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Vliv konstrukce odhrnovaček na odpor pluhu
Opluštil, Adam
In the theoretical part, the construction of soil preparing machines is discussed, in particular the construction of ploughs is described and the construction of machines for minimizing soil preparing is also described. The practical part dealt with the investigation of two types of plough mouldboards. The first type of design is the standard mouldboard and the second type is the slatted mouldboard. The content of the work was, among other things, to determine which type of construction exerts more resistance on the whole plough. Pöttinger SERVO 45 M PLUS and SERVO 45 M PLUS NOVA ploughs were used for the measurements. Both ploughs were 4-radial reversible so that the results could be compared. A Zetor Forterra 150 HD tractor with a power of 95 kW (129,2 hp) was used as the tractive power source. The field measurement, which took place from 9 August to 11 August 2021, took place in the municipality of Sebranice u Skalice nad Svitavou. The approximately 10 ha of land where the measurements were carried out consisted of brown earth with a humus content of 2,5 %. Furthermore, measuring sections of 50 m length were marked out. During the measurements, data were collected on: time taken to pass the measuring sections, pulling power, fuel consumption, soil compaction and plough depth and width. Fuel consumption was measured with mass flow meters. To measure the specific resistance of the plough, the plough system was pulled by a second tractor. The tractor was a John Deere 8330 tractor with a power of 254 kW (330 hp). The connection between the two tractors was provided by a rope with an embedded Hottinger strain gauge force transducer that was placed in the hitch of the pulling tractor. The condition for calculating the plough resistance was to find the rolling resistance out, which was then subtracted from the tractive force. The results indicated that the average percentage difference between the specific resistances of the ploughs was almost 4,7 % with the standard mouldboard (68.47 kPa) having a higher specific resistance than the slatted mouldboard (65.40 kPa). This suggests that in heavier soils it is economically more advantageous to use a plough with a slatted mouldboard, which has less resistance.
Analýza vlivu půdní injektáže na stabilitu a vitalitu stromů
Kyslík, Ondřej
The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of air injection on the stability and vitality of the tree. The measurement was performed on three individuals of the species Tilia cordata Mill. Based on the data measured using pulling tests, a safety factor was calculated for each tree before and after soil injection. No significant changes were observed among the safety factors, and it can be confirmed that in this case the air injection treatment had no influence on the stability of the examined trees.
Průzkum půd z hlediska degradace půdní struktury a stavby s využitím penetrometrie pro vybranou oblast
POLAN, Tomáš
The diploma thesis deals with soil degradation, individual degradation processes and examines the soil structure in the selected area. Two research technologies were chosen for the processing of the work, one of them is the measurement of soil com-paction by pedometric means and the other is the analysis of soil samples taken using Kopecky rollers to determine the water retention capacity, porosity and aera-tion of the soil. In the selected area, two soil cultivation methods are compared with each other, soil cultivation technology with plowing and soil cultivation technology without plowing. At the end of the work, the results of the investigation will be summarized and procedures recommended for reducing degradation effects on the soil.
Methodological tasks of livestock density in pastures and etological observation of cattle in pasture
The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to design suitable ways of expressing the load of grazing areas and monitoring cattle during grazing with regard to the condition of pastures. These goals were achieved on the basis of one-year monitoring and analysis of pasture on the monitored pastures. At the same time, when monitoring the botanical composition of pastures, the behavior of cattle on pasture and its influence on pasture and soil compaction were monitored.
Porovnání utužení půdy na zemědělském pozemku v závislosti na použité technologii jejího zpracování
MACH, Václav
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of soil degradation by compaction and with the influence of different method of cultivation on pedocompaction. It describes the problem of soil compaction, origin of this degradation, its impacts and whether it is possible to prevent the compaction or eliminate it afterwards. It also deals with description of measuring device which is able to find out the figures of penetrometric resistance of soil and its moistness. The thesis also closely describes individual work operations that have been done on the land. The tillage is analysed in detail because it is the system of cultivation that can highly influence the compaction. The most commonly used systems of soil cultivation are mentioned with their advantages and disadvantages. The experiment in the diploma thesis deals with the influence of soil compaction using different technology in its process. The field experiment took place on a trial field that was divided into two parts in terms of tillage. The first part was used for ploughing within three years and on the other ploughing was replaced by loosening. After collecting necessary data their evaluation took place. The figures of penetrometric resistance and soil moisture are summarized in tables and plotted in graphs for better interpretation.
