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Ověření platnosti metody stanovení věku srnce obecného (Capreolus capreolus) dle Schumacherova znaku
Zapletal, Petr
This thesis verifies roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) age determination method based on Schumacher’s trait. This method is based on degree of thyroid cartilage ossification. 23 roe deer larynges were collected from which thyroid cartilages were extracted. The cartilages were documented and then their ossification rates were analyzed by computer program ImageJ. Based on the results of this study, the method was found inapplicable for excessive amount of value deviations from the standard.
Proposal and set up of material flow standards for selected components from 3 product groups in the Edwards company and their subsequent analysis
Zapletal, Petr ; Kalivoda, Milan (referee) ; Kubík, Roman (advisor)
This thesis deals with setting standards of material flow and its optimization according to the principles of lean production at Edwards Ltd. The first part is devoted to theoretical introduction to the problems of logistics and lean manufacturing with a brief description of their tools. Then, it is made introduction of company Edwards and analyse of current state of the material flow. In the last part of the thesis it is proposed steps, which should lead to efficiency and standardization of material flow.
The Analysis of Company Financial Position
Zapletal, Petr ; Kubala, Jaroslav (referee) ; Luňáček, Jiří (advisor)
The subject of my bachelor work is to make estimation of the financial health of the concrete sign based on the financial-analytical methods. Work consists of free basic parts. The first one deals with the theoretical pieces of knowledge, which are practically used for the financial analysing of the concrete sign in the second part. The third part summarises the overall financial situation of the sign and presents the proposals to it’s improvement.
Web Portal for Network Traffic Reporting
Zapletal, Petr ; Straka, Martin (referee) ; Tobola, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of web portal with reports about network traffic. This system is designed for easy network monitoring with transparent charts a tables. To obtain statistics from network traffic, NetFlow technology, which is the key part of system, is used. Portal is platform independent and is built around HTML and PHP technologies. Portal also allows export proccessed data through periodic email service or files in PDF format.
A Classification Methods for Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Analysis
Zapletal, Petr ; Kolář, Radim (referee) ; Odstrčilík, Jan (advisor)
This thesis is deal with classification for retinal nerve fibre layer. Texture features from six texture analysis methods are used for classification. All methods calculate feature vector from inputs images. This feature vector is characterized for every cluster (class). Classification is realized by three supervised learning algorithms and one unsupervised learning algorithm. The first testing algorithm is called Ho-Kashyap. The next is Bayess classifier NDDF (Normal Density Discriminant Function). The third is the Nearest Neighbor algorithm k-NN and the last tested classifier is algorithm K-means, which belongs to clustering. For better compactness of this thesis, three methods for selection of training patterns in supervised learning algorithms are implemented. The methods are based on Repeated Random Subsampling Cross Validation, K-Fold Cross Validation and Leave One Out Cross Validation algorithms. All algorithms are quantitatively compared in the sense of classication error evaluation.
Application of laser processes in crystalline silicon solar cells fabrication
Zapletal, Petr ; Švecová, Olga (referee) ; Hladík, Jiří (advisor)
Master's thesis is aimed at the use of given type of laser in the solar cells manufacturing. The first part of thesis is focused on photovoltaic theory, lasers and photovoltaic applications of solid-state lasers. Second part of thesis is practical realization of theoretical analysis. The evaluation of laser usability for variety of applications on solar cells and recommendation for entry settings on laser.
Building of Successful Web Projects
Kadeřábek, Jakub ; Zapletal, Petr (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis considers with describing of methods and procedures used in process of production and building successful web projects. Main spheres of interest are e-business strategy, strategy of internet marketing and procedures of managing customer relationship. Theoretic notes are demonstrating on practice example of project management in case study which describes application of internet shop.
Analyzis of Lottery, Gambling and Betting in Czech Legal and Fiscal Context
Hladík, Milan ; Zapletal, Petr (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis comprises an analytical as well as a theoretical part and is completed with suggestions for improvement of existing arrangement. In its theoretical part it is focused on Czech private and public treatment of gambling. In its analytical part evaluation and description of a current financial regulation of gambling sector is described.
Wall crane
Zapletal, Petr ; Jonák, Martin (referee) ; Pokorný, Přemysl (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the constructional design of wall crane with 2500 mm crane radius and lifting capacity 1000 kg. Thesis includes design of crane, the choice of components, control calculation according to applicable standards and choice of a suitable hoist and trolley. An integral part of the thesis is design documentation.
Fundraising of Selected Non-Profit Organization
Matušková, Nikola ; Zapletal, Petr (referee) ; Lajtkepová, Eva (advisor)
The aim of this study is to suggest new ways of obtaining additional financial resources from the public and private sources. It is based on the analysis of the selected non-profit organization. The theoretical part is focused on a legal definition of non-profit organizations and a justification of their existence. The design part is devoted to the analysis of the economic statements of the selected non-profit organization – Junák-český skaut, středisko Křtiny, z.s. that is based on education of children and young people. This study also includes acquisitions of the additional financial resources, that were proposed in according to the activities of the organization.

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6 Zapletal, Pavel
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