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Apartment building
Orolín, Štefan ; Machová, Petra (oponent) ; Vajkay, František (vedoucí práce)
The topic of the bachelor’s thesis is the preparation of project documentation for the construction of a nearly Zero Net Energy apartment block. The building is located in an emerging residential area within the cadastral municipality of Brno-Sadova. The apartment block is a detached building set in slightly sloping terrain. It is composed of 4 above-ground floors, which contain 11 housing units, and an underground floor. The apartment block lies on the south-western side of the plot. Furthermore, there is a parking area on the northern side of the plot, which is associated with the apartment block and provides barrier-free entry to the building. On the underground floor, there is a communal area with shared facilities. On the ground floor, there are 2 barrier-free flats with their own storage space. Additionally, there is communal space designated for the storage of baby strollers and bicycles. Each remaining above-ground floor contains 3 housing units. The vertical load-bearing structural system, which stands on the foundation slab, consists of sand-lime blocks, the ceilings are constructed using filigree panels. The roof of the building consists of warm flat roof with a modified bitumen membrane functioning as a water insulator.
Obecní úřad
Orolín, Štefan ; Utíkal, Aleš (oponent) ; Utíkalová, Ivana (vedoucí práce)
Predmetom diplomovej práce je vytvorenie časti projektovej dokumentácie pre prevedenie stavby obecného úradu s takmer nulovou spotrebou energie. Riešené územie sa nachádza v centrálnej časti obce Kvasiny. Jedná sa o zastavané stabilizované územie, ktoré je určené pre občiansku vybavenosť. Z urbanistického hľadiska sa jedná o otvorenú štruktúru tvorenú voľne prístupným verejným priestranstvom medzi jednotlivými objektmi. Objekt je navrhnutý na jednoduchom obdĺžnikovom pôdoryse, má dve nadzemné podlažia a je čiastočne podpivničený. Objemovo sa jedná o tri do seba prenikajúce kvádre. Fasáda je ozvláštnená drevenými lamelami, ktoré oddeľujú hmotu časti kultúrneho domu od hmoty obecného úradu. Budova je navrhnutá ako murovaná s plochou strechou. Konštrukčný systém objektu je kombináciou priečneho a pozdĺžneho stenového systému. Stropné a strešné konštrukcie sú navrhnuté zo železobetónových prefabrikovaných predpätých panelov typu Spiroll.
Apartment building
Orolín, Štefan ; Machová, Petra (oponent) ; Vajkay, František (vedoucí práce)
The topic of the bachelor’s thesis is the preparation of project documentation for the construction of a nearly Zero Net Energy apartment block. The building is located in an emerging residential area within the cadastral municipality of Brno-Sadova. The apartment block is a detached building set in slightly sloping terrain. It is composed of 4 above-ground floors, which contain 11 housing units, and an underground floor. The apartment block lies on the south-western side of the plot. Furthermore, there is a parking area on the northern side of the plot, which is associated with the apartment block and provides barrier-free entry to the building. On the underground floor, there is a communal area with shared facilities. On the ground floor, there are 2 barrier-free flats with their own storage space. Additionally, there is communal space designated for the storage of baby strollers and bicycles. Each remaining above-ground floor contains 3 housing units. The vertical load-bearing structural system, which stands on the foundation slab, consists of sand-lime blocks, the ceilings are constructed using filigree panels. The roof of the building consists of warm flat roof with a modified bitumen membrane functioning as a water insulator.

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