Zaměstnanecké benefity pro centra sdílených služeb na Brněnsku
Veselý, Milan
Veselý, M. Employee benefits in shared service centre operating in Brno. Di-ploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University of Brno, 2014. The thesis analyzes the current state of employee benefits provided in the shared service centre (SSC) operating in Brno. There is also done a questionnaire survey in selected SSC investigating awareness and satisfaction of employees regarding provided benefits, and in-depth interviews with HR managers of SSC. On the basis of these data, the analysis of the various benefits and of the SSC environment is then designed a general model of employee bene-fits applicable to SSC operating in Brno.
Změny vlastností vybraných půd kraje Vysočina po 50 letech hospodaření
Veselý, Michal
With this diploma thesis I have followed up my bachelor's thesis evaluating the aberration of soil properties on agricultural soils in the Vysočina region. For sampling, I chose again an agricultural enterprise in the Pelhřimov district. Four probes were excavated for analysis and the results were compared with the results from the Comprehensive Soil Exploration. The analyses were carried out from both damaged and undamaged soil samples. These were grain size analysis, soil reaction and organic substance content, and further selected physical properties from Kopecký rollers. In addition, the selected results were evaluated by a single-factor analysis of variance. An increase in the content of clay particles was observed at almost all samples, the deterioration of the soil reaction occurred in the probe V2 and V4. Humus content showed an increase in all the plots. The results from the rollers reached good values at probes V1, V3 and V4, probe V2 exceeded the critical values for maximum capillary water capacity and minimum air humidity.
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Systémy přípravy směsi dvoudobých motorů
Veselý, Michal
The bachelor thesis is focused on the possibilities of mixture preparation for twostroke spark ignition engines. The work is divided into several parts, the first part is focused on the description of the main parts important for engine operation, the second part is dedicated to the development of the mixture suplying systems for two-stroke engines. The third part contains a detailed description of the mixture preparation systems for twostroke engines, which are the most used today. The last part is devoted to current trends in these systems.
Analysis of the activities of Allgemeine-SS in Lower Austria in the years 1932 - 1945
Zumr, Jan ; Horčička, Václav (advisor) ; Koura, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Martin (referee)
The dissertation deals with the research of a role played by the SS, respectively Allgemeine-SS, in Lower Austria and Reichsgau Lower Danube since its creation in the early 1930s to the end of the Second World War. The dissertation's purpose is to analyse SS activities, structure and staff. Its history showed a number of identical features with the history of the SS in other Austrian Bundesländer and in Germany itself, but at the same time local specifics appeared. In Lower Austria / Lower Danube, the SS had the second highest or even the highest number of members in entire Austria, depending on a particular year. However, conversion to per capita it was exactly the opposite. In comparison with the situation in "the old empire", the SS also showed below average numbers of SS men. This fact consisted in geographic character and population social structure of the country whose predominantly Catholic-conservative inhabitants living in the lowland countryside showed greater resistance to entry into the SS than Evangelicals or Catholics living in the mountains. The situation was specific in South Moravia and the south-eastern corner of Bohemia which were connected to Lower Danube in October 1938. There were, as in the entire former Czechoslovak borderlands, a number of Allgemeine-SS members per capita...
Material printing of identification signs
Šerík, Matej ; Vališ, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with material printing, focusing on the preparation and analysis of clichés for pad printing, the optimization of functional compositions deposited by a hand held pad printing machine on PET films, and the characterization of these deposited layers. Two fluorescent compositions with different fluorescent derivatives were prepared, which, upon excitation with electromagnetic radiation, emitted specific infrared radiation, allowing them to be distinguished. The fluorescent compositions were applied to PET films using a hand held pad printing machine. The optimal concentration of fluorescent derivatives in the compositions and the ideal layer thickness to achieve the maximum intensity of fluorescent emission were determined. One of the objectives of the work was the preparation of scent markers by encapsulating peppermint essential oil in liposomes, which allows controlled release of the fragrance after mechanical disruption. The scent markers were not homogeneous but showed the desired properties after the disruption of the microparticles. However, the use of screen printing compared to pad printing resulted in better homogeneity ofthe scent markers. Steel clichés were found to be the most suitable for the application of all layers, whereas glass clichés could be an attractive alternative when prepared by higher resolution laser engraving.
Material printing of UVB disposable dosimeter
Fryčová, Gabriela ; Ettler,, Karel (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis was the preparation of photosensitive layers responding by colour change to the exposure dose and their subsequent calibration to UVB irradiation doses of 500 and 1 000 mJcm2 using calibration agents and layer thickness change. The experimental part focuses on the preparation and application of the layers and the study of their colour response to the exposure dose. The validity of the reciprocity law was verified. The simplicity of preparation and use of the resulting disposable UVB dosimeters was emphasized.