Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Destruction and Scientific Knowledge. On Significance of the German Armament Industry and Military Administration for R&D in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the ‘Total War’ (Totalkrieg), 1943–1945
Šimůnek, Michal V.
This chapter offers an overview of the development of Czech corporate research during the German occupation, especially in the period of the total war (1943-1945). It summarizes also the current knowledge on the transfers of scientifically relevant entities into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia etc.
Physicians for the Reich? The Czech Physicians as a Professional Group between Germanization and Engagement in Germany, 1940–1944
Novák, M. ; Šimůnek, Michal V.
This chapter offers an overview of the German strategies towards the Czech medical community after the closure of the Czech universities in November 1939 and in the context of the total war. It delivers calculation of the numbers of physicians needed for running the public health administration etc.
Between Persecution and Redeployment. The Contribution to Prosopography of the Academic Staff of the Charles University in Prague in Context of the Measures from the Autumn 1939
Kostlán, Antonín ; Šimůnek, Michal V. ; Hořejš, M.
This chapter offers a prosopographical evaluation of the changes in the academic staff of the Charles University in Prague after 17 November 1939. It analyzes the different redeployment possibilities and offers a comparison with the situation at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
Šimůnek, Michal V.
This chapter is an introductory study of the whole Volume. It provides an overview of the recent production concerning the role of science in the WW2 and sumarizes the possible levels of comparison.
Science, Occupation, War: 1939-1945. A Collective Monograph
Šimůnek, Michal V.
The Volume deals with the German science policy during the WW2 in different occupied countries of Europe in cross-national coparison. It containts 15 contributions from different countries.

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