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Med a jeho vliv na zdraví člověka
Bajerová, Kateřina
Bachelor thesis "Honey and its effects on human health" consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part briefly describes origin and processing of honey and is concerned with its physical and chemical properties. The thesis further covers the effects of honey and diseases that can be treated or completely prevented with honey. Other bee products and their effects on human organism are also briefly mentioned. Core of the empirical part is an online questionnaire probe focusing on the peoples opinion on honey and honey products. Results of the survey are then compared with the information presented in the theoretical part.
Zhodnocení současné zdravotní situace v drobnochovech králíků v České republice
Závadová, Tereza
The bachelor thesis contains a summary of the most common diseases and health problems occurring in small rabbits breeding in the Czech Republic. The introductory part provides basic facts about the domestication and the importance of the domesticated rabbit. The main goal of this thesis is to provide summary information about the characteristics of different types of diseases, which are divided into categories according to their origin and causes. For each illness are written the symptoms, causes of the disease, diagnosis, treatment options and preventive measures. The final experimental part is devoted to the evaluation of the health situation in a specific private small rabbit breeding with 52 pieces of animals. The evaluation was based on annual statistics.
Zhodnocení ekonomických dopadů onemocnění pohybového aparátu dojnic
Němcová, Petra
The diploma thesis aims to evaluate the economical impacts caused by hoof diseases in dairy cows. The observation of dairy cows and locomotion scoring (LS) from 1 to 5 was performed in the company Živa a.s. Klášterec nad Orlicí from April 2018 to July 2019, where the prevalence of lameness was 18,7 %. Most cows (4 382) were with LS 1, followed by LS 3 in 558 cows, LS 2 in 343, LS 4 in 104 cows and LS 5 in 5 cows. The influence of locomotion scores on milk yields was monitored in individual groups. The milk yield of dairy cows with LS 1 was on average 34,3 kg and with LS 2 35,3 kg. From LS 3, milk production started to decline (33,8 kg), cows with LS 4 milked 33,3 kg and with LS 5 27 kg. Treatment and preventive measures costs were determined. Costs were expressed in monetary units using a cost calculator. The company invests in hoof treatment and preventive hoof trim CZK 5 632,42 per cow per year, of which prevention is CZK 525,11 and treatment is CZK 5 107,31. The average cost of treatment of one ulcer case is CZK 4 968,62, of dermatitis is CZK 3 119,71 and footrot is CZK 7 372,28. Footrot is the most expensive, but it occurs not as frequently as ulcers. The total costs are CZK 817 169,34. The average cost per lame cow is CZK 5 107,31. But if the incidence of ulcers decreased by 10 %, the total costs would decrease by CZK 200 000. Economic costs data could be used to develop tools to prevent lameness in dairy cows.
Faktory ovlivňující prosperitu selat
Musiolová, Magdaléna
The presented thesis deals with factors affecting piglet prosperity with a focus on care during the birth period, nutrition, housing system technology, microclimate, and selected diseases. Facts derived from literature research and my own observation in a commertial pig farm show that all of these factors are essential for good piglet prosperi-ty. Observations in the pig farm lead to the identification of major up-to-date issues in the breeding which include diarrheas of different etiology (infection, stress, dietetics, etc.) and insufficient human care. The riskiest factors for the production selected at the end of the thesis are colostrum quality, vaccination strategy, birth care, and medical-preventive measures. Complying with these allows for reaching high productivity given by genetics while retaining animal welfare standards.
Výskyt škodlivých činitelů na peckovinách
Šindelářová, Petra
As a theme of my bachelor thesis I chose The occurence of injurious agents on stone fruit. The main goal of my thesis was observing the occurence of diseases befalling cherry-tree and plum-tree. The observation was held in three areas, specifically the Třešť city, Dlouhá Brtnice borough and Velká Bíteš city during the year of 2019. In all of those areas the occurence of plum rust and monilium rot of plum was noticed and confirmed, however only one area (Velká Bíteš) contained the red spot of plum-tree. The observation of the shot hole fungus took place only in Třešť city.
Současná zdravotní rizika cestování a výskyt nejčastějších importovaných cestovatelských nemocí do České republiky
Dlasková, Dita
The thesis focuses on the health risks of travel and the incidence of travel illnesses in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part deals with the issue of travel medicine, travel illnesses and other, non-infective health risks. The practical part analyzes opinions and experiences with travel medicine based on a questionnaire survey and describes the knowledge of doctors from isolation wards.
Sacharidy v potravinách a jejich význam ve výživě člověka
Bačová, Barbora
This bachelor thesis describes meaning of carbohydrates in a human nutrition in form of literary searches. It describes each representatives of carbohydrates and their food sources. A significant part is devoted to fiber and starches. Fiber is an essential component of food and it haves many positives. In the next part I have dedicated to metabolism of carbohydrates, their absorption and digestion. Further was clasified issues of glycemia, glycemic index and glycemix burden. It have been mentioned the risks of excessive con-sumption of carbohydtares, which are related close to civilization diseases. Last part of this bachelor thesis deals with alternative nutrition directions and possible sugar substi-tutes. Conclusion was devoted to sugar alternatives and their advatages or disadvantages. Danger of artificial sweeteners has not been proven yet.
Nejčastější onemocnění jehňat
Zuzanová, Anna
Bachelor thesis called „Most common lamb diseases“ is mainly focused on diseases and causes of lambs deaths. It describes history of breeding sheep in Czech Republic, current state of sheep in the world and describe breed diversity and characterizes important breeds. There is also described breeding and feeding technology, reproduction and diseases causing abortion or premature birth. The main part of this thesis provides an overview of the most common causes of death in first days of lambs life and illnesses of lambs until weaning and prevention of these diseases. In the final part a selected farm was observed with focus on diseases and prevention. Observation on farm and study of literature shows that the most important things in the prevention of lamb diseases are a balanced feed ration containing all the necessary minerals and vitamins, adherence to quarantine procedures when buying new animals for breeding, vaccination against clostridial infections and the correct setting of antiparasitic programs.
Nejčastější choroby volně žijící zvěře se zaměřením na Třeboňsko
Dunová, Jana
This bachelor`s named „The most common game animal diseases focused on Třeboň-sko area“ thesis is focused on the most common game animal diseases in the Czech republic and monitoring of it`s occurance in Třeboňsko area. At the beggining there are some methods of diagnosis on animal that`s alive and what aspects do we have to watch. Another part is about examination of dead animal, studying the changes during the expulsion and describing the method of consumptioning biological samples. The other part contains summary of common diseases divided by it`s origin (viral, bacte-rial, parasitic). There are also pathogens, the course of the disease and symptoms shown on dead and also living animal. The last part is about tracking the diseases in Třeboňsko area.
Houbové choroby révy vinné
Vodrážková, Sabina
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe fungal diseases affecting vines and their taxonomic classification. Closer acquaintance with the life cycle of a given pathogen, description of symptoms, ecology, distribution. Approaching the plants that the fungus can attack. It also includes a more detailed description of the protection of each disease and a more comprehensive description of the protection that is necessary for the cultivation of healthy vines.

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