National Repository of Grey Literature 18 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Modeling of Traffic Flow
Zemanová, Hana ; Brandner, Marek (referee) ; Franců, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis presents an overview of the most common mathematical models of trac ow of vehicles on silgle lane. It deals with both microscopic and macroscopic models. It studies their properties and dierences.
Model predictive Control for continuous casting of steel
Zemanová, Hana ; Mauder, Tomáš (referee) ; Štětina, Josef (advisor)
In this thesis an equation of heat conduction including phase and structural changes is derived, involving various boundary conditions. It seems to be the most suitable to calculate the equation by enthalpy method. In this equation not only enthalpy occurs, but also the temperature, and in consequence the relationship between these variables is quite complicated. In this paper I use the values measured or calculated using solidifcation models. The calculation is implemented in Matlab Simulink, which is a very popular blocks scheme in common practice of regulation. The calculation is based on steady state set up with help of experts and as a result, the program could be put into practice. The program calculates the intensity of cooling according to the initial casting speed, casting inlet temperature and the desired temperature curves. The rate of inuence of cooling can be changed according to the given criteria. The thesis compares the surface temperatures and cooling in the case of a predictive controller is or is not applied in the program.
Integration of children school age with ADHD in to a peer group
Zemanová, Hana ; Vágnerová, Marie (advisor) ; Janošová, Pavlína (referee)
This work is focussed on the integration of the children with ADHD into the peer group. Its target is to find out, if the integration proceeds and if it satisfies the children, the parents and the teachers. There's the issue of the ADHD, history of this term, the manifestations, the etiology, and the diagnostics by MKN-10 and DSM-IV and terminology explained. The applied part was realized through the use of the questionaries fullfiled bz the children with ADHD, their parents and the teachers from the different schools.
The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia
Zemanová, Hana ; Kubín, Petr (advisor) ; Pátková, Hana (referee)
The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. This thesis deals with the beginnings of Premonstratensian Order and their coming to Bohemia. At first, attention is devoted to the history which is briefly characterized by political, economic, and religious conditions in Bohemia in the first half of the twelfth century. The next chapter will take us through the life of St. Norbert, his conversion to Christianity, as well as the foundation and circumstances of the Premonstratensian Order. In this chapter, the Order's form of organisation, characteristics, and daily habits are also discussed. The subject of the fourth chapter is the establishment of the Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. There are also discussed the persons who had the main credit for coming the Premonstratensian Order to Bohemia. It was their greatest admirer Jindrich Zdik, as well as the bishop Daniel and the provost of Steinfeld named Eberwin. The next section is dedicated to the description of the consequential creation of the first male and female monasteries in Bohemia such as Strahov, Doksany, Litomysl, Zeliv and Lounovice. There are also mentioned the first abbots and priors of these monasteries. In conclusion, there is a brief summary and evaluation of the contribution of the Premonstratensian Order.
Low - threshold institutions - work with clients, preparation of social workers
Zemanová, Hana ; Zelinková, Olga (advisor) ; Čedík, Miloslav (referee)
This thesis deals with low-threshold institutions for juveniles. First part describes the usual clients and their problems, i.e. what are clients' needs and what the institution is supposed to offer them. Influence of the society on an individual mental development are covered as it is one of the important agents of problems in the youth. Briefly is presented the Czech streetwork association, an organization supporting low-threshold institutions. The theoretical part includes origin and historical development of low-threshold institutions, their standards, their focus group and methods of work with clients. Second part contains results of a survey carried out among low-threshold institutions workers. The questionnaire was focused on motivation for this particular job, methods of work, burnout syndrome etc. The practical part of the thesis also includes a description of a chosen institution. Personal experiences is described to complete an overview of requirements and effects of the low-threshold institutions.
The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia
Zemanová, Hana ; Kubín, Petr (advisor) ; Pátková, Hana (referee)
The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. This thesis deals with the beginnings of Premonstratensian Order and their coming to Bohemia. At first, attention is devoted to the history which is briefly characterized by political, economic, and religious conditions in Bohemia in the first half of the twelfth century. The next chapter will take us through the life of St. Norbert, his conversion to Christianity, as well as the foundation and circumstances of the Premonstratensian Order. In this chapter, the Order's form of organisation, characteristics, and daily habits are also discussed. The subject of the fourth chapter is the establishment of the Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. There are also discussed the persons who had the main credit for coming the Premonstratensian Order to Bohemia. It was their greatest admirer Jindrich Zdik, as well as the bishop Daniel and the provost of Steinfeld named Eberwin. The next section is dedicated to the description of the consequential creation of the first male and female monasteries in Bohemia such as Strahov, Doksany, Litomysl, Zeliv and Lounovice. There are also mentioned the first abbots and priors of these monasteries. In conclusion, there is a brief summary and evaluation of the contribution of the Premonstratensian Order.
Integration of children school age with ADHD in to a peer group
Zemanová, Hana ; Vágnerová, Marie (advisor) ; Janošová, Pavlína (referee)
This work is focussed on the integration of the children with ADHD into the peer group. Its target is to find out, if the integration proceeds and if it satisfies the children, the parents and the teachers. There's the issue of the ADHD, history of this term, the manifestations, the etiology, and the diagnostics by MKN-10 and DSM-IV and terminology explained. The applied part was realized through the use of the questionaries fullfiled bz the children with ADHD, their parents and the teachers from the different schools.
Possibility of cooperation between the school and the family in worning with the literary text at the 1st grade of primary school
Zemanová, Hana ; Hausenblas, Ondřej (advisor) ; Klumparová, Štěpánka (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou dětského čtenářství. Uvádí, že kjeho rozvoji je potřeba spolupráce rodiny a školy. Zkoumá, jak by tyto dvě instituce mohly spolupracovat, a porovnává, jak spolupracují u nás a v Německu. Vychází především z dostupných českých a německých pramenů a literatury, ale také z odpovědí dvou desítek učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ, kteří ve vytvořeném dotazníku vyjádřili svůj postoj ke čtenářství svých žáků i ke spolupráci s rodinou. Práce je doložena řadou příkladů z Německa, ale i z českých škol. Autorka v závěru práce přináší i některé "vlastní čtenářské aktivity" vhodné pro spolupráci školy a rodiny. Tato diplomová práce bude přínosem pro učitele 1. stupně ZŠ, kteří se chtějí přičinit o zlepšení čtenářství svých žáků. Nabízené možnosti spolupráce s rodinou jsou jedním možným řešením. Powered by TCPDF (
Iron gall ink
Zemanová, Hana ; Hynek, Radovan (referee) ; Hrdličková Kučková, Štěpánka (advisor)
This work is focused on history and preparation of gall-nut ink - the most common agens of writing for more than eight centuries. This thesis contains information about each component of the ink and explains the reason why it was added to the ink. The work also explains the chemical principles, that are responsible for the formation of the pigment and for the behaviour of the mixture when it is applied on the substrate and exposed to atmospheric oxygen. Experimental part of this work focuses on practical preparation of two gall-nut inks by medieval recipes and their quality tests.

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4 Zemanová, Helena
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