National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
EdLab - web application for management of online courses
Valentová, Michaela ; Ježek, Pavel (advisor) ; Pešková, Klára (referee)
The field of education is rapidly evolving, with distance learning becoming an incre- asingly popular method of teaching. With the advent of technology, teachers are seeking effective ways to educate their students even without physical presence. In this bachelor's thesis, we are developing a web application that will allow teachers to create their own online educational courses. The proposed web application will provide teachers with a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing courses according to their specific needs and preferences. Tea- chers will be able to easily design course content, divide the course into chapters, incor- porate interactive components, and much more. The application will create an interactive learning environment for both students and the wider public involved in the course "AI v kontextu", which is the focus of this project. The flexibility of the application will allow students to choose when and where they participate in the course, while the pace of acquiring knowledge will adapt to their individual learning speed. The attractiveness of studying is enhanced by the ability to engage in shared activities such as polling, verifying acquired knowledge, and receiving feedback through knowledge quizzes. The application is developed using the React framework and utilizes...
The prevention of drug addiction in Central European area
The thesis The prevention of drug addiction in Central European area focuses on defining the substance abuse problematice, it describes the main types of substances, substance abuse and its definition, risk and protective factors including the consequences of substance use. It defines the situation of substance use and prevention o fit in the aresa of middle europe region. (Poland, Slovakia, Czech republic).
Purpose at work. Motivations of Workers of Selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth
Valentová, Michaela ; Moree, Dana (advisor) ; Košák Felcmanová, Alena (referee)
Purpose at work. Motivations of Workers of Selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth Bc. Michaela Valentová Abstract Diploma thesis focuses on the experience of purposefulness of employees of low- threshold facilities for children and youth. In theoretical part low-threshold facilities are firstly conceptualized as a part of Czech organized civil society. Secondly, relevant theories of purpose are introduced. In empirical part, qualitative research is conducted by in-depth interviews with nine employees of two typical civil society organizations. Workers of low-threshold facilities for children and youth construct their purpose around four categories: helping clients, professionality, work ethics and self-development. Each of these categories brings specific consequences for their organizations. The theory expects purpose to be inspirational for others, however research participants do not reflect on the possibility to inspire their clients that way. This work suggests it is caused by workers' strong emphasis on professionality which creates borders in relationships between clients and workers and also limits the possibility to inspire one another with purpose. Keywords low-threshold facility for children and youth, civil society organization, CSO, non-profit organization, mission, meaning of...
Artistic activities in kindergarten
The main point of the bachelor thesis is to find out which art techniques and methods are used in a nursery school, whether they use any new and untraditional techniques and materials. The theoretical part is focused on pre-elementary child development, related art techniques and methods as a part of the nursery school educational program. The practical part contains interviews with teachers and children and describes modern techniques and methods that I would suggest to employ.

See also: similar author names
14 VALENTOVÁ, Markéta
5 VALENTOVÁ, Martina
8 VALENTOVÁ, Michaela
2 Valentová, Marcela
1 Valentová, Mariana
10 Valentová, Marie
14 Valentová, Markéta
4 Valentová, Marta
5 Valentová, Martina
5 Valentová, Miroslava
5 Valentová, Monika
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