Tůmová, Helena ; Kozumplík, Vladimír (referee) ; Sochor, Jan (advisor)
The project of a multifunctional house is situated near the historical centre of the city of Prerov, on a corner lot in the vicinity of the nearby waterfront. The house interacts with the city life; it also sensitively completes the current buildings and the functionalist Sokol house in its neighborhood. The building is separated into two objects. The objects are partly connected through a parterre which frames an open semiprivate atrium. Although the shape of the building does not strictly follow the borders of the lot, the house clearly remains the defining element of the corner. The house is determined mostly for living and also provides space for commercial usage.
The Fragile Line
Tůmová, Helena ; Kovanda, Jiří (referee) ; Gabriel, Michal (advisor)
The project of my diploma thesis Fragile Line is a continuation of my bachelor thesis Limits of Normality in which I compiled part of the drawn black and white imaginary world of a 10-year old boy Jára with Asperger syndrome and created its colourful 3D visualisation. Fragile Line is for me some imaginary border between the real world and Jára`s fictional world. In my diploma work I created three planets from Jára`s space system, intentionally I used different technology and range of colours for each of them because children like disparity and variety.
What can be built in the largest city block in Brno?
Tůmová, Helena ; Rudiš, Viktor (referee) ; Pelčák, Petr (advisor)
The chosen locality of the diploma project is situated in the centre of Brno, on the edge of the historical part of the city. It borders on the main green belt and the biggest city park Lužánky. The analyzed block is unique because of its oversize and its composition. However, objects in a courtyard contrasts to the representative town houses on the perimeter. They appear very unordered; it is not possible to walk through this part of the city. The secondary functions, like storages and on-ground parking, are located there. The greenness is not maintained. The objects split the courtyard into not specified and separated spaces, which are even complicated by sloping topography. Nowadays the block makes a barrier in the city structure. The main values of the courtyard are its location, size and calm atmosphere. The potential of the site is possible to use for a proposal of a high-quality dwelling complex. The proposed structure is designed on a linear base, it correspondents to the shape of the chosen site. It creates also public and semiprivate open spaces, which can serve for the new inhabitants. The simple look of the new structure seems to be in harmony with the existing buildings. Even more, the open character of the proposal cultivates the entire block and improves the city structure.
Sedes imperii - political, economic and cultural centers of tetrarchy
Motlochová, Alžběta ; Tůmová, Helena (advisor) ; Tušlová, Petra (referee)
This thesis aims for the comparation of historical, economic and cultural factors that are related to the establishment of tetrarchy in the year 285 AD and to the constitution of sedes imperii as settlement cities for individual emperors, especially with regard to emperor Diocletian's private palace in Split. A part of the thesis includes the analysis of the economic background and buildings near the cities, such as villae rusticae, and their effects on the development of the cities and economic prosperity in a broad region. In other part, the thesis focuses on the ideology and typology of self-representation of the emperors from earlier tetrarchy, as well as on the contrasts between the official emperor's cult and the personality cult of each individual emperor in their settlement cities, the latter being represented for example by triumphal arches or private emperor mausoleums. In the final part of the thesis there is a schema of transformations of sedes imperii after the decline of the first tetrarchy and in the time of Constantine's dynasty that follows. Key words sedes imperii, economic background, tetrarchy, Diocletian's palace, villa rustica, imperial ideology, Thessaloniki, Nicomedia, Split
Ravennate Marble Trade in the Late Antiquity: Material from the San Severo Complex
Tůmová, Helena ; Ondřejová, Iva (advisor) ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Cantini, Federico (referee)
This thesis aims to study the commercial mechanism of Ravenna in the Late Antiquity from the point of view of the amount, type and provenance of the imported stone artefacts (fragments of architectural decoration, revetments slabs, opus sectile, sarcophagi), based on the study of archaeological material from the site of the basilica and the monastery of San Severo in Classe (Ravenna). Ravenna represented an important administrative and cultural center in the 5th and 6th century, connecting western and eastern artistic influences and focusing herself on trade and production. Determination of the stone artefacts from the San Severo locality was principally based on the archaeometric methods and on the combination of archaeologic and geologic approach as well. Specific archaeometric methods (macroscopic, geochemical and mineralogical-petrographic analyses) together with a quantitative evaluation were applied. Many scientific works, dedicated till this time to the art history of late antique Ravenna and dealing also the argument of ravennate "marbles" presumed the prevailing provenance from Proconnesos and usual commercial relations between Ravenna and Constantinople as well. Constantinople played a role of a mediator of oriental localities and Ravenna. The hypothesis concerning the provenance of the...
Tůmová, Helena ; Kozumplík, Vladimír (referee) ; Sochor, Jan (advisor)
The project of a multifunctional house is situated near the historical centre of the city of Prerov, on a corner lot in the vicinity of the nearby waterfront. The house interacts with the city life; it also sensitively completes the current buildings and the functionalist Sokol house in its neighborhood. The building is separated into two objects. The objects are partly connected through a parterre which frames an open semiprivate atrium. Although the shape of the building does not strictly follow the borders of the lot, the house clearly remains the defining element of the corner. The house is determined mostly for living and also provides space for commercial usage.
The Fragile Line
Tůmová, Helena ; Kovanda, Jiří (referee) ; Gabriel, Michal (advisor)
The project of my diploma thesis Fragile Line is a continuation of my bachelor thesis Limits of Normality in which I compiled part of the drawn black and white imaginary world of a 10-year old boy Jára with Asperger syndrome and created its colourful 3D visualisation. Fragile Line is for me some imaginary border between the real world and Jára`s fictional world. In my diploma work I created three planets from Jára`s space system, intentionally I used different technology and range of colours for each of them because children like disparity and variety.
What can be built in the largest city block in Brno?
Tůmová, Helena ; Rudiš, Viktor (referee) ; Pelčák, Petr (advisor)
The chosen locality of the diploma project is situated in the centre of Brno, on the edge of the historical part of the city. It borders on the main green belt and the biggest city park Lužánky. The analyzed block is unique because of its oversize and its composition. However, objects in a courtyard contrasts to the representative town houses on the perimeter. They appear very unordered; it is not possible to walk through this part of the city. The secondary functions, like storages and on-ground parking, are located there. The greenness is not maintained. The objects split the courtyard into not specified and separated spaces, which are even complicated by sloping topography. Nowadays the block makes a barrier in the city structure. The main values of the courtyard are its location, size and calm atmosphere. The potential of the site is possible to use for a proposal of a high-quality dwelling complex. The proposed structure is designed on a linear base, it correspondents to the shape of the chosen site. It creates also public and semiprivate open spaces, which can serve for the new inhabitants. The simple look of the new structure seems to be in harmony with the existing buildings. Even more, the open character of the proposal cultivates the entire block and improves the city structure.