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The effect of touch- screen applications on learning the second language of monolingual toddlers
Macholdová, Linda ; Slussareff, Michaela (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to investigate how effective it is to teach toddlers English with the use of educational applications. This thesis will investigate this topic by concentrating on the use of educational applications, the role of parents and other aspects of learning. It will also investigate how motivated parents are to give their children access to use English speaking applications and whether they think these educational applications will improve their children's English proficiency. The thesis is structured as follows: Research of secondary sources of information (literature) Critical analysis of used literature Formulation of the research question or hypothesis Primary investigation (to be used as a template for further research) Conclusion Discussion of results, comparison with literature, evaluation of limitations of results Motifs for further investigation The scope of this thesis includes primary data collection of the aforementioned topics. Primary data collection serves as a verification of the research method and validity of the investigation. The age group of children studied in this thesis is 1-3 years old. Appropriate methods will be used to determine whether teaching English to toddlers through the use of educational applications is effective....
Seniors and the issue of digital divide
Zadražilová, Iva ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Steinerová, Jela (referee) ; Slussareff, Michaela (referee)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá tématem digitální propasti, která je řešena z hlediska seniorů a práce s internetem. V dnešní době rozmachu technologií a jejich penetrace do všech sfér života je nezbytné, aby starší lidé nebyli digitálně vyloučeni a mohli plnohodnotně využívat všech výhod a zjednodušení, které internet a technologie přináší. Prostředkem k získání digitálních kompetencí je vzdělávání v oblasti informační gramotnosti, které může být poskytováno prostřednictvím sítě knihoven. Práce představuje celý teoretický rámec problematiky, nicméně hlavním přínosem je výzkumná a aplikační část. Výzkumy probíhaly v kvalitativní i kvantitativní rovině a přinesly odpovědi zejména na otázky, jakým způsobem dnes senioři internet využívají a o jaká témata jeví největší zájem z hlediska svého dalšího vzdělávání. Kvantitativního výzkumu se účastnilo více než 750 osob a na základě výsledků dotazníku bylo možné navrhnout metodickou příručku pro vzdělávací lekce. Příručka obsahuje návrh deseti lekcí s tématy, která jsou podložená získanými daty. Dvě z těchto lekcí byly otestovány v rámci evaluačního výzkumu. Příručka existuje ve formě e-knihy a je volně šířena mezi knihovny a další instituce.
Starting Reader and Information Literacy in the Municipal Library of Prague - library Smíchov and Barrandov
Friessová, Romana ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
(in English): Work Starting Reader and Information Literacy in the Municipal Library of Prague - library Smíchov and Barrandov aims to describe and compare the work with starting readers and conduct information education starting readers in accordance with the framework educational programs in the older central city of Prague 5-Smíchov and newer housing estate on the outskirts of Prague 5 in Barrandov. Comparator library Smíchov and Barrandov among the branches of the Municipal Library in Prague. From a comparison of these libraries work is based on methodical instructions for working with starting readers, which rely on the conclusions from interviews conducted by teachers and educators catchment primary schools and kindergartens, as well as with parents beginning readers.
Seniors and the issue of digital divide
Zadražilová, Iva ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Steinerová, Jela (referee) ; Slussareff, Michaela (referee)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá tématem digitální propasti, která je řešena z hlediska seniorů a práce s internetem. V dnešní době rozmachu technologií a jejich penetrace do všech sfér života je nezbytné, aby starší lidé nebyli digitálně vyloučeni a mohli plnohodnotně využívat všech výhod a zjednodušení, které internet a technologie přináší. Prostředkem k získání digitálních kompetencí je vzdělávání v oblasti informační gramotnosti, které může být poskytováno prostřednictvím sítě knihoven. Práce představuje celý teoretický rámec problematiky, nicméně hlavním přínosem je výzkumná a aplikační část. Výzkumy probíhaly v kvalitativní i kvantitativní rovině a přinesly odpovědi zejména na otázky, jakým způsobem dnes senioři internet využívají a o jaká témata jeví největší zájem z hlediska svého dalšího vzdělávání. Kvantitativního výzkumu se účastnilo více než 750 osob a na základě výsledků dotazníku bylo možné navrhnout metodickou příručku pro vzdělávací lekce. Příručka obsahuje návrh deseti lekcí s tématy, která jsou podložená získanými daty. Dvě z těchto lekcí byly otestovány v rámci evaluačního výzkumu. Příručka existuje ve formě e-knihy a je volně šířena mezi knihovny a další instituce.
