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Marketing plan for a new business Room Therapy focusing on interior design
Polánková, Klára ; Vranka, Marek (advisor) ; Moravcová, Hana (referee)
The bachelor thesis "Marketing plan for a new company Room Therapy with a focus on interior design" proposes changes to the current marketing plan. The marketing plan will serve as a basis for the future direction of the company. The thesis presents the basic principles of creating a marketing plan and its key elements. In addition, the results from the in-depth interview, the Scoring Model and the subsequent SWOT analysis were used to define the marketing plan proposal. The result of the thesis is a detailed action plan, including a proposed budget, which can help the company to achieve the set goals and thus solve the current problem areas of the company. The main outcome of the thesis is to suggest changes and strengthen the functional tools of the firm's marketing plan that can help the firm grow and achieve higher profits in the long run.

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