National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  previous11 - 15  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Management of agricultural landscape and its impact on ion concentrations in running water
The aim of this thesis was to compare chemical and physical parameters of surface water drainage patterns in Novohradské mountains and identify the possible impact of agriculture on the values of these parameters. Were used data for 2015 and 2016. Sampling sites include agriculturally cultivated land, but also forest ecosystems. The work is mainly focused on the following parameters: conductivity, pH, alkalinity, NO3-N and PO4-P, which are parameters causing eutrophication of water. The difference between the upper closures flows in forest ecosystems and lower closures flows near the agriculturally cultivated land has been contradictory. Conductivity values clearly showed that agricultural activity deteriorating water quality because conductivity at lower closures flows was sometimes three times higher than conductivity in the forest ecosystems, but for example, the value of PO4-P concentrations were higher at the upper closures flows, ie in forest ecosystems.
Long-term trends in water chemistry and matter flows of three watersheds due to their management.
The diploma thesis is based on long-term monitoring of small watersheds in the Šumava region, differences and trends in the water chemistry in the years 1998 - 2015 and the differences in water balance and erosion of solutes in the years 2008 2015 are evaluated. Comparing average rainfall-runoff relationship on the catchments revealed little difference between the basins of the Horský (wetland) stream (runs off 37 %) and Bukový (forest) stream (32 %), while the basin of Mlýnský (drained pasture) creek runs off 60 % of incident precipitation. Basin of drained pastures Mlýnský - showed worsening of the parameters, which are expressed in lower proportion of water retained in the basin and also a higher proportion of dissolved solids in the effluent water. This corresponds to the overall erosion of substances from the basin, which is evident from the results, both forest and wetland basin matters detained while the drained basin is losing them for a long time. Only in the case of nitrate, ammonia, Ca2+ and Mg2+ loads from the forest and wetland basin are three times lower than the load from the drained pastures. For PO43- it is about one third less and in the case of SO42-, Cl-, K+ and Na+ it is about one half less.
Long-term hydroecological monitoring in the Krkonoše Mts
Tesař, Miroslav ; Šír, Miloslav
The cloud and fog water deposition proved to be important delivery mechanism for both water and pollutants in mountainous headwater regions. A fogwater study has been conducted in the Krkonoše Mts. since 1999 till the present time. The sampling site for the observation and evaluation occult precipitation in the Western region was established in the Modrý potok basin (1010–1554 m a.s.l., 2.62 km2) at the highest point of the watershed (passive cloud and fog water collector) while the bulk precipitation and throughfall samplers were installed near to the closure profile of the basin. Rain gauges are evenly situated at six altitudes of the watershed (from 1020 to 1365 m a. s. l.). In the Eastern region the both passive and active collectors were installed close to the Labská bouda chalet (1325 m a.s.l). The active collector (Eigenbrodt, Germany) is operated automatically by the PWD-11 sensor (Vaisala, Finland). Collected samples were stored in polyethylene bottles and transported as soon as possible to the laboratories of the Czech Geological Survey and Geological Institute of ASCR to the chemical analyses. The results for 1999–2011 will be presented in this article. A wide range of concentrations were encountered, most typically exceeding concentrations occurring in rain (so-called enrichment factors were evaluated) and the estimated wet deposition of the most important chemical compounds were calculated and compared with respect to weighted means of bulk precipitation collected in the open area. Based on the model predictions and on the water balance of the forest canopy the annual occult precipitation total for the Krkonoše Mts. was estimated by 20–25 % of the annual falling precipitation total. The research is supported by the Czech Science Foundation (205/09/1918).
Relationship between chemistry of surface water and geological environment in the forest catchment LIZ in the Šumava Mts
Škoda, S. ; Váchal, J. ; Dumbrovský, M. ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Váchalová, R.
More then 20 years the chemistry of surface water has been observed within GEOMON project in the Zdíkov region in the Šumava Mts. The knowledge of composition and chemistry of geological environment is very important for assessment of input and output of matter to/from this catchment. The geological underground has been make up of migmatitize biotitic and sillimanit-biotitic paragneises of Šumava Moldanubicum. Soils, represented by oligotrophic and oligomezotrophic cambisoils, are very acid, sorption unsaturated. Their silicate buffering system significantly contributes to decrease leaching of calcium, manganese, chlorine and total aluminum, and so to reduction of intensity weathering of rocks.
Spring fen vegetation in west Bohemian spring fen area
This thesis is about vegetation and water chemistry of thirty spring fens in West Bohemia. The aim of this work is to find out if there are any relationships between vegetation and water chemistry in the studied area. To investigate it, at each locality one fytosociological relevé of size 4 x 4 m was made and in autumn was taken one water sample.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 15 records found   previous11 - 15  jump to record:
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