National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
FCK Technology bro
Pálková, Veronika ; Ponešová, Barbora (referee) ; Štěpán, Marek (advisor)
The Malenovická sawmill, located on the busiest traffic artery in Zlín, is losing its function due to the harvesting of forests in the vicinity of the city. Right behind this place begins a street that is particularly important for Zlín – Tomáš Baťa Avenue. It is an essential urbanistic, compositional, visual, and orientational element of the city of Zlín. A walk through it is a journey through the construction history of this city. However, the character of this thoroughfare in this area is alien to the point of being unpleasant for pedestrians. At a time when Zlín suffers from a lack of housing, I think that densifying the city right on its most important artery can be an interesting and correct way to fill the empty space and give Tomáš Baťa Avenue a respectable start. I believe that living on the main street of the city can be very attractive for many and that it will help to give this space a human scale, life and refinement at the same time. The goal of my work thus becomes the densification of the city on the border between the city of Zlín and the outskirts of Malenovice, on the border between a busy class and a quiet cluster of family houses. This interface becomes the starting point for my design.
Logistics of tourism
Palková, Veronika ; Pernica, Petr (advisor) ; Mervart, Michal (referee)
The logistics is currently an expanding sector, as well as tourism. Their importance is increasing in economies in the world, and therefore this thesis is focused on the possibility of non-traditional application of logistics on tourism. The theoretical part is devoted to definitions and the importance of both sectors. In the application part, the author presents the company, which will be examined. The aim is to characterize the supply chain involved in the logistics system. Also the current situation will be analyzed, then products and suppliers with the aim to show the functioning of the company, which will lead to proposing the strategic, tactical and operational planning, because of the absence of the planning in the company. In conclusion changes which could help the company will be presented. The aim of the thesis is to prove that principles of logistics work in the business of services and that they can help to the company improve their services and to gain the competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Analýza nabídky vybrané cestovní kanceláře
Palková, Veronika ; Petrů, Zdenka (advisor) ; Bakos, Tomáš (referee)
The objective of this bachelor's thesis is an analysis of the offer of the travel agency Osvěta. At first, there is a specification of terms used in the work. The next step is a characterisation of the travel agency and its competitors. Holiday packages, packaged tours and services are analysed in the practical part of the work. Following part is dedicated to the possibilities of promotion of the offer and options of its sale. At the end, the travel agency is evaluated on the base of results of a questionnaire survey and SWOT analysis.

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3 Palková, Veronika
2 Pálková, Vladislava
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