National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Mental health monitoring platform
Trefil, Patrik ; Škoda, Petr (advisor) ; Holubová, Irena (referee)
The National Institute of Mental Health needed to digitalize its research and therapeu- tic practice. One of the processes was the collaboration of therapists with patients/clients through questionnaires. In this work, we conducted analysis, design, and implementation of a web application digitalizing this process. The application enables the creation and processing of questionnaires. This functionality can also be used for data collection for research purposes. Among the primary qualitative requirements of the institute were the extensibility of the application to include other forms of collaboration and the ability to run the application on its own infrastructure. These requirements were addressed by appropriately dividing the application into components and using Docker for easy de- ployment. The application was successfully handed over to the institute for deployment. 1

See also: similar author names
1 Trefil, P.
1 Trefil, Pavel
2 Trefil, Petr
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