National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The use of NFT in marketing and community building in the Czech Republic
Vojík, Vít ; Rosenfeldová, Jana (advisor) ; Moravcová, Hana (referee)
This thesis focuses on the phenomenon of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and their potential future use in brand and personal marketing communication in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to investigate what role non-fungible tokens can play in marketing communication in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Czech professionals. The theoretical part introduces the NFT itself and also the technology and philosophy of blockchain, which is essential for NFT, along with digital channels such as the game environment or the metaverse that may influence the future use of NFT. It also presents current practical examples of the marketing use of NFT in the world. The practical part is based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with communication and technology experts. Subsequent qualitative analysis of this data provides information about the experts' view on the use of this technology in marketing within the Czech Republic. The main findings of the research include that the use of NFTs in the Czech Republic can be quite broad, typically in the form of loyalty programmes or other brand community building activities. While in the past, domestic NFT projects by brands have been more short-term in nature, taking advantage of the initial popularity of NFT and increased media coverage of the topic,...
Communication analysis of chosen Czech music artists aspiring to succeed on foreign markets during the year 2021
Vojík, Vít ; Ježková, Tereza (advisor) ; Halada, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe how Czech music artists use social media to promote their music in foreign countries. The theoretical part deals with the importance of building a personal brand for the growth of digital communities and describes theoretical knowledge about creating content on social media. The practical part analyses a communication of 3 selected Czech music artists aspiring to succeed on foreign markets during the year 2021. The gathered data is compared with each other and with the theory. There are communication recommendations of the author at the end of the paper.

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