National Repository of Grey Literature 49 records found  previous10 - 19nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Influence of socio-economic factors on the composition of waste: statistical approach
Jordánová, Petra ; Pavlas, Martin (referee) ; Šomplák, Radovan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with comparison of mixed municipal waste in different areas in the Czech Republic. Statistical apparatus needed for subsequent data is described in the first part. There is discussed problematics of random variable, the probability distribution and hypotheses that will be used in this work. The second part involves a data set analysis. The merit of this thesis is hypothesis testing of the difference in mixed municipal waste composition between chosen areas and built-up area types. At the end an approach for estimate of impact factors of waste composition using correlation and regression analysis will be given. This work brings a benefit in current stratification evaluation process and recommendation of changes in selected factors.
Analysis of municipal solid waste in practice
Wildová, Kristýna ; Smejkalová, Veronika (referee) ; Gregor, Jiří (advisor)
The main purpose of the submitted diploma thesis is detailed research of studies and methodologies that deal with the analysis of the municipal waste composition, with focus on residual solid waste and transfer of acquired knowledge into practise. The research is focused on key parameters and procedures of studies and methodologies that took place in the Czech Republic, and also abroad. The identified information and procedures are properly summarized and evaluated. The theoretical findings were applied in the analysis of the municipal solid waste composition in a field work. The thesis is also focused on the practical feasibility of MSW analysis and related tasks. The data obtained during field work analysis of MSW are evaluated at the end of the thesis.
Design of steam boiler in waste to energy plant
Reiskup, Matěj ; Tomáš, Weigner (referee) ; Skála, Zdeněk (advisor)
The thesis deals with the design of the boiler to combustion of mixed communal waste. The introductory chapters present introduction of the problem, short explanation about fuel of the boiler and speciality of the boiler to combustion of mixed communal waste. The main part is the heat calculation of the boiler, which consists of stoichiometry of the combustion, heat losses, then disposition of heat performances to individual exchange surfaces. In the end is summary of calculation and knowledge consequent of the calculation.
Models for network flow identification
Smejkalová, Veronika ; Kůdela, Jakub (referee) ; Pavlas, Martin (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on development of a mathematical model of network flow in waste managment. The theoretical part of thesis deals with graph theory, network flow and optimization. The next chapter introduces the mathematical model. The model was compiled with the use of Information systems of waste management. The data are very often burdened by error. The task of the model is revelation of those errors to make the data useful. This thesis also includes suggestions for further development.
Waste management system sustainability
Bravený, Adam ; Touš, Michal (referee) ; Pavlas, Martin (advisor)
The thesis proposes a new approach to assess sustainability of waste management systems. In the first part current mixed municipal waste (MSW) management system of the Czech republic is reviewed and promising MSW treatment techniques are introduced. In the second part a summary of literature on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach to assess sustainability of MSW systems is provided. A new sustainability assessment model is proposed by implementing LCA to a current tool called NERUDA used to optimize waste management costing. It is demonstrated how to connect these two concepts in order to aquire a powerful tool for sustainability assessment.
Heavy Metals Transfer during Waste Incineration
Karásek, René ; Noskievič, Pavel (referee) ; Kabát, Viktor (referee) ; Skála, Zdeněk (advisor)
The municipal solid waste (MSW) is a heterogeneous material that consists mainly of organic and mineral substances, metals and water. After thermal treatment this waste redistributes into individual incineration products. This also holds for the metals contained in the waste. This thesis deals with the behaviour of heavy metals and their compounds during the incineration process. Determining the percentage content of heavy metals from the waste entering the process of thermal utilization is practically impossible. The principal aim is to determine the amount of each heavy metal in the MSW from the incineration products. The opening sections of the thesis deal with waste, options of incineration, flue gas cleaning processes and also with the problems of the heavy metals in the environment. The next section introduces recent developments, what possibilities there are for determining the heavy metals in the waste and methods of data evaluation. The experimental part of the thesis introduces of a four-day measuring process that was conducted at the MSW incineration plant SAKO, Inc. The samples of the individual products of incineration were taken and after the laboratory analysis the results for the selected heavy metals were processed. The results include statistical data analysis.
