National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Application of ethics in social work when working with Romany clients in NZDM Cross Strakonice
The introduced diploma thesis deals with the application of ethics in social work in Open door youth club Cross in Strakonice, where the Roma are the target group of clients. The diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The first chapter deals with the everyday problems of Romany people, from the history to social situation of Romany ethnic group of nowadays. The question of education of the Roma in Czech school system is also included there. The aim of the second chapter is to introduce the Open door youth club Cross, to present the role of this organisation, its principles, aims and its target group of clients who are very often considered to be in unfavourable life and social situations. The third chapter is the fundamental part of the diploma thesis. The main focus is on moral acting of social workers and on the sense, necessity and application of ethic rules in social work, especially while working with Roma clients in Open door youth club Cross.
The Issue of Poverty and Its Practical Impact in Sub-Saharan Africa
The work deals with the problem of poverty and its causes, impacts and possible help in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this thesis is based on the study of documents and other resources to present the issue of poverty, its causes, indicators and possible help in Third World Countries, to investigate the ways the International Monetary Fund helps in the fight against poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa in line with the Millennium Development Goals, which were adopted by representatives of all UN Member States in 2000 at the Millennium Summit. The research was conducted by the secondary data analysis, focused on written documents, literature, press and television broadcasts on the International Monetary Fund and the question of whether this is in line with the MDGs. In the work I specify the concept of poverty in the context of African countries, I point to the geographic, demographic and cultural characteristics of this continent, the beginning of the crisis and indebtedness of states with international institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Further, I give a detailed description of the International Monetary Fund as an institution from its foundation, including the roles it plays in financial assistance to countries. In my work I conclude that the policy proposed by the IMF, which is financial austerity, privatization and market liberalization, is by no means an effective way to economic growth in poor countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and definitely does not correspond to meeting Millennium Development Goals.

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