The concept of information education in the library of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Hajšmanová, Lucie ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
The diploma thesis focuses on the development of information literacy and information education in university libraries. Based on theoretical and practical knowledge, the aim of the thesis is to propose a concept of information education in the university library of the University of West Bohemia. First, the theoretical part introduces key terms, content, implementable forms and current approach to information education in the context of the university environment. Moreover, it also specifies the current role of the university library as a provider of information education and defines the main competencies of a librarian as an education coordinator or lecturer. Next, the thesis provides an overview of the current activities aimed at literacy development at the university library. The practical part describes in detail the course of quantitative survey of student needs and preferences related to the analysed issue. The final part of the thesis is based on the research results and facts obtained from the analysis of the current educational programs. It proposes a concept of information education, which defines possible changes to the current situation and offers recommendations for future development of the university library so that it can realize its full potential in this area.
Information education of distance students in academic libraries of public universities in the Czech Republic
Sýkora, Rudolf ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with information education of students of distance and combined study at public universities in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The first part of the thesis introduces concepts related to information education, characterizes the system of higher education in the Czech Republic and describes the specifics of distance and combined form of study. The theoretical part also contains a chapter on information education of distance learning students abroad. The practical part describes the research of educational activities for students of distance / combined study at Czech public universities. The research forms used in the thesis are questionnaire survey and content analysis of the documents of individual colleges of libraries. The conclusion of the paper contains a summary and recommendations for improvement.
The effect of touch- screen applications on learning the second language of monolingual toddlers
Macholdová, Linda ; Slussareff, Michaela (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to investigate how effective it is to teach toddlers English with the use of educational applications. This thesis will investigate this topic by concentrating on the use of educational applications, the role of parents and other aspects of learning. It will also investigate how motivated parents are to give their children access to use English speaking applications and whether they think these educational applications will improve their children's English proficiency. The thesis is structured as follows: Research of secondary sources of information (literature) Critical analysis of used literature Formulation of the research question or hypothesis Primary investigation (to be used as a template for further research) Conclusion Discussion of results, comparison with literature, evaluation of limitations of results Motifs for further investigation The scope of this thesis includes primary data collection of the aforementioned topics. Primary data collection serves as a verification of the research method and validity of the investigation. The age group of children studied in this thesis is 1-3 years old. Appropriate methods will be used to determine whether teaching English to toddlers through the use of educational applications is effective....
Tutorials analysis for searching in information resources of Czech medical libraries
Mašková, Klára ; Zadražilová, Iva (advisor) ; Jarolímková, Adéla (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out which form of online tutorial is the most used by medical libraries on their websites. In the theoretical part there is an overview of online tutorials and their possibilities. In the practical part there are analyzes of all tutorials that can be found on medical libraries' websites, how they are placed on websites, how large they are and whether they are easily accessible and comprehensible. One of the main questions is whether medical libraries tend to create their own tutorials or prefer to use those already created by someone else.
Starting Reader and Information Literacy in the Municipal Library of Prague - library Smíchov and Barrandov
Friessová, Romana ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
(in English): Work Starting Reader and Information Literacy in the Municipal Library of Prague - library Smíchov and Barrandov aims to describe and compare the work with starting readers and conduct information education starting readers in accordance with the framework educational programs in the older central city of Prague 5-Smíchov and newer housing estate on the outskirts of Prague 5 in Barrandov. Comparator library Smíchov and Barrandov among the branches of the Municipal Library in Prague. From a comparison of these libraries work is based on methodical instructions for working with starting readers, which rely on the conclusions from interviews conducted by teachers and educators catchment primary schools and kindergartens, as well as with parents beginning readers.