Municipal waste composition and origin analysis for potential improvements
Kučera, David ; Kropáč, Jiří (referee) ; Nevrlý, Vlastimír (advisor)
The Bachelor’s thesis concerns analysis of composition and production of waste in households. It also introduces legal system regarding Czech municipal waste management and means of waste processing. Another part of the thesis consists of case study, which explains used methodology and describes collected data of selected waste types. The collected data on municipal waste production in Czech households are processed in MS Excel. The results of the statistical methods used for analysis show differences in production of individual municipal waste components in different types of households. The results also estimate the potential of municipal waste sorting.
Optimization models in waste management
Šmídová, Zlata ; Smejkalová, Veronika (referee) ; Šomplák, Radovan (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with the application of optimization models in the waste management. The analysis of the current state, the estimation of information about the flow of a specific waste, the estimation of the probable processing site and the method of processing is developed by a suitable approach based on sophisticated mathematical methods. The mathematical model, which was created by merging the two already existing models, brings results suitable also for forecasting the state of the waste management. The output is a comprehensive computational tool that was tested on data from the year 2015. The results for mixed municipal waste (catalogue number 20 03 01), bulky waste (catalogue number 20 03 07) and waste with catalogue number 19 08 05, i.e. residual sludge from sewage plants, were processed in MS Excel.
Analýza odpadového hospodářství ve vybrané obci
Škrobánková, Sára
The presented diploma thesis deals with the analysis of waste management in the city of Brno. The introductory part focuses on legal regulations that are related to the problematics of waste generated in the territory of the municipality. Furthermore, the work presents global, European and national trends in the management of municipal waste, the collection network and the costs of waste management within the Czech Republic. In the practical part are evaluated demographic conditions of the city, fulfillment of selected legal requirements of the relevant legislation, efficiency, collection systems, production of individual wastes and their management, economy of waste management and carbon footprint of wastes. Subsequently, a SWOT analysis of the city's waste management was also done. Based on the results, a discussion was written, and suggested measures were written as well to improve the current waste management system. The performed analyzes are processed in charts and tables for better clarity.
Waste composition analysis as a support mechanism for circular economics
Halamíček, Samuel ; Varbanov, Petar Sabev (referee) ; Fan, Yee Van (advisor)
Předkládaná diplomová práce se zaměřuje na využití analýzy složení odpadu k usnadnění přechodu lineárního odpadového hospodářství na oběhové hospodářství. První část práce se zabývá úvodem do tématu odpadového a oběhového hospodářství, po kterém následuje seznámení s technikami a nástroji pro provádění analýzy složení odpadu. Druhá část práce představuje detailní analýzu, která identifikuje složení odpadu na první a třetí úrovni se zaměřením na komunální odpad. Složení odpadu vychází z certifikované metodiky, která vznikla v rámci projektu TIRSMZP719. Správa a analýza dat byla prováděna především za pomocí programovacího jazyka Visual Basic for Application (VBA). Výsledky analýzy složení odpadů jsou znázorněny pomocí grafů, které umožňují identifikovat možné trendy a rozdíly v toku odpadů v rámci zkoumaného období, území či jiného parametru. Použitelnost nástroje při navrhování vhodných způsobů úpravy a využití odpadů na základě zjištěného složení je prezentováno na případové studii města Brna. Z analýzy vyplývá, že největší podíl (23,17 %) směsného komunálního odpadu tvoří bioodpad, přičemž jako hlavní složka bioodpadu byla identifikována složka potravinových odpadů. Toto zjištění navrhuje vysokou proveditelnost a potenciál pro výrobu bioplynu. V této práci je rovněž navrženo řešení zpracování odpadu i pro ostatní složky směsného komunálního odpadu. Takové zhodnocení je klíčové a mohlo by vést k potenciálnímu snížení množství směsného komunálního odpadu až o 40 %. Toto zjištění je velmi důležité, protože celková navržená koncepce dokáže odpovědět právě na separační potenciál, který je navázán na stanovené cíle či jiné závazky související s cíli Plánu odpadového hospodářství ČR. Navržené posouzení akcentuje navržené cíle a ukazuje potenciál pro jejich splnění.

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