations for obtaining good production of insects with nutritional properties suitable for human nutrition. The analyses showed a high nutritional value of selected insect species, but also confirmed the significant differences in the content of individual nutrients between different species depending on the climate conditions and developmental stage. Comparing the fat and crude protein content in edible insects and other conventional sources of meat it has been found, that the examined insect is similar to beef concerning the fat and crude protein content. The results obtained are the basis for determining the appropriate rearing conditions and developmental stages for obtaining insect with the desired nutritional properties for human nutrition.

Ratings business accounts
The diploma thesis is focused on using methods of multiple criteria decision making, in this case about business accounts. In theoretical part is described the banking systém of Czech republic, then methods of multiple criteria evaluation.The basic aim of this work was to evaluate the order of business accounts in terms of advantageousness, which are offered by banks on the banking market in the Czech republic. The sectional aim of this work is to get known with the problems of optimal choice of business accounts for a certain group of consumers, which in this case are small businesses. Before choosing a new business account it is always necessary to carefully explore banking market and its offers of business accounts. The important part of this thesis is that the certain client has to consider his preferences before we use quantitative methods. In this diploma thesis has also done a survey about the evaluation of business accounts. Then there are compared results of using methods of multiple criteria evaluation of the survey and model client. In conclusion, the results are described in the order of banking products from the best to the worst business account.

Vývoj ekonomiky České republiky v 1. pololetí 2014
Český statistický úřad
První polovina roku 2014 zastihla ekonomiku České republiky ve fázi solidního oživování, které přišlo po dvou letech trvající recese. HDP rostl v obou čtvrtletích 2014 v meziročním vyjádření více než dvakrát tak rychle oproti jeho přírůstku za EU 28.
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Vývoj ekonomiky České republiky v 1. čtvrtletí 2014
Český statistický úřad
Česká ekonomika v prvních třech měsících roku 2014 opět vzrostla. Hrubý domácí produkt (HDP) se proti stejnému období předchozího roku zvýšil o 2,5 %, nejvíce za poslední tři roky.
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Vývoj ekonomiky České republiky v 1. až 3. čtvrtletí 2014
Český statistický úřad
Ekonomika ČR, která se ve 2.čtvrtletí 2013 vymanila z recese, v průběhu roku 2014 dále ožívala . Její výkonnost se zvyšovala – měřeno mezi čtvrtletní změnou hrubého domácího produktu (HDP) – po celý rok bez výjimky.
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