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Modernizace a optimalizace školních budov a služeb spojených s provozem základního školství ve městě Ústí nad Labem
Sottnerová, Klára Bc. ; Mikovcová, Hana (advisor) ; Ráhm, Marcel (referee)
Práce pojednává o procesech, projektech, nástrojích, povinnostech a možnostech samosprávy v oblasti veřejné služby ? poskytování vzdělávání. Zabývá se dnes aktuálním tématem modernizace a optimalizace školství. Toto téma se řeší na všech úrovních, ať již celostátní, kdy Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy vydává různé metodiky, či na úrovních krajských a obecních. Největší krizí prochází školství střední a základní. Souvisí to s propadem demografické křivky, kdy v období po ?sametové revoluci? rapidně klesla porodnost. V současné době se situace normalizovala, dá se tedy reálněji pohlédnout do budoucnosti, a udělat prognózu vývoje počtu žáků. Hlavním cílem je zmapování současné situace v oblasti základního školství v Ústí nad Labem, zhodnocení na základě dat a informací minulých období stávající stav, a navržení a posouzení možných řešení do budoucnosti.

Logistic management in public sector with focus on citizen protection
KUBÁT, Robert
We live in the time when humanity is often threatened by exceptional affairs, which affect health or lives all of us. To stop or overcome dangerous impacts of these exceptional affairs in society logistic system is built, which eliminated these impacts. This thesis is focused just on this system which is prepared to solve exceptional affairs its devices and resources. In the Czech Republic it is secured solution of the affairs by public administration, which provides basic logistic support. The Fire Rescue Brigade of the Czech Republic is a basic link of a logistic chain. Last years the population of the Czech Republic could make sure about need of logistic support either during devastating floods or tragic accidents. The knowledge of procedures and practical skills of an activity of precautions of protection of population is one of the basic conditions its successful realization while an exceptional affair occurs. The aim of the thesis was to find out and to evaluate the state of a logistic support in a section of protection of the population in public administration with a focus on municipalities with extended activities on a base of crisis management department staff and inhabitants given municipalities. The whole research was aimed so, that after accomplishment of research with the aid of conducted interviews with public administration staff was obtained information about logistic support of particular towns. The view of knowledge and awareness of inhabitants of particular towns was gained by analysis of data obtained by questionnaire survey. Simultaneously this information reflects a general view of a real state of awareness of these inhabitants from the side of council halls. The municipalities with extended activity Týn nad Vltavou, Písek and Tábor include lots of other municipalities. If the thesis should dedicated all of them in a detail, the work would be very comprehensive. That is why it is focused with only particular towns. The methodology of work consisted of collecting theoretical information obtained especially from professional literature, websites and valid laws. In order to find out logistic support and state of awareness of inhabitants conducted interviews (included 21 questions) with crisis management department staff were accomplished. Afterwards the questionnaire, which focused on this issue, was handed over chosen inhabitants.

Spreading Problem of HIV/AIDS in Afghanistan
BAKHSHI, Mirwais
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, ?acquired immunodeficiency syndrome? is one of the world?s most serious health and development challenges. Afghanistan faces many challenges such as instability around the country, low literacy levels, high levels of opium production, and a lack of basic infrastructure. The first Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) case was reported in Afghanistan in 1989. Studies on HIV transmission in Afghanistan characterize an epidemic which centers largely around three behaviors such as share dneedles and syringes, unprotected sex with sex workers, and unprotected sex between males. The main aim of my thesis was monitoring the problem of HIV/AIDS in Afghanistan, other accompany in gaims were to describe the current status of HIV/AIDS in Afghanistan, Mapping the knowledge of workers in hairdressers - barbers in center and the region of Kabul, mapping HIV/AIDS knowledge of local physicians in the center and in the region of Kabul.