Comparison of plowing and no-till tillage
DOLEJŠÍ, Přemysl
This final thesis deals with the comparison of plowing and non-plowing soil tillage. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes soil properties and importance of soil cultivation. Following is a presentation and description of selected technologies of soil cultivation. The practical part presents the measurement results. It was investigated whether this or that technology was more cost-effective and how different processing would affect soil compaction. The results are presented for the sake of clarity through tables and graphs.
Návrh přípravku k testování utužení půdy na univerzálním zkušebním stroji
The aim of the work was to produce a functional fixture for soil compaction testing on a universal testing machine. Above all, the question was whether the testing fixture could withstand the forces acting on the soil on a testing machine.In the theoretical part of the thesis is generally described soil compaction and how to prevent it. Further, there are described other instruments by which we can determine the soil firmness, from a simple spade test to more complex electronic instruments. This section also describes the universal testing machine.The practical part describes the production of the soil compaction test and the production costs are recorded in the table. The device is shown in the drawings for a better idea. The course of the experiment, individual measurements and repetitions are described. The results for better clarity are shown in the graphs.
Experimentální stanovení vybraných fyzikálních parametrů půd pro potřeby počítačového modelování utužení půd v důsledku pojezdu zemědělské techniky.
HALÍŘ, Vladimír
The aim of the thesis was to experimentally determine the selected physical parameters of soil samples with the output of data usable for the needs of computer modeling and simulation of soil compaction as a result of soil loading by agricultural machinery. Output data should be expediently consolidated according to the proposed primary data synthesis proposals, taking into account the obviousness and clarity of the operating influences useful under normal agricultural practice. The practical part deals with the diagnosis of relevant factors determining and affecting the technological and consistency properties of soil samples with a focus on the content factor of the added organic soil organic matter. The output of the thesis is both the raw data of the model sample series in the form of graphical dependencies of the selected specification factors within the range of the defined intervals, as well as the outline of the design of a range of cooperative interconnections with the possibility of data evaluation, with the support of a sophisticated program for the creation of computer multiphysical simulations such as COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS?.
The employment of cone penetrometer to detect soil compaction in a model area
Plasová, Marie ; Chuman, Tomáš (advisor) ; Vlček, Lukáš (referee)
There are some authors who claim that the soil is one of the nonrenewable resources, because pedogenesis is thousand-years-long process. Unfortunately, natural features of soil are often degraded - the mechanism of this is describe below in this work. The thesis focuses on one of the soil degradation processes - pedocompaction in context of intensive agriculture. It is much better to prevent the soil compaction then to try to fix it afterwards; the price is high and the soil after land development is still not as good as it originally was. In this work we used a model area in Kleneč in an attempt to examine the relationship between a colored mosaic seen on the ortophoto with data on profile depth gained from terrain measuring using cone penetrometer. The results were analyzed statistically using Spearman correlation coefficient and regression analysis. Their results are somewhat contradictious: the correlation is 37, 6 % with p-value 0,44 and the regression is 6,55 % with p-value 0,18. The reason could be that the relationship between the phenomena is non-linear. For clearer conclusion, it would be better to do more analysis on the field and in the laboratory as well. Key words: soil degradation, soil compaction, pedocompaction, penetrometer
Sledování utužení půdy na daném pozemku
In the thesis is discussed problem with soil compaction in the agriculture in the Czech Republic, causing of aspects of this phenomenon as well as a method suppressing this phenomenon and prevent its. In this work are also mentioned machinery and equipment and their possibilities editing to reduce the compression of the soil. There are also the results of field measurements, which were carried out during the season on land that has been processed by different technology in several of its parts and other measurements carried out occasionally in the Czech Republic to observe the state of soil compaction.

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