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Analýza ohýbaného dřevěného prvku: plastifikace a stabilizace tvaru
Nováčková, Kateřina
This thesis deals with the use of microwave and steam plasticization in the production of bent furniture elements and the subsequent shape stabilization achieved by thermal modification. Samples of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), of dimensions 30×30×1400 mm, were divided into 4 groups (each group contained 10 samples). Half of the samples were then plasticized with steam and the other half by microwave (MW) heating. Steam autoclave with a steam temperature of 100 °C and a relative humidity of 100% were used for the steam plasticization. The time of plasticization in the autoclave was 30 min. MW plasticization was carried out at a power output of 1.5 kW using a microwave continuous laboratory device; the time of plasticization by MW heating was 6 minutes. Before the plasticization itself, the samples were water soaked for about 7 days. The input moisture content of the samples was 55% and the output moisture content was on average 7.8% and 4.1% lower than the input after MW plasticization and steam plasticization, respectively. The input temperature of the samples was 20 °C; after plasticization, the surface temperature was 77 °C in the case of MW plasticized samples and 62 °C in the case of steamed samples. The internal temperature after plasticization was 110 °C and 85 °C for MW plasticized and steamed samples, respectively. Subsequently, half of the samples were thermally modified in the heat-treatment chamber at 200 °C. After thermal modification, part of the samples was exposed to climatic conditions of 20 °C and 99% humidity, during which the moisture content changed, and bends got opened. After 8 days in the conditioning chamber, the moisture content increase was 11.2% in MW plasticized reference samples; 11.5% in steamed reference samples; 5.8% in MW plasticized modified samples; and 6.2% in steamed modified samples. The bend opening of MW plasticized and steam reference samples reached 143 mm and 154 mm, respectively. In the case of modified samples, the opening reached 39 mm. In order to compare dimensional stability, the bends were cut into smaller samples and these were soaked in water for 120 hours. After that, the length of reference samples was changed by 3–4% while the length of modified samples changed by 1%. In the radial direction, the swelling was 7 to 8.5% for reference samples and 5% for modified samples. The dimensional change during swelling in the tangential direction was 10% and 8% in reference and modified samples, respectively. During that time, the moisture content of reference samples changed by 61–66% and the moisture content of modified samples changed by 48–50 %. The results show that the difference between plasticization by MW heating and by steam is only within the time of plasticization. Furthermore, the thesis demonstrates that thermally modified parts are suitable to be placed in places with higher humidity, as they have a better shape and dimensional stability and their moisture content does not increase as in the case of reference, i.e. unmodified, samples.
UKIP and FPÖ, comparative analysis of party-based euroscepticism
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Polášek, Martin (advisor) ; Bíba, Jan (referee)
The focus of the bachelor thesis is Euroscepticism and radical right parties. At first, the thesis describes the origins and roots of contemporary Euroscepticism, the next step is to present the main theoretical approaches. Based on that, the theoretical framework will be introduced. The aim is to define to which type of Euroscepticism belong United Kingdom Independence Party and Freedom Party of Austria and compare their manifestos during the period 2009-2014.
Parliament of the Czech Republic and Scrutiny of European Legislative Process
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Kasáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (referee)
Aim of this Diploma Thesis is to have a closer look at current powers of National Parliaments of the Member States to influence legislative process of the European Union. The main question is how do National Parliaments control legislative process in practise. Theoretical Framework is based on a debate about Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union. First the term needs to be defined and basic arguments about the (non)existence of Democratic deficit need to be introduced, then the research question can be introduced. The main focus is on Early Warning Mechanism and a process of issueing of reasoned opinions. An assumption is that through a process of issueing those reasoned opinions by National Parliaments that consist of a democratic elected political parties a Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union could be strenghtened. It is a one-case study of Czech Parliament. All the reasoned opinions, that Czech Senate and Czech Chamber of Deputies issued, will be analysed.
Use of teaching aids in geometry of primary school
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Jirotková, Darina (advisor) ; Slezáková, Jana (referee)
of the thesis:: The topic of the thesis are aids for teaching geometry at the primary school. The theoretical part presents the potential benefits of the teaching aids use in connection with the cognitive process of the pupil and the educational aims of geometry. The practical part focuses on the situation in schools, presents aids that are used, and how they are used. It is based on survey focused especially on primary school teachers. A separate chapter is devoted to aids which are used in Montessori schools. It features names of geometry aids and how they are used. In the last thesis part are formulated didactic principles for working with the teaching aids in geometry and two experiments showing possible aids usage. Aids in these experiments fulfill its purposes, which are mentioned in the theoretical part, and therefore their use has been beneficial.
Didactics of English language for the deaf at secondary schools
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Valenta, Josef (advisor) ; Kasíková, Hana (referee)
(in English): The final thesis "Didactics of English language for the deaf at secondary schools" tries to find out what methods of lessons and communication would be the most useful for the deaf during English lessons them to pass the final exam at secondary schools. This final thesis was written because of the lack of materials for the deaf. In the Czech Republic there are neither didactics nor methods, manuals on how to teach English to the deaf at secondary schools. Therefore, this thesis could be used as a methodology for the English teachers of the deaf at secondary schools. The theoretical part of the final thesis focuses on the terminology. It points out that the Deaf belongs to the language-cultural minority. There are also shown that different ways of communication that can be used in terms of the deaf. One part is focused on the English final exam. In the last part there are mentioned some specific methods which can be used for teaching English to the deaf. The practical part follows the theoretical part and concentrates on the methods of teaching and the ways of communication with the deaf during English lessons at a secondary school. To reach our goal the qualitative research was chosen. Our respondents were deaf students of one secondary school for the deaf, Deaf graduates and hearing...
