Natural substances and their biological activity.Screening of alkaloid plants for anticholinesterase effect
Valentová, Ivana ; Opletal, Lubomír (advisor) ; Hošťálková, Anna (referee)
1 ABSTRACT Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany Candidate: Mgr Ivana Valentová Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Lubomír Opletal, CSc. Title of Rigorous Thesis: Natural substances and their biological activity. Screening of alkaloid plants on human cholinesterases inhibition Key words: cholinesterase inhibition, Alzheimer disease, plant extract Ten herbs were screened for cholinesterase inhibition activity within searching new anti-Alzheimer agent. These plants are traditionally used as rerbal remedies for various diseases and they could be sources of new potential natural compounds. For this reason, ethanolic and alkaloidal extracts plants were prepared and their ability to inhibit human cholinesterases inhibition was determined. For the extraction Papaver somniferum immature capsules, Euonymus europeus fruits, Papaver orientale leaves, Magnolia officinalis leaves, Lycopodium clavatum aerial parts, Laurus nobilis leaves, Fritillaria imperialis bulbs, Flueggea suffruticosa aerial parts, Uncaria tomentosa bark, and Evolvulus alsinoides aerial parts were chosen. For the determination of human cholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro modified Ellman's method was used. Only two alkaloidal plant extracts could be considered as potential source of HuBuChE...
Educator's role in pedagogy and vocational education
Valentová, Ivana ; Beneš, Milan (advisor) ; Sycha, Martin (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to acquaint the reader with the personality of educators and their professional roles. The first part deals with the personal qualities, roles, but also the requirements imposed on educators that appear in terms of professional competencies. As the educator is not always limited to the performance of a single role, depending on the target group, the environment and the specific situation, may represent several roles simultaneously. In the following part the pedagogical and vocational context of thinking is introduced, that serves as a key starting point for further exploration of educator's personality. The final section is devoted to defining the specific factors involved in the realization of educational process. The relationship of education-teaching-learning is elaborated with more details, but also provides the field of activity for clarification the relationship between educator (teacher and instructor) and participant (child and adult).
Social skills development of the trainer in further vocational adult education
Valentová, Ivana ; Vališová, Alena (advisor) ; Kasíková, Hana (referee)
The main subject of interest in the presented thesis is the trainer who deals with further vocational adult education in the area of social skills. The first section presents not only the trainer's personality in the relationship to the qualification and competency, but also the description and analysis of particular social skills. The following empirical section researches the trainers' motivation in relation to their performance in trainer profession, their approach to education and the ability for self-reflection. In the conclusion, the various possibilities for further development of useful social skills are specified and the methodical programme suggested which focuses on conflict-resolution and negotiation skill development.