Possibilities of Strengthening Motivation and Volition of People with Psychotic Disorders in Occupational Therapy
Dvořáková, Lucie ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Jelínková, Jana (referee)
The thesis deals with the possibilities of influencing motivation and volition in patients with psychotic illness in occupational therapy. The aim of the thesis is to translate the Volitional Questionnaire and to verify its implementation in the Czech cultural environment. The theoretical part deals with the different theories of motivation and will in relation to occupational therapy, it primarily concentrates on the factors that create unique context of motivation and volition of an individual, as well as the possibilities to influence this context. The part further discusses the motivation and volition of the individual with psychotic illness. The theoretical section concludes with the Model of Human Occupation itself, the Volitional Questionnaire and the subsequent Remotivation Process. The practical part deals with the issue of back-translation of the Volitional Questionnaire and its implementation in the Czech environment. The questionnaire is evaluated by the author in predetermined areas, its use in health and community services is compared, and field notes taken during the testing of the questionnaire are also considered. The questionnaire was tested on 29 probands, on four of them repeatedly. The conclusion of the practical part evaluates the Volitional Questionnaire as an advantageous...
Using elements of the Sensory modulation in occupational therapy for mental health care
Zmrhalová, Anna ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Angerová, Yvona (referee)
1 ABSTRAKT BAKALÁŘSKÉ PRÁCE Jméno, příjmení: Anna Zmrhalová Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová Název bakalářské práce: Využití prvků senzorické modulace v ergoterapii v oblasti péče o duševní zdraví Abstrakt bakalářské práce: Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá konceptem senzorické modulace a možnostmi využití těchto prvků v ergoterapii v oblasti péče o duševní zdraví. Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je přiblížit terapeutický koncept senzorické modulace a zjistit, jaké jsou možnosti jeho využití v ergoterapii v oblasti péče o duševní zdraví. Dílčí cíle této práce jsou: Přeložení Senzorického profilu (Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile) metodou jednosměrného překladu z anglického jazyka do českého a jeho následné využití v rámci kazuistik; Formou kazuistik ukázat možnosti individuální práce ergoterapeuta s lidmi s duševním onemocněním v komunitní péči; Vytvoření pracovních listů pro edukaci a management symptomů. Tato práce je teoreticko-praktická. Teoretická část osvětluje koncept senzorické modulace a senzorického zpracování u dospělé populace. Senzorická modulace je terapeutická intervence, která zapojuje smysly člověka a tím mění to, jak se cítí. V práci je také představen obor ergoterapie a jak lze tento přístup využívat v oblasti péče o duševního zdraví. V praktické části je popsána zkušenost...
Model of Human Occupation:translation and adaptation of the tool "The Role Checklist" and its use in psychotic disease.
Kohuš, Petr ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Krivošíková, Mária (referee)
Author: Bc. Petr Kohuš Supervisor: Mgr. Jana Pluhaříková - Pomajzlová Title: The Model of Human Occupation: translation and adaptation of the tool "The Role checklist" and its use in working with people psychotic disease. Abstract: This thesis explores the use of The Role Checklist, version 3 (RCV3) and its use in working with people with psychotic illness. The aim of the work is to translate the questionnaire and part of the RCV3 manual into Czech language and to test its comprehensibility with patients with psychotic illness. The thesis is intended to highlight the importance of participation in social roles in patients with mental illness. The thesis seeks to introduce the basic issues of psychotic illness, the impact on the performance of social roles, their assessment and the relationship of the issues to occupational therapy. The thesis is a pre-research of the RCV3 tool using quantitative data processing with categorical data analysis (descriptive statistics). The main method of the thesis is a questionnaire conversion process that involves back-translation. Data analysis provides insight into the administration of the instrument by a sample of respondents and subsequent synthesis offers an overview of patient participation in each role, patient satisfaction in the roles or the level of need...
