National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Controlling and construction of robotic arm
Sobota, David ; Vaněk, Jiří (referee) ; Vyroubal, Petr (advisor)
This work deals with creating of robotic arm including program for processor and computer interface with graphical programming for robotic arm. It search for solution, how to connect computer with board fittingly and how to create graphical interface for programming of the arm. Topic of this work is originated as the need to create learning tool for school subjects Computer projecting of production, logistic and ecology and Technological projecting and logistic.
Industrial robotic arm model
Sobota, David ; Kazda, Tomáš (referee) ; Vyroubal, Petr (advisor)
This work deals with problematics if industrial robotic arms, with theirs constructions, controling and with theirs role in Industry 4.0. Work describes the process of development and realization of the industrial robotic arm model by 3D printing. Besides construction fo model, work deals with firmware, software and inversion kinematics crucial to controling. Model of robotic arm will be used as learning tool.
Model Of Robotic Arm
Sobota, David
This work deals with the robotic arm model and role of robotic arms in Industry 4.0. The work deals also with possibilities of a construction and controlling of robotic arm, including programming of firmware and computer application with user interface.
Industrial robotic arm model
Sobota, David ; Kazda, Tomáš (referee) ; Vyroubal, Petr (advisor)
This work deals with problematics if industrial robotic arms, with theirs constructions, controling and with theirs role in Industry 4.0. Work describes the process of development and realization of the industrial robotic arm model by 3D printing. Besides construction fo model, work deals with firmware, software and inversion kinematics crucial to controling. Model of robotic arm will be used as learning tool.
Controlling and construction of robotic arm
Sobota, David ; Vaněk, Jiří (referee) ; Vyroubal, Petr (advisor)
This work deals with creating of robotic arm including program for processor and computer interface with graphical programming for robotic arm. It search for solution, how to connect computer with board fittingly and how to create graphical interface for programming of the arm. Topic of this work is originated as the need to create learning tool for school subjects Computer projecting of production, logistic and ecology and Technological projecting and logistic.

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