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Nursing Care of Patients for Transfusion Application
This thesis deals with nursing care for patients during blood transfusion administration. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part blood, blood transfusion and nursing care for patients during blood transfusion administration are described. In the practical part quantitative research was used and the data collection technique was an anonymous questionnaire designed for nurses working in different departments. The research survey was conducted in Strakonice Hospital, plc, and Písek Hospital, plc, where a total of 130 questionnaires were distributed, 119 questionnaires were returned. The research sample contained 113 properly completed questionnaires, which was defined as 100%. The objective of this thesis was to identify the knowledge and skills of nurses in the care for patients during blood transfusion administration. The other objective was to find out what new knowledge would the nurses apply in the care for patients during blood transfusion administration. To meet these objectives, three following hypotheses were set. Hypothesis 1: Nurses know the principles of nursing care for patients during blood transfusion administration ? it has been confirmed. Hypothesis 2: Nurses actively monitor the patients´ needs during blood transfusion administration, this hypothesis has also been confirmed. Hypothesis 3: Nurses try to apply new knowledge in the care for patients during blood transfusion administration - it has not been confirmed. As an outcome of his study an informational brochure with the basics of nursing care for patients during blood transfusion administration was created, enriched with the information about the needs of patients during blood transfusion administration. The information brochure will be used by nurses who want to enhance or supplement their knowledge in the nursing care for patients during blood transfusion administration. The information brochure will be offered to Strakonice Hospital, plc, and Písek Hospital, plc, when the survey was carried out.

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4 Ouředníková, Marie
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