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The effectiveness of aids for incontinence patients in aftercare
This thesis deals with the effectiveness of use of aids intended for incontinent ill people in subsequent care. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and experience part. The experience part of the thesis has been implemented by means of qualitative research. The data have been obtained on the basis of two different half pen and paper interviews with patients/clients who are using incontinence aids prescribed by a doctor on a coupon or by a matron or a ward sister from the subsequent care department in hospitals with the state-funded organization and in hospitals with the joint-stock company organization. The result of the qualitative research showed, that both groups of respondents use mostly only plastic pants or nappies out of the whole assortment of aids. For patients/clients living at home the reason is that on the basis of anamnesis the general doctors prescribe the incontinence aids only in the most serious incontinence cases. At the subsequent care department the situation is caused by a big number of immobile fully incontinent patients/clients. The results show, that the quantity of absorb aids prescribed by general doctors is insufficient. It does not reach the quantity limits given in the documents by VZP (Public Health Insurance Company). Taking into consideration the low income of seniors, the respondents have to pay considerable amounts of money for incontinence aids which are necessary for them. There is an absolute lack of absorption aids in the hospital with the state funded organization. The incontinence aids are financed by three different ways. Patients/clients themselves have to get and pay the absorption aids at the Geriatrics department I and subsequent care department 2. The hospital provides them only with one-off mats and hygienic aids free of charge. The reason for this is a low limit of material. The respondents regard this system of financing negatively. It burdens patients/clients and nurses too. If patients/clients do not have the aids, the hospital has to lend the aids, make a list of debts and collects them back. On this account conflict situations often arise in families. At these departments there are reserved five social beds which enable patients/clients the prescription of aids by a doctor on a coupon likewise the patients who are ill and cure at home. At the stopgap department patients/clients pay a monthly fee; this includes the costs on incontinence aids too. At the subsequent care department 2A, B of the hospital with the join-stock company organization the aids are fully paid by the hospital. There is available a sufficient assortment and quantity of absorb and hygienic aids, which enable an individual attitude.
Nurse?s role in the care of patiens suffering from disfunction of lower urinary tract.
The role of a nurse in the care of patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract is one of the most urgent topics of modern urology, gynaecology and neurology. With regard to the latest results of epidemiological studies pointing out high prevalence in the population this problem has been in the centre of attention recently. Dysfunction of lower urinary tract is defined as a complex of symptoms. A quantitative research was performed to obtain the necessary information, employing the method of questioning with the technique of non-standardized interview. 8 patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract and 8 nurses working at urological wards and outpatient departments in the South Bohemian Region were invited to participate. The following goals were set to obtain the necessary information: 1. To find out how patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract gain information. 2. To find out how well patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract are informed. 3. To point out the role of a nurse in the care of patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract. The following research questions were set to reach the goals: 1. How do patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract gain information? 2. What information is available to patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract? 3. In what activities do nurses participate in the care about patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract? The research has shown that the population is not well informed about this dysfunction. If the complex of symptoms occurs the affected persons seek help with general practitioners, gynaecologists or paediatricians and if the problems endure they are sent to a check up at a urological department. However there are lots of patients who procrastinate to go to a check up for months or even years. The role of a nurse in the care of these patients was also examined among experienced staff. The results may help nurses improve the quality of the care provided to patients with dysfunction of lower urinary tract. The obtained information may also point out the mistakes that should be avoided in cooperation of a nurse with a patient; the information from the research may serve for preparation of an educational plan.
Nursing care for patients with faecal incontinence.
This bachelor thesis concerns with the problems of faecal incontinence. Incontinence is defined as a state, when the patient?s urine or stool is released spontaneously. Women have to deal with incontinence more often, which is related to childbirth and complications connected with it. As far as the age is concerned, we encounter leakage of stool more among seniors than young people. As well as with any other disease, a thorough diagnostics is important with these problems. There may be a many of causes, psychical reasons, chronic constipation, injuries from surgical operations and childbirth, and degenerative changes. Nowadays we have a plenty of tools at disposal, so we can choose a tool for each patient to help him maintain being as self-sufficient as possible. It is important to focus on holistic approach to the patient, because he or she cannot be seen as an incontinence problem, but a human being as a whole. Nursing such a patient requires education and preparing the person for home care. For the practical part of this thesis, a quantitative survey was used, which took place in March and April 2012 in the Hospital České Budějovice, JSC. These questionnaires were provided to the standard departments, intensive care department and anaesthesiology and resuscitation department. As the goals of our bachelor thesis we have set to determine the knowledge of nurses in the field of incontinence care, whether they use all the tools available at the department and how they?re informed about the closed system Flexi Seal. Based on the selected goals, hypotheses were determined: The nurses have sufficient knowledge in incontinence care. The nurses use all tools available at the department. The nurses have sufficient information about the closed system for stool retaining. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions. In the conclusion of my thesis the established results either do or do not affirm the determined hypotheses, the output of this thesis is to hand over the results to the hospital management as a material suitable for improving care among patients with incontinence.