The impacts of gas failure in a restricted area
This thesis deals with the effects of failure of gas in the administrative district of the municipality with extended powers České Budějovice. The aim of this work is to determine potential impacts of an emergency through the qualitative research and to answer the two research questions whether the failure of gas in the administrative district was serious interference in the running of the company and whether the season of the year would affect the impact of the gas failure. At the beginning of the theoretical part of my work I just gave the definition of the critical infrastructure. I focused on the basic information about natural gas. For the purpose of this work I needed to describe the transmission and distribution system of the Czech Republic and South Bohemia Region together with underground tanks. Then I defined the concepts: state of emergency in the gas industry, regulatory groups of customers and announcing consumption degrees. With he Crisis Plan of the South Bohemia Region, I focused on companies which consume the natural gas and chose ten of them. Taking into account the criteria of the natural gas usage, the type of company, its importance and how strongly could the gas failure differ in summer and winter. By selection of the companies I have gained in every respect a little different respondents, whom I asked seven questions. These questions have been purposefully drawn up to allow using the replies to those to deduce results. They examined three given branches. These branches are focused on: the impact on the sphere of the gas use, impacts of natural gas failure with regard to the possibility of substitution in current season and the consumption degree, which is already threatening to the company. Results in the first branch showed that companies using natural gas for heating and water heating would suffer the most. Most of the respondents use the natural gas for these purposes. The integrated rescue system, objects for food production, water treatment plants, crematoria, institutions with special care and other facilities would be out of operation. Surprisingly using natural gas for cooking does not cause so serious problem in case of gas failure. Here is the most opportunity to at least partly use the electricity, especially some electrical appliances. The other branch of the effects of the gas failure took into account the season. The result clearly confirmed the dependence of the impact of the failure on the season and determine the twofold effects in winter period. The only exception was The Funeral Home České Budějovice, where the impossibility of burning and extreme summer temperatures facilitate faster decomposition of the death bodies. Last branch examined which level of consumption is for the company already threatening. All but one of the customers have a high consumption degree, these are 9, 10 and the highest consumption degree of emergency. For the Heating Plant České Budějovice, Inc. the announcement of the first consumption degree was already threatening. This is somewhat unexpected contention, since the object of heating plants belong to a regulatory group A. This group of objects is able to seamlessly switch to some alternative fuel. The explanation is questionable. According to the plant manager, the limited supply of natural gas would cause the excess of emission values of coal-fired boilers, which is unacceptable and it is fined. According to the results it was already possible to answer the research questions, which are proved positive in both cases. In conclusion, I would like to recommend further explore of the issue of inclusion The Heating Plant České Budějovice in the regulatory group A. I would like to point out some errors in The Crisis Plan of South Bohemia Region, when the usage of natural gas at two objects was made different than actually is. In my opinion, I find errors in such an important document as unacceptable.

Safety standards in the department
The present state: Safety culture is a package of measures increasing safety of a patient in a health resort and in nursing care. These activities are implemented by individuals or organisations with the aim of protecting patient from damage to health, resulting from failure of care (24).Subject: The main purpose of investigation was surveying relations of the level of organisation culture in relation to domains of interest and safety of nursing care. Methodics: The impirical part of the bachelor?s thesis was done with the use of quantitative method of research ? data collecting by questionnaire. Evaluation of the style of leadership of the head nurse and questions applied to communication in team was undertaken with the use of modified questionnaire following Kollárik et al. Range of social atmosphere in a group (35). In statements exploring the culture of safety were included questions adopted from AHRQ methodics (36), Czech translation by Filka and Kotrbová (37). The research was conducted in April 2013 in the IKEM hospital in Prague. The data obtained were processed by statistical analysis with the use of SPSS 16.0 programme.The investigation set: Nurses and nursing assistants employed in the IKEM hospital in Prague. Out of the total of 160 distributed questionnaires, 118 completed pieces were obtained. The return rate was thus 73.8 %.Results: The aim of the research was evaluation of relations among the head nurse leadership, communication in team, and safe care of patients. The results of research concerning communication indicate positive evaluation of nurses as to timely distribution of important informations; somewhat worse were results concerning systematic and timely distribution of information. As to rating of effective communication in the team of nurses, 45.8 % of nurses responded positively and 68.6 % of nurses mentioned possibility of discussion. Complience with rules of correct behaviour and discretness seem to be matter of course. Important is respect to differences in opinion and mutual perception in the team. Unfortunatelly, chicane at the workplace is not an exception. A positive feature is that nurses are not afraid to ask colleagues for advice if patient safety is concerned.In implementation of leadership style in relation to patients head nurse is interested in members of team not only as to professional aspects but also as to personal aspects of nurses. She accepts discussion about about tasks, considers opinions of members of the team as well as individual nurses as to new information. Empathy is a positive character quality of a head nurse and she takes interest concerning problems of individual nurses.Among basic rules of safe care belongs hygiene of hands with the nursing personal and safe identification of a patient. Hands hygiene is the simplest prevention of hospital infection, which hospital personal must keep according to law and which they comply with, according to responses. There is possibility of improvement in application of safe care serving medicine as ordered by phone information and serving generic medicine without correction in consulting room. Doctors should be involved in removing these shortcomings. Highly positive is the approach of nurses in reporting an adverse event; nearly all respondents (98.3 %) would not hesitate to report, disregarding the opinion of the head nurse. According to opinion of nurses, head nurse is interested in adverse events and nurses are informed about mistakes which occur at the department, and discussion on prevention of repeated mistakes takes place.Conclusions: From the results of research follows that safe care is considered by personal positively. It is important that this idea is accepted and supported by head nurse and leadership of the hospital. The nurses percept the head nurse in a positive way. Effort in preventing communication mistakes in the team should include empathy and listening.

