The Optimalization of Capacity Menu
Achimovič, Peter ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Dlouhá, Zuzana (referee)
The bachelor work is aimed of the composition of capacity menu for young trainees, who want to increase their actual physical form through healthy diet with all of basic macronutrients and they dispose of limited financial budget, as well. The work is systematically structured of four sections, the first part is concerned with definitions of essential terms of linear programming with their metodology. The second part presents fundamental knowledge of nutrion, characteristic of somatotypes and relevant value of components in food.. The main aim of the work is creation of capacity menu through linear and goal programmnig, which are explained in practical part of third and fourth section. Constructed mathematical model is solved in optimalization software LINGO and MS Excel. The interpretation and evaluation of the work is described in coclusion.
Optimalization of production of restaurant
Beroušková, Klára ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Kuncová, Martina (referee)
The topic of this thesis is to optimize production of restaurant Kořenského. The restaurant specializes in making burgers which are offered in many variations. The thesis will solve production planning with sets and integer programing with limited production. Practical part of the thesis is based on actual restaurant data over a one month period. The main goal of the thesis is to create a model which finds the optimal manufacturing structure to maximize sales while keeping prices and inventory in the same level. Additional goal is to optimize prices and inventory and recalculate the optimal manufacturing structure. All calculations are done in MPL for Windows software.
Optimalization of distribution of immobile clients
Maříková, Eliška ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Fábry, Jan (referee)
Distribution problems today belong to one of the most used mathematical models in our everyday life. You can come across them when delivering items or transporting people. In my work I deal with the application of the distribution problems and their modification to transporting of handicapped people, specially for finding a route for the transfer of customers from the starting point to its destination while maintaining the capacities of the vehicles with the subsequent extension of the time windows and a further modification in the form of finding the routes where the customer is transported from the final destination point back to its starting point. To find the optimal solution, the combination of traveling salesman problem and the vehicle routing problem is used in my Bachelor thesis. The model is applied to real-time data from the company Societa o. p. s., which is one of the major companies in providing services to immobile people. The software MPL was used to calculate the optimal solution
Optimalization of mixed goods pickup and delivery
Šorf, Michal ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Dvořák, Marek (referee)
This thesis is focused on the use of linear models in the real world. Its main aim is to devise a mathematical model for a specific problem which is repeatedly encountered by the company Pospíchal s.r.o. and also to find an optimal solution with the help of this model. The thesis is based on basic distribution problems, such as the travelling salesman problem or the vehicle routing problem, which I subsequently modify into the required form. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first one focuses on the description of basic models that will be modified in the last part. The following part deals with a brief description of the company already mentioned above that provided data without which this task could not be demonstrated in practice. The final part includes a detailed analysis of the given task, formulation and description of the mathematical model, which was created on the basis of specific requirements of the company. There is also a comparison of actual results from practice with optimal results.
Application of Vehicle Routing Problem in Geocaching
Frolík, Tomáš ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Sekničková, Jana (referee)
Geocaching is a worldwide game that uses Global Positioning System (GPS). Most play-ers try to create a route to search for caches to make it as short as possible. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to design a model to be able to create the shortest route between individual caches under certain restrictive conditions within five independent circuits. The first part of the thesis presents the basic theoretical knowledge necessary for un-derstanding practical part. The second part is devoted to the basic terms of geocaching. Furthermore in the second chapter, the basic model, its individual variables, equations and evaluation are presented within the Vehicle Routing Problem. As a result, the mod-el is not entirely correct and needs to be expanded by a third index, which sets the conditions for each created circuit separately.
An assignment of employees to clients in a small bussiness
Lebr, Karel ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Fiřtová, Lenka (referee)
Employee assignment to clients in the service sector is often a problem with simple intuitive solution but with the growing number of employees and clients, the complexity of the problem is increasing. For these purposes it is possible to use methods of operational research, more specifically linear or non-linear programming. In the context of assigning something to something else, we can talk more specifically about the assignment problem. This thesis deals with the question of how to assign employees to clients according to their time preferences, taking into account the policy of the company surveyed. For this purpose, a model has been created and implemented in the form of a general assignment problem with upper and lower limits on the number of clients assigned to one teacher. The task also uses the minimax principle. From the studied models, that closest to the reality was chosen and was implemented on a real problem.
Application of optimizing models in milk products distribution
Hanko, Filip ; Fábry, Jan (advisor) ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the distribution of SABI milk products into MILK AGRO, spol s.r.o. retail stores, which are located in Prešov. The main objective is to optimize goods distribution and minimize costs. At the same time, the customer's demands have to be fulfilled and vehicle capacity cannot be exceeded. The problem of goods distribution from depot to stores is solved by the Vehicle routing problem model in MPL. It is necessary to consider specifications of a Heterogenous fleet, because the company holds vehicles with different capacities. The practical part includes comparison of costs, which are spent on goods distribution with vehicles of particular capacities. It also includes an application of the Heterogenous fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows to this specific problem. Following interpretation, results from the task are compared with real distribution system used by the company.
High school timetabling using multicriteria linear programming
Žítek, Jan ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Kuncová, Martina (referee)
The theme of this thesis is high school timetabling. The built mathematical model is based on bivalent programming. The model uses multicriteria linear programming too, because a timetable has to fill legal and school's requests and student's and teacher's wishes. Firstly, there are given theoretical basics. Then there is described economic model with school's characteristics and it continues by mathematical model. For optimization, tool MPL for Windows with using Gurobi. Finally, export of optimization is transferred using VBA to form for end users.
Optimizing the distribution of participants in summer camps
Hlavenka, Vojtěch ; Kuncová, Martina (advisor) ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (referee)
The aim of the thesis is the mathematical model, which is capable to divide participants of large summer camps into groups, according to specific limitations. The first part describes the economics model and all valid conditions. The second part is devoted to theoretical description. There are mentioned the basics of mathematical programming and the basic of working with Excel and VBA. The thesis describes only actually used methods. The following third part shows the final form of the model. So the reader doesn´t have to go through the whole process, described in the fourth part. There is a model testing in the fourth part, especially with the help of the Excel Solver. The problems are sold immediately. That is the reason why the fifth part can be used for implementation of working environment, which allows the end user to run the model without any significant knowledge of the issue. The app uses the wide possibilities of VBA. The sixth part briefly describes other add-ins, that are able to solve mathematical problem. The conclusion summarizes all the previous parts and offeres solution, that would be used in real application of the thesis.
Application of genetic algorithm for production scheduling of engineering company
Stariat, Jiří ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Zouhar, Jan (referee)
This thesis is engaged in scheduling problem, his special types and methods of solving. Scheduling problem is a common operations research problem, which ranks among combinatorial problems. The aim of the scheduling problem is to assign certain activities and resources to individual time moments. Scheduling problem is NP-complete problem. Its computational complexity is thus so high, that there is currently no known algorithm that precisely solve its any instance in polynomial time. Is therefore used for its solution heuristics and metaheuristcs. In this thesis is described in detail metaheuristics of genetic algorithm. Application of genetic algorithm for production scheduling of specific engineering company is the main objective of this thesis.