Importance of a Subjective Assessment of Patient's Quality of Life after Acquired Brain Injury, WHODAS 2.0 Questionnaire
Hysková, Ludmila ; Sládková, Petra (advisor) ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (referee)
OF THE DIPLOMA THESIS Name, Surname: Bc. Ludmila Hysková Supervisor: MUDr. Bc. Petra Sládková Ph.D. Title of the diploma thesis: Importance of a Subjective Assessment of Patients' quality of Life after Acquired Brain Injury, WHODAS 2.0 Questionnaire Abstract: The diploma thesis deals with the quality of life with people after acquired brain injury. Brain injury is a common cause of disability in the adult population. The aim of the thesis is to find out how the quality of life with people after acquired brain injury changes depending on the attendance of a day care centre. Furthermore, the aim is to determine if there is a correlation between subjective WHODAS 2.0 and objektive FIM data. The theoretical part describes the acquired brain injury, its types and consequences and the subsequent rehabilitation. It also focuses on the quality of life and the possibilities of its assessment using different tools. The WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire is introduced and its clinical use is described. The practical part focuses on the methodology, objectives, hypotheses and research set. The research population consists of 21 patients who attended a rehabilitation day care centre for 4 weeks. The data is collected from the period of April 2022 to March 2023. The results of the work show that the quality of life...
Possibilities of Occupational therapy in sheltered housing for people with mental disability and psychiatric disorders
Hlaváčková, Pavlína ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Rodová, Zuzana (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, Surname: Pavlína Hlaváčková Supervizor: Mgr. Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová Title: Possibilities of occupational therapy in sheltered housing for people with mental disability and psychiatric disorders Abstract: The bachelor thesis focuses on the mapping and possibilities of occupational therapy in the social service of sheltered housing for people with mental disabilities and mental illnesses. Such issues of mentally ill or intellectually disabled people are described in detail in the theoretical part. Some problem areas of these groups are presented as well as potential of occupational therapy interventions. The current reform of psychiatric care, which is supposed to bring about an improvement of psychiatric care and deinstitutionalization, is being addressed. Stigmatisation and overlooking by society is also a common theme of people with mental and psychiatric illnesses. Finally, a sheltered housing service is presented, especially for the above- mentioned groups. The practical part deals with the results of a questionnaire survey that was mapping occupational therapy in sheltered housing for people with mental and psychiatric illness in the Czech Republic. On the basis of these results, the studied literature and the acquired practice, a proposal of possibilities for...
Occupational therapy group work in psychiatric hospital
Kotrbová, Kateřina ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Kotková, Karla (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, Surname: Kateřina Kotrbová Supervisor: Mgr. Jana Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová Title: Occupational Therapy Group Work in Psychiatric Hospital Abstract: The bachelor thesis studies occupational therapy group work for patients with mental illness during hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. It focuses on leading aimed group activity in occupational therapy and offers specific therapeutic units usable in practise that have been designed as a part of this paper and most of them have been verified in practice. Another outcome of the work is a workbook on the topic of time management which occupational therapists may use to manage group therapy and individual therapy as well. It also describes the role of occupational therapy in mental health care, its therapeutic benefits, and recommendations for working with a group. It aims at adult hospitalized patients with serious mental disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.) who often receive aftercare as a part of their hospitalization. A total of 12 therapies performed in the aim group were described in the form of case reports with their preparation, course, conclusion, and reflection. The conclusion of the work summarizes and evaluates the practical experience with the created follow-up program on a selected topic within...
Occupational Therapy During Hospitalization of Alcohol-dependent Persons:Proposing Therapeutic Program for the Rehabilitation of Cognitive Functions
Gašparová, Pavlína ; Rodová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (referee)
DIPLOMA THESIS ABSTRACT Name, Surname: Bc. Pavlína Gašparová Thesis supervisor: Bc. Zuzana Rodová, M.Sc. Title of the Diploma Thesis: Occupational Therapy During Hospitalization of Alcohol- dependent Persons: Proposing Therapeutic Program for the Rehabilitation of Cognitive Functions Abstract: This diploma thesis is focused on the matter of rehabilitation of cognitive functions in alcohol-dependent persons. Main aim of the thesis is to design and evaluate a therapeutic program focused on the most frequently damaged cognitive functions in persons with alcohol dependence. Secondary objectives of this thesis are to create materials for parts of program and to find out how satisfied patients are with the program. Theoretical part of the thesis contains general knowledge concerning alcohol dependence and cognitive functions. Attention is also paid to the issue of brain damage due to alcohol dependence and related cognitive rehabilitation. At the end of the theoretical part, possibilities of occupational therapy intervention in the field of addictology and current state of occupational therapy in addictology care in the Czech Republic are presented. Practical part of the thesis includes a design of a therapeutical program for the rehabilitation of cognitive functions and four case studies to evaluate its impact...