Physiotherapy for Female Urinary Incontinence in Middle-aged
Urinary incontinence is defined as a condition which leads to inability to control the loss of urine. It represents a socio-psychological problem, which negatively influences the quality of live. In the theoretical part of the thesis there is summarized the knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology of pelvis and pelvic floor, physiology and neurophysiology of micturition, and theory of a urinary incontinence. There are also described types of urinary incontinence, their symptoms, prevention and risk factors of this disease. Furthermore there are involved ways of diagnosing and methods of conservative and invasive treatment. The practical part of the thesis consists of three case studies of women with different stages of stress urinary incontinence. It involves medical history, kinesiological analysis, procedure of the rehabilitation and output examination with a general evaluation of a state of the patients. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the influence of physiotherapy and its methods on improving urinary incontinence of middle-aged women.
The urologynecologic Operation and the nursing Care
Abstract The Bachelor´s work is called Urogynecological Operations and Nursing Care. The aim of this work has been to summarise up-to-date ways of surgical treatment of urinary incontinency and following nursing care in the theorteical part and to find out common reasons why women search for a professional help in the practical part. In this part I have also tried to find out if women are informed of possible options of urogynecological treatment and if they are provided with a good-quality nursing care. The qualitative research method, a questionnaire, was used. The information was collected at the gynecological department of the hospital in České Budějovice. Eighty clients (100%) were asked to complete the questionnaire. There were options offered in some questions. The return rate was 92.5% (74 questionnnaires) but only 66 of them (82.5%) could be used for final evaluation. This number (66) finally represents 100%. There were three hypotheses stated. The first hypothesis should have proved that women search for professional help in case of their urinary incontinence. It has proved in 100%. The second hypothesis should have proved that women-clients are informed of urogynecological treatment options. The hypothesis has proved. The third hypothesis should have proved that women-clients are provided with a good-quality nursing care. This hypothesis has also proved as the clients are satisfied with the nursing care. The findings of this research could be beneficial for clinic work. Midwifery is supposed to be a mission in life. Women should be cared for all their lives. If we wish to be respected, we should help women throughout their lives, not only in the time when they deliver their child.
Health and social impacts on women after complicated childbirth.
In the diploma thesis, objectives were set that were intended to find out medical, mental and social problems of women after complicated childbirth and to compare the problems with those of women after physiological childbirth. The other objective was to find out what kinds of complicated deliveries occur in Nemocnice Písek, a.s. /Písek Hospital/ the most. Hypotheses were set for the objectives. The first hypothesis was to confirm that birth injuries after complicated childbirth are healed per secundam. The second hypothesis was to confirm that women after complicated childbirth feel that they will not manage care for their family. The third hypothesis was to confirm problems with economic support of a family in the cases of single mothers after complicated childbirth. The fourth hypothesis was to confirm that women after complicated childbirth do not have enough information about social security. The fifth hypothesis was to confirm that in Písek Hospital, the most frequent complicated deliveries include Cesarean sections.
Childhood nonorganic Enuresis
My bachelorship paper deals with the impact of a chronic disorder {--} enuresis nocturna. I have concentrated on bed-wetting which is of non-organic origin and thus the cause of enuresis is not to be found in the pathology of the urogenital tract. The objective of my paper has been to detect how the children of the studied group from the nephrological practice of the Paediatric Ward of the Hospital in Český Krumlov experience their disorder (bed-wetting without an organic cause) and how the parents of these bed-wetting children comply with the recommendations of the physician {--} the preventive- therapeutic measures within the enuresis treatment. The theoretical part of my paper is focussed on the treatment of enuresis, on therapeutic measures, the enuretic regime as well as the theory of family and parenting. Its practical part is based on two preliminary hypotheses. The first hypothesis H1 was tested under the application of a standardised interview with enuretic children and the testing of the H2 hypothesis was based on a questionnaire designed for parents of bed-wetting children. It has been proved that most children experience their problem with lots of anxieties and that a part of their parents fail to comply with the paradigms related to the treatment of enuresis-the enuretic regime.
GARAIOVÁ, Veronika
My Bachelor{\crq}s thesis focused on the impact of chronic disease, in our case enuresis nocturna, on the functionality of the family. Every family is influenced by many factors. Families are especially weakened when a family member suffers from a chronic disease. The Theoretical part of my Bachelor{\crq}s Thesis attempts to define the term ``family{\crqq} through historical development and family division. The thesis describes how single parent families function and the qualities of functional families. In addition, it attempts to describe the characteristics of families in which domestic disturbances occur. Finally, our focus deals with the subject of enuresis nocturna. The thesis defines this disease, its treatment, and how it is diagnosed. Just as the family has an impact on the children, children also have an impact on the family, especially when children suffer from enuresis. This disease has serious physical implications on both the family and on the children in this system. The aim of the work was to ascertain how family functioning impacts enuresis in children. In order to obtain this information, a qualitative research questionnaire was created using direct questions and standardized interviews. The interviews were conducted with 15 respondents in their home environment. Respondents were given information about my visits over the phone. The research indicated lowered HRQL of mothers and family function. The research was created using seven hypotheses. The Bachelor{\crq}s Thesis can be used by university level students as a guideline for research on comparison outcome{\crq}s with healthy population. Especially I tried questionnaire PedsQL Family impact module in Czech Republic as the first.

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