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A Wide-Angle Photographic Camera of James G. Baker With the Paraboloidal Mirror
Rail, Zdeněk ; Melich, Zbyněk ; Šrajer, Bohdan ; Vápenka, David ; Tomka, David ; Thoř, Tomáš ; Pintr, Pavel ; Macner, David
A field of view of the paraboloidal mirror is small. Dominant aberration which limits its angular diameter is coma. Using correctors consisting lenses and aspherical plates star images of the mirror systems can be radically corrected. In this paper we present optical design of such photographic camera computed by James G. Baker. His device is composed of a paraboloidal mirror, a cemented dublet in front of focus and an aspherical plate placed in entrance parallel beam.
Residual Aberrations of the Gajdušek Objective Lens of Diameter 200 mm and Focal Length 3480 mm of the Observatory in Hradec Králové
Rail, Zdeněk ; Melich, Zbyněk ; Šrajer, Bohdan ; Vápenka, David ; Tomka, David ; Thoř, Tomáš ; Macner, David
The achromatic dublet of diameter 200 mm and focal length 3480 mm was manufactured by Professor ing. Vilém Gajdušek in Ostrava in 1954. The telescope with this objective is placed at the Observatory and planetarium in Hradec Králové. The objective was restored in the Institute of Plasma Physics, v.v.i.-Centrum Toptec in Turnov. During the process lens was measured and data were used for evaluation of its residual aberrations. We present the results of the measurement in this paper.
The Technology of Manufacture of a Positive Lens of Achromatic Dublet
Rail, Zdeněk ; Melich, Zbyněk ; Šrajer, Bohdan ; Šípová, Gabriela ; Ulrichová, Iva ; Franců, Helena ; Melich, Radek ; Vápenka, David ; Tomka, David ; Thoř, Tomáš
This paper deals with manufacturing of a positive lens of achromatic dublet. Diameter of the dublet is 158 mm and its focal length about 2500 mm. The glass material of the former lens was inhomogeneous and the dublet provided bad images. This is why we decided to manufacture new lens. The process was made by means of former machines of our workshop. The telescope with this dublet is placed at the Observatory of Turnov and serves for public astronomical observation.
The Digitalisation of the Maksutov Camera 350/840 of the Observatory in Úpice
Rail, Zdeněk ; Melich, Zbyněk
The Maksutov chamber with a diameter of 350 mm and a focal length of 840 mm was manufactured in Turnov in the early 1980s. At the Úpice Observatory it was used to photograph the sky for photographic film. Currently, we have been asked to convert it to a digital device. It was necessary to design and manufacture a correction element for the chamber to straighten its focal surface and to equip it with a suitable digital camera. In this work we present description of modification of this device.
Several Optical Designs of Off-Axis systems
Rail, Zdeněk ; Franců, Helena ; Ulrichová, Iva ; Šípová, Gabriela ; Vápenka, David ; Vávra, Emil
This paper introduces several types of optimized off-axis mirror systems. Systems without central shading and color defects provide high-contrast imaging. They are suitable for use as astronomical telescopes or as precision laboratory collimators of parallel light beams. Many of these devices have been designed and constructed for various purposes in the Development Optical Workshop of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The Residual Optical Aberrations of the Merz Objective Lens 108/1620 mm
Rail, Zdeněk ; Melich, Zbyněk ; Vápenka, David ; Šrajer, Bohdan
During the cleaning and adjustment of the Merz lens with a diameter of 108 mm and a focal length of 1620 mm, we had the opportunity to measure its optical parameters. From the measured values we made a calculation of residual optical defects of this achromatic lens. The results of these mathematical simulations are presented in this paper. The lens was made around 1923.
Analyze of emission lines in glow discharge in coating machine
Oupický, Pavel ; Sember, Viktor
This paper simply describe the measuring of spectra of glow discharge in coating machine and the determination of the gas composition and the temperature and density of its particles.
Chromatic Aberration of Several Important Refractors of the 19th and 20th Century
Rail, Zdeněk ; Jareš, Daniel ; Tomka, David ; Doleček, Roman
In 19th century refractors dominated in astronomical research. Lenses of these devices were made of the classical glasses. Main optical aberration of these telescopes was residual chromatism. In this paper residual chromatism of several important refractors is shown. We managed to get optical parameters of 40, 36, 25 inch refractors of Alvan Clark, 12 inch telescope of Greenwiche observatory and 6 inch heliometer of Joseph Fraunhofer with which paralax of star was measured for the first time. The paper contains parameters of the dublet of König telescope of Prague‘s observatory
Optical Designs of the Chromospheric Telescope and the Coronograph
Rail, Zdeněk ; Jareš, Daniel ; Tomka, David ; Doleček, Roman
This paper presents optical designs of several devices which are used in solar astronomy – coronograph and telescope for the observations of chromosphere. We insist on high quality of images and simplicity of the whole optical design. The coronograph is composed of 7 optical parts to minimize dispersed light. The chromospheric telescope is designed both for birefringent and Fabry-Perot filters. All these designs could be used as the initial solutions for much complicated devices
Existing experiences with an observation with a filter in “K” line
Klimeš st., Jan ; Melich, Zbyněk ; Šolc, Ivan
In this article a new modification of a Solc filter prototype and results from testing chain Solc filter in K line are stated. Mainly the results obtained from filter configurations for different bandwidths.

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