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Multiple Document Type Diff
Zemko, Michal ; Jirák, Ota (referee) ; Chmelař, Petr (advisor)
During the work on important projects, we have to backup current versions periodically. But sometimes we want to know what changes between two versions has been made. To recognize these changes, we can use the diff program that compares two text files line by line and can show differencies in various formats. A problem occurs, if we want to compare other than text files. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create one tool that can compare different types of files, for example images, Open Office files, DTP system LaTeX files, config files and, of course, standard text files. Each of listed types is specific and demands unique approach. This thesis deals with theoretical analysis of the problem and also with realization of the program which executes the comparision.
Analog IO simulator
Maslák, Petr ; Kaczmarczyk, Václav (referee) ; Bradáč, Zdeněk (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with measuring device USB 6008. This thesis describes at the beginning properties of measuring device like count of channel, speed, accuraccy. Next chapter concerns with programming environment like MS Visual C++, CVI and LabView. The most suitable programming environment was chosen Labview. The result of this thesis is programm that can read and write analog samples, display signals in Chart, simulate first order dynamic system.
Multiple Document Type Diff
Zemko, Michal ; Mlích, Jozef (referee) ; Chmelař, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with comparing different types of files, especially source codes. It describes the problem of comparing source code and different ways of solving this problem, from simple line comparison, to AST comparison. Chosen method was comparison based on lexical analysis. This is also described in the work with instruments of its automation. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement modular application, which compares different types of files. The implemented module compares source code in programming languages C/C++, Java a Python. This module is easily extendable for comparisons with other languages.
Multimedia Diff - Audio Documents
Komadel, Michal ; Dittrich, Petr (referee) ; Chmelař, Petr (advisor)
This work describes development of a diff tool working with audio files containing general sound such as music, speech and other sounds. There are presented facts from different domains of science related to sound, such as psychoacoustics, speech recognition and automatic music genre categorisation. This paper also contains description of some diff algorithms and external tools needed for development of the goal application. Moreover, there is introduced design and implementation of the application, settings used for sound features extraction and evaluation of attained results.
Multimedia Document Type Diff
Lang, Jozef ; Hlosta, Martin (referee) ; Chmelař, Petr (advisor)
Development of Internet and its massive spread resulted in increased volume of multimedia data. The increase in the amount of multimedia data raises the need for efficient similarity detection between multimedia files for the purpose of preventing and detecting violations of copyright licenses or for detection of similar or duplicate files. This thesis discusses the current options in the field of the content-based image and video comparison and focuses on the feature extraction techniques, distance metrics, design and implementation of the mediaDiff application module for the content-based comparison of video files.
Synchronizing JavaScript object between clients and server
Lehovec, Jakub ; Bruckner, Tomáš (advisor) ; Vencovský, Filip (referee)
The thesis deals with methods of real-time data synchronization among multiple clients. The thesis focuses on methods in collaborative RIA systems running on the Internet This methods solve data transfer and conflict resolution caused by competitive clients work on one document. The introduction describes two methods: an established Operational transformation method and the new Differential synchronization method. The thesis describes the principles of both methods and their advantages and disadvantages. The aim of the work is implementing and comparison of Differential Synchronization method with Operational transformation method. These methods are compared in Node.js environment of JavaScript programming language and it is compared their performance in terms of response time and resource requirements. It's identified a problems associated with the method implementations in Node.js and it is described solutions of this problems. In the practical part thesis focus on the describing of performance data and behave of methods during measurement and refuted or confirmed the premises of methods definition assumptions. The Differential Synchronization method is extended by some parts based on the author often criticized issues of method.

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