Využití mikrovlnné plastifikace dřeva při výrobě ohýbaných nábytkových dílců
Nováčková, Kateřina
This bachelor thesis is dealing with microwave plasticization for wood shaping and its potential utilization in furniture industry. European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) specimens of dimensions 20 × 20 × 300 mm were sorted into 8 groups (each group consisted 15 specimens). Reference specimens (Ref1) were tested as oven-dried at room temperature, furthermore reference specimens (Ref2) were tested as oven-dried at 80 °C and last reference group (Ref3) was conditioned to fiber saturation point (FSP). Specimens of conventional, steam plasticization (Vp) were conditioned to FSP and heated at 100 °C for 1 hour. Microwave plasticization was carried out at 1,5 and 3,5 kW using continuous laboratory MW device All MW specimens were soaked in water in order to reach approx. 60 % of MC.Output moisture content (MC) of MW treated specimens was 20 % (MW1), 30 % (MW2, MW4) and 40 % (MW3). Moreover, additional specimens of dimensions 30 × 30 × 450 mm were used to up-scale its possibilities of use. These specimens were sorted into 2 groups (Ref and MW), each group consited 20 specimens. Effect of plasticization was measured by means of static 3-point bending test. Plasticity of wood was evaluated by modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and deflection. Results of reference specimens confirmed influence of temperature and moisture content on MOE and MOR. Influence of moisture content (0 % and FSP) was found to be more significant and 65 % decrease of strength MOR and 40 % of MOE is reported. Steam plasticization, as a conventionally used method for shaping, led to increase of plasticity (decrease of MOE about 65 %) and deflection (70 %) when compared to Ref1. Significantly higher deflection (up to 1,5 mm) and increase of plasticity (MOE decreased about 72 %) was found for specimens plasticized by MW at 1,5 kW and 3,5 kW from initial moisture 60 % to output moisture 30 %. Based on results, it can be stated that microwave technology have similar effects on wood plasticity, when compared to conventional method wood plasticization – steaming. Results of present thesis confirmed high potential of MW plasticization for wood shaping. Reduction of time and safe energy might be considered as a great advantage for furniture production. Futher studies should be done in future in order to reveal effect of MW on structural changes, eventually to optimize process for specific shapes.
Parliament of the Czech Republic and Scrutiny of European Legislative Process
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Kasáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (referee)
Aim of this Diploma Thesis is to have a closer look at current powers of National Parliaments of the Member States to influence legislative process of the European Union. The main question is how do National Parliaments control legislative process in practise. Theoretical Framework is based on a debate about Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union. First the term needs to be defined and basic arguments about the (non)existence of Democratic deficit need to be introduced, then the research question can be introduced. The main focus is on Early Warning Mechanism and a process of issueing of reasoned opinions. An assumption is that through a process of issueing those reasoned opinions by National Parliaments that consist of a democratic elected political parties a Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union could be strenghtened. It is a one-case study of Czech Parliament. All the reasoned opinions, that Czech Senate and Czech Chamber of Deputies issued, will be analysed.
Early care for Deaf children
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Pazlarová, Hana (advisor) ; Šámalová, Kateřina (referee)
(in English): This thesis focuses on early care in families who have deaf, hard-of-hearing or deafen children. The theoretical part describes the division of hearing impairment and types of hearing examination. The culture of Deaf is described as a possibility of different approaches of hearing parents and deaf parents. Other part is focused on accepting a deaf/hard-of-hearing child into the family and a description of relationships between deaf parents and their deaf children in the contrary of the relationship between hearing parents and their deaf children. The differences in care are discussed in depth. In the conclusion, the possibilities of professional support for families with hearing impaired children are summarised. The empiric part is based on quantitative research in which the families visiting Centrum pro dětský sluchu, Tamtam, o.p.s. (centre for children`s hearing) were given the survey. These families have hearing impaired children or they themselves are deaf. The aim was to find out when they had learnt about the hearing loss of their children and if they had got enough information from the maternity hospital or their paediatrician about both hearing impairment and possibilities of care. Other crucial thing was to find out whether the families receive enough support or if they would...
UKIP and FPÖ, comparative analysis of party-based euroscepticism
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Polášek, Martin (advisor) ; Bíba, Jan (referee)
The focus of the bachelor thesis is Euroscepticism and radical right parties. At first, the thesis describes the origins and roots of contemporary Euroscepticism, the next step is to present the main theoretical approaches. Based on that, the theoretical framework will be introduced. The aim is to define to which type of Euroscepticism belong United Kingdom Independence Party and Freedom Party of Austria and compare their manifestos during the period 2009-2014.
Use of teaching aids in geometry of primary school
Nováčková, Kateřina ; Jirotková, Darina (advisor) ; Slezáková, Jana (referee)
of the thesis:: The topic of the thesis are aids for teaching geometry at the primary school. The theoretical part presents the potential benefits of the teaching aids use in connection with the cognitive process of the pupil and the educational aims of geometry. The practical part focuses on the situation in schools, presents aids that are used, and how they are used. It is based on survey focused especially on primary school teachers. A separate chapter is devoted to aids which are used in Montessori schools. It features names of geometry aids and how they are used. In the last thesis part are formulated didactic principles for working with the teaching aids in geometry and two experiments showing possible aids usage. Aids in these experiments fulfill its purposes, which are mentioned in the theoretical part, and therefore their use has been beneficial.

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3 Nováčková, Karla
3 Nováčková, Karolína
7 Nováčková, Klára
4 Nováčková, Kristýna
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