Structure Of Organic Farming In South Bohemia
PEČTA, Jindřich
This thesis evaluates the structure of production in organic farming in the South Bohemia Region. It is divided into research, which includes agriculture and livestock components of organic farming and the practical part, where are the evaluated data obtained from databases ÚZEI, MA and the internal structure of the Faculty of Agriculture, specifically the Department of agro-ecosystems. The part of the research is divided into five main chapters. The introductory chapter describes the history of organic farming. The chapter Changes in the structure of agriculture, depictes conventional agriculture and an important evenst for the development of agriculture in the territory of the Czech Republic. The following chapter Specifications crop and livestock production enters up the main principles of organic farming. The next chapter describes the non-productive functions of agriculture, as soil protection, against erosion, etc. The search ends with the chapter titled The current structure, which depictes the current state of agriculture. In the practical part the structure of crop and livestock production in the South Bohemia and in the Czech republic. Region was investigated, which is subject of chapter five. It was being watched with the most common representation of animals, where in South Bohemia and the Czech Republic in organic farming predominates - cattle breeding suckler and sheep. In chapter five, is also disclosed the amount of produced milk and manufactured milk products. There was found representation of major crops and their individual income in the plant component , cereals dominate in South Bohemia and the Czech Republic . The work also focused on the representation of arable land and permanent grassland in South Bohemia and the Czech Republic.The practical part compares the data for South Bohemia with the data for the whole Czech Republic (eg. The percentage of plants on the entire arable land etc.).

Rebuilding/reconstruction of an agricultural building
FABÍK, David
In this thesis a reconstruction of unused agricultural building is suggested. This object is located in village named Dolní Radouň and used to serve as a facility for breeding pigs. Construction work needed for improving operating conditions is described in the text and is a part of drawings that are attached. In introductory chapters there is a history of the object including its history of usage, condition before reconstruction and all the defects discovered. The accompanying summarizing technical report, which is necessary for issuing of a building permit, is in the last part of this thesis. Photos, drawings and the graphical work are listed in the Annexes.

Organic farming carp and its perspectives in the Czech Republic
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to evaluate the perspectives for organic carp production in Czech fish farming industry and its applicability on the fish market, taking into account all the negatives and positives of such production. The thesis was focused on the evaluation of the questionnaire campaign and expert opinion of Czech and Austrian fish farming industry representatives Based on the survey attended by representatives from a range of sectors from both above mentioned countries, following conclusions can be drawn: Economic aspects of the most significant impact on the introduction of organic carp farming:Economy of production the final price for the consumer.The buying power of the population a sufficient number of regular customers. Marketing of the organic fish awareness of organic products.Uncertain return on investment longterm effects and uncertain efficiency of the farming process.Operational Programme of Fisheries for the years 2014 2020 the possibility of successful utilization of EU subsidies.Farming technological aspects of highest impact upon organic farming:Possibility of the devaluation of existing product commonly produced carp in the Czech Republic. Availability and reliability of certified suppliers cereals. Difficulty of organic farming the quality of incoming commodities including water quality. The certification process of organic farming satisfactory meeting of all demands.Current state of the fish market in the Czech Republic (low consumption of freshwater fish).According to the established facts, organic carp farming and its production in the Czech Republic are currently of low and inadequate actuality, especially in relation to the buying power of consumers and comparatively low public awareness of organic products.