Comparison of the collective investment in the Czech Republic and Austria
Řeháková, Eliška ; Musílek, Petr (advisor) ; Tuček, Miroslav (referee)
Thesis deals with the collective investment in the Czech Republic and Austria. The first part describes the collective investment in general, advantages and disadvantages, subjects and risks associated with this form of investment. Thesis also deals with current regulatory issues of investment funds in the European Union. Next two parts are focused on the history, subjects and legal framework of the collective investment in each country. Final part compares both countries and presents the process of selecting a suitable fund with the focus on the final return for individual investor.
Measuring the performance of selected banks operating in the Czech Republic
Pohanka, Eduard ; Tuček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Janda, Karel (referee)
The thesis is focused on the practical analysis of the profitability and efficiency of banks operating in the Czech Republic from the perspective of people who do not have inside information on banking operations. The restrictions of obtaining information, assumptions and limitations of the methods used and also the question whether such an analysis makes sense and it is therefore possible to comprehensively compare the bank are also discussed. The paper also discusses the possible views on the definition of bank performance and other methods for its qualification are marginally mentioned.
The indebtedness of households in the Central European countries
Nývlt, Tomáš ; Dvořák, Petr (advisor) ; Tuček, Miroslav (referee)
This thesis occupies with analysis of indebtedness of households in the Czech Republic at the bank institutions and this results compare with indebtedness of households in the other Central European countries, namely in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Austria. It focuses also on effect of the financial crisis on development of indebtedness in household's sector and mainly on their ability to pay for their debts. The target of this thesis is the evaluation, if the size and development of indebtedness is in the Czech Republic already excessive and poses a threat to financial stability of bank institutions or if the current development of household's indebtedness isn't detrimental to banking market and economical development in the Czech Republic.
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Trends in Indebtedness of Czech Households
Kubátová, Klára ; Tuček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Gruber, Petr (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with indebtedness of households in the Czech Republic. At first, specifics of consumer loans and mortgage loans, which are mostly used by households, are explained. The following two chapters are the main subject of the thesis. The evolution and structure of household indebtedness in recent years are analyzed in them, as well as some factors are evaluated that could influence the evolution of household indebtedness. The last part of the thesis is devoted to over-indebtedness and the issue of personal bankruptcies, the use of which has lately been growing.
Development of the legal regulation on state supervision of the insurance business
Germániová, Alexandra ; Gruber, Petr (advisor) ; Tuček, Miroslav (referee)
The subject and main objective of this thesis is the legal regulation on state supervision of the insurance business and to capture its development over time. The thesis first analyses the need for state supervision of the insurance business and its main objectives. The thesis next provides an overview of the development of the legal regulation on state supervision from the foundation of the first insurance company in the territory of the Czech Republic to the current legal regulation on state supervision. This is followed up by a brief overview of the most important amendments to the current legal regulation that can be expected in the future. The thesis concludes by outlining that the main trend within the development of the legal regulation on state supervision of the insurance business is the strengthening of the supervision through more and more complex legal regulation. The author of the thesis leaves it open whether this current trend would lead to optimal legal regulation on state supervision as this must be tested through further developments.
Analysis of current situation of financial consulting in the Czech republic
Pařízek, Vojtěch ; Gruber, Petr (advisor) ; Tuček, Miroslav (referee)
This bachelor thesis "Analysis of current situation of financial consulting in the Czech republic" analyzes past and current situation of financial advisory services. It refers to the historical development of insurance and brokerage activities as a whole. One of the main objectives of this study is to determine how the public understands this issue and to verify small clients' attitude to financial advisory services. The next objective is to explore the rules and regulatory requirements of the problem and try to determine whether these requirements are right and correct.
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Formation attractive investment conditions for foreign investor's on basis development monetary policy (Uzbekistan's problems)
Amonov, Kholnazar ; Tuček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Janáček, Kamil (referee) ; Kmoníček, Zdeněk (referee)
Abstract Attracting foreign investments to the economy in a large scale pursues long-term strategic goals for creating civilized, socially-oriented society in Uzbekistan, which is characterized by a high standard of living based on mixed economy. For stabilizing the economy and for improving the investments climate, it is necessary to take a number of arrangements, which will target on forming general terms of development of civilized market relations as well as on special conditions relating directly to problem solving -- how to attract the foreign investments. When analyzing the investment process in Uzbekistan, it is possible to say that the extent of attracting and efficiency of using the foreign investments on the national level as well on the regional levels very often depends upon the abilities to establish relevant legal and economic conditions within each phase of the development of the society. It is essential for Uzbekistan to try to attract foreign investments, which would help and support the development of the domestic industry and contribute to implementation of advanced technologies. Therefore volume of business exchange between the enterprises with foreign investments and Uzbek enterprises serves as a criterion for evaluation of successful attraction of foreign investments. We assume that positives brought by the involvement of foreign enterprises in the Uzbek market, must lie predominantly in using technologies for processing raw materials, which Uzbekistan is very rich in. Policy of monetary exchange rates is an important part of the reform programs realized in transformed economy of Uzbekistan. This policy is crucial for improvement of relative prices, restoration of price stability and for opening national markets to international business -- markets, which were closed so far. Nonexistent convertibility of domestic currency is a reason for decreasing the volume of investments within the country. It is therefore necessary to introduce liberalization of the monetary market and open a seamless access of the businesses to hard currencies. Issues of investment image of Uzbekistan are closely related to the problem of openness of the national economy, which under the current conditions become extremely meaningful.
Big banking and financial groups - selected questions
Příhonský, Tomáš ; Křížek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Tuček, Miroslav (referee)
The thesis deals with comparison of the banking markets of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Lithuania in size and rentability of their banks with distribution on banks with domestic owners and the banks in foreign banking group. There is also the comparative analysis in selected indicators of these two units. To the comparison is used the financial analysis. First part of thesis is dealed to the methodics of selection countries, banks, reports, indicators etc. In second part is analysed banking market of each country and the types of banks are compared together on the basis of several indicators. Third part deals with total comparison of two banking units over all countries.