Possibilities of using occupational therapy in patients with eating disorders
Mandíková, Jana ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Rejtarová, Anna (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, Surname: Jana Mandíková Consultant: Mgr. Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová Title of thesis: Possibilities of using occupational therapy in patients with eating disorders Abstract: The bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of eating disorders and the possibilities of using occupational therapy in their treatment. In the theoretical part, I first describe the issue of eating disorders, their etiology and treatment options. I also deal with occupational therapy as a rehabilitation field in psychiatry. The conclusion of the theoretical part is based on the studied Czech and foreign literature and I deal with the use of occupational therapy in patients with eating disorders. In the introduction to the practical part, I present the results of a questionnaire survey on the current use of occupational therapy in patients with eating disorders in the Czech Republic, which I conducted. I also describe my practice and specific therapies that I led at the Psychiatric Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and the General University Hospital. The last part is a proposed procedure of occupational therapy intervention in patients with eating disorders on the basis of the already created foreign manual "Eating Disorders: A Guide for Occupational Therapists", which is based on...
A Systemic Approach in Supervision
Pluhaříková Pomajzlová, Jana ; Havrdová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Rothová, Eliška (referee)
Supervision is dramatically growing domain in the past few years. There are many origins which influence its practice and psychotherapy models are one of them. It is important to be conscious of the influence of theoretical background, which can colour end guide course of supervision. We can find increasing use of systemic approach in the practice, therefore this work focus on its application in supervision. We can find lack of resources specific for using systemic approach in the supervision in the social and health care services, so it is important to turn the attetntion to experiences of supervisors using this approach in their practice in this field. The study is concentrating on - what are the stands of supervisors to systemic aproach and what are their experiences with using this approach in practice of supervision. Semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire are used for obtaining outcomes. The data were analysed in qualitative approach. Outcomes of this study indicate emphasis on stands of the supervisors, rather than on "simple" aplication of methodological operations. Practice of supervisors confirms, that systemic approach can be very well applied in supervision. We can consider interesting, that the modality of supervisors work corresponds with current integrative trend in...
Possibilities of using model activities for vocational selection in people with psychotic conditions.
Hrabalová, Klára ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (advisor) ; Votava, Jiří (referee)
Dospěli jsme k závěru, že modelové činnosti jsou pro klienty absolvující rehabilitaci v o.s. Green Doors velice prospěšné a nezbytné. Ověřili jsme si důležitost modelových činností pro osoby s duševním onemocněním, a také to, že práce, kterou během terapie v o.s. Green Doors (v nichž jsou zařazeny i modelové činnosti) absolvují, výrazně přispívá k jejich léčbě a zlepšuje jejich kvalitu života, kterou v ergoterapii upřednostňujeme a řadíme na první místa terapie. Námi vytvořené modelové činnosti se dají použít nejen v o.s. Green Doors, ale i v jiných sdruženích, nejen v těch se zaměřením na osoby s duševním onemocněním. Modelové činnosti se dají přizpůsobit, dá se přizpůsobit jak styl zadání tak i samotné hodnocení činnosti. Považujeme téma "Možnosti využití modelových činností pro volbu povolání pro lidi s psychotickým onemocněním" za velmi prospěšné, za přínosné, jako možnost metody, formy práce, která přispěje k vyléčení osob s psychotickým onemocněním a k jejich návrat do pracovního procesu.