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Use of basal stimulation at anesthesiology department
The theme ?The Use of Basal Stimulation at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department? was chosen in order to map out the use of this nursing method by the nurses and the staff who I cooperate with. The theoretical part deals with the environment at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department where the basal stimulation is used and also with special characteristics of the nursing care. Further, it deals with monitoring patients, causes of consciousness defects occurrence and kinds of methods of basal stimulation and their importance for patients. The basal stimulation is scientific, pedagogy and nursing concept supporting perception, communication and motor abilities of the human. The issue of basal stimulation at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department lies in skills and knowledge of the nurse and its timely application, which does not have to be used only on patients with the Apallic Syndrome. The basal stimulation can be applied in the nursing process also to patients with any degree of consciousness defection who are hospitalized at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department in order to reach patient´s orientation of better quality as he/she is waking up from the unconsciousness in the environment where he/she is located. This environment is often very stressful for the patient. The basal stimulation can be applied both to adults and children. These days the basal stimulation is predominantly used on patients with the Apallic Syndrome. The aim of this Bachelor Degree Work is to map out the use of the basal stimulation on patients suffering from the consciousness defect at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department form the nurse?s point of view. There were set three research questions for the practical part. Research question no. 1 ? How do nurses feel the use of the basal stimulation on patients suffering from the consciousness defect who are hospitalized at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department? Research question no. 2 ? How do nurses use the basal stimulation on patients suffering from the consciousness defect who are hospitalized at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department? Research question no. 3 ? What is the knowledge of nurses who work at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department on the basal stimulation? The set aim of the work was fulfilled, the questions were answered. In the research part of the work there was found out endeavour of nurses to apply the stimulation not only on patients suffering from the Apallic Syndrome but also on patients suffering from consciousness defects of different reasons. The work shows limitations in theoretical knowledge and consequently in practical skills of nurses in the sphere of basal stimulation application. The practical part facts will result in the nursing standard focused on providing the basal stimulation by nurses at the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department. This standard will be available to the ward sisters in Písek Hospital and Strakonice Hospital too. It can be a suitable help for nurses who care for seriously ill people and it can contribute to better quality of the nursing care which they provide.
Attitude between paramedic and nurse in the prehospital urgent care and hospital urgent care
The title of the bachelor?s thesis at hand is the Relationship between paramedics and general nurses during pre-hospital emergency care and hospital emergency care. The objective of the thesis was to find out how the general nurses and paramedics perceive the process of getting further education needed for work in the pre-hospital emergency care and hospital emergency care. The theoretical part deals with the current state of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), its organisation, funding, and division. Next, the thesis provides characteristics of the professions of paramedic and general nurse, especially with regard to their educational background, how they get their qualifications, their competences, and with regard to legal relations these professions enter into. The practical part employed the method of quantitative research. Anonymous questionnaire was used as the method for collecting data. The target research group comprised of paramedics and general nurses that work at EMS Dispatch Centres of the Region of South Bohemia or at the Departments of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation in the hospitals based in the Region of South Bohemia. This bachelor?s thesis introduces two hypotheses. The first one reads: ?University-educated paramedic needs more work experience for work at a Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation than a general nurse with ARIC (Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care) education.? The second one is as follows: ?General nurse education is more suitable for work in pre-hospital emergency care than that of paramedic.? At the beginning of writing this thesis, the competences of paramedics and general nurses were completely different. Due to the changes in laws and amendments to the law which defines these competences that came into effect in the meantime, the possibilities of getting further education have seen changes, too.
The monitoring of physiological functions at Anesteziology and Intensive Care and Intensive care unit - the preparation of materials for incoming nurses
The thesis was elaborated on the topic: FF Monitoring at ARD and ICU ? preparation of materials for newly hired nurses? The first part of the thesis introduces the ARD history and concept. It describes competences of nurses, specifics of their work, physical and psychical demands for nurses working at intensive care units. The subsequent chapters analyze not only how acceptance of newly hired nurses to ARD should be conducted, but they also deal with the complete issue of FF monitoring at ARD. The second part deals with the set goals of the thesis and related research questions. There are three goals: 1: To map the available study materials related to FF monitoring for newly hired ARD nurses. 2: To find out what FF monitoring educational materials ARD nurses would like to have available for newly hired nurses. 3: To test newly elaborated educational material related to FF monitoring at ADR in practice. And there are four reseach questions to them: 1: What educational material related to FF monitoring at ADR are available for newly hired ADR nurses? 2: What educational material related to FF monitoring at ADR would newly hired ARD nurses like to get? 3: What educational material related to FF monitoring at ADR would ARD nurses like to have available for newly hired nurses? 4: Is the newly prepared educational material related to FF monitoring suitable for initial training of newly hired ARD nurses? The third part of the thesis deals with work methodology and the research sample. The research was divided into three subsequent stages from December 2010 to June 2011. In-depth interview was chosen as the data collection technique. The research sample consisted of 8 respondents working at anaesthetic-resuscitation department of the České Budějovice Hospital, namely of four respondents with several years of experience and four respondents in the adaptation process. The fourth part of the thesis starts with interviews with the questioned respondents from the first research stage. They are interpreted by means of categorization tables in the thesis. Material on FF monitoring for newly hired nurses, available in Annex 2 is elaborated in the second stage of the research. The third stage of the research is dedicated to responses of the respondents to the newly elaborated educational material on FF monitoring. They were obtained by means of semi structured interviews with the respondents. The research has shown that ARD nurses are not given any educational materials on FF monitoring of sufficient quality. We have found that each of the respondents would like to obtain good quality materials on FF monitoring at his/her start at an ARD. However the respondents said that they did not know what exactly the educational material on FF monitoring should look like. All the eight respondents agree that they like the newly elaborated material on FF monitoring for new nurses from both, the content and form point of view and they would like to use it in practice. The fifth part of the thesis is dedicated to a discussion. It analyses and describes the research and its results. The conclusion of the thesis summarizes the research and the newly obtained information. All the goals of the thesis and the research questions are answered there. The thesis also includes a list of resources, abbreviations used in the text, key words and moreover the annexes elaborated within the work on the thesis.
Possibilities of artificial pulmonary ventilation in urgent care and anesteziological resuscitation department
The aim was to explore the possibilities of mechanical ventilation in prehospital emergency care and Anesthesiology and Intensive Care qualitative research method. The first part of the research was focused on finding out how the use, including the most frequently used modes of ventilation, and frequency of artificial ventilation. Research has found that in pre-hospital care are used methods of invasive and noninvasive ventilation and ventilatory modes most widely used in prehospital care are IPPV, CPAP and SIMV. In the second part of the research focuses on the possibility of mechanical ventilation on Anesthesiology-Intensive Care and neužívanějších detection schemes. They are IPPV, BIPAP, SIMV, APRV, PS and CPAP. The last part of the research deals mainly comparing the possibilities of mechanical ventilation at the base emergency medical services of the Liberec Region and South Region. I ran into very different views on the importance of mechanical ventilation in prehospital emergency care, but the result is the possibility of artificial ventilation in different regions does not differ much.

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