The theme of the countryside in contemporary czech literature and its critical refleciton
Němcová, Karolína ; Čeňková, Jana (advisor) ; Malý, Radek (referee)
The thesis The Theme of the Countryside in Contemporary Czech Literature and its Critical Reflection examines how the theme of Czech rural prose is relevant to the critical community and how it is reflected by critics. Specifically, it analyses the critical responses to three titles by contemporary Czech authors - Dědina (2018) by Petra Dvořáková, Plachetnice na vinětách (2020) by Jiří Hájíček and Destrukce (2021) by Stanislav Biler. It first introduces these novels in the context of contemporary Czech literature and outlines the work of their authors. In the methodological part, the research aim and research questions are introduced. Then, qualitative research and basic theoretical concepts - literary criticism, review and interpretation - are defined. Next, the development of contemporary Czech literary criticism and the main cultural and literary periodicals are characterized. The analysis is divided into chapters according to the selected titles, which are always briefly characterised, then individual critical responses are analysed and their common features or differences are presented in a summary with the help of comparative analysis. The analysis includes media reflections from cultural and literary periodicals as well as news periodicals and websites: A2, A2larm, Bubínek Revolveru, Český...
Doctors Without Borders as an International Relations Actor: The Cases of Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina Missions
Němcová, Karolína ; Tomalová, Eliška (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this Master thesis is to identify the specifics of non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) as an actor of international relations, mainly through the presentation and activities of the organization during the implementation of its programs in the early 1990s, when the process of internationalization was consolidated. The thesis also covers the issue of respecting the commitment to shared values for which Doctors Without Borders claim responsibility, and which also represents the principles of their activities. Based on the theoretical framework of actorness, it is possible to compare three missions of Doctors Without Borders implemented during the internal state conflicts in Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis shows that during this period, Doctors Without Borders is characterized by a strong national identity of particular sections, in that we can see the strong national features of the French, Belgian and Dutch sections, which often behaved contradictorily and incoherently. The commitment to respect the shared values is fulfilled with one exception, namely the obligation to respect the neutral status.
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Doctors Without Borders as an International Relations Actor: The Cases of Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina Missions
Němcová, Karolína ; Tomalová, Eliška (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this Master thesis is to identify the specifics of non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) as an actor of international relations, mainly through the presentation and activities of the organization during the implementation of its programs in the early 1990s, when the process of internationalization was consolidated. The thesis also covers the issue of respecting the commitment to shared values for which Doctors Without Borders claim responsibility, and which also represents the principles of their activities. Based on the theoretical framework of actorness, it is possible to compare three missions of Doctors Without Borders implemented during the internal state conflicts in Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis shows that during this period, Doctors Without Borders is characterized by a strong national identity of particular sections, in that we can see the strong national features of the French, Belgian and Dutch sections, which often behaved contradictorily and incoherently. The commitment to respect the shared values is fulfilled with one exception, namely the obligation to respect the neutral status.
Spiritual guidance in the life of St. Teresa of Avila
Němcová, Karolína ; Červenková, Denisa (advisor) ; Salvet, Ondřej (referee)
Diplomová práce "Duchovní vedení v životě sv. Terezie z Avily" má za cíl poukázat na místo duchovního vedení v životě této světice a její vztah k duchovním vůdcům. Nejdříve se stručně zabýváme poznatky o jejím životě a dobou, do které své charisma přinesla. Dále se věnuje duchovnímu vedení obecně a různým dilematům, na které v této době můžeme narazit. Největší část se však zaobírá duchovním vedením v životě světice. Tato mystička na své duchovní cestě považovala duchovní vedení za velmi důležitou a nezbytnou složku života a i její texty obsahují celou řadu pastoračních doporučení, jak má toto vedení probíhat.
Media view of events of november 1939 in chosen years
Němcová, Karolína ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Francová, Pavla (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with media view of events of November 1939 created by Rudé právo, Lidová demokracie and Mladá fronta in chosen years, starting 1945, then 1949 and then after every five years until 1968 and 1969. The theoretical part provides an insight into the historical background of these events based on the academic literature. The practical part contains the analysis of particular articles and it is divided into seven chapters according to examined year. Each chapter includes brief information about the status of media in society in a selected year, a description of the media image of these events produced by the newspapers mentioned above and its subsequent analysis at the end of each chapter. The aim of this thesis is finding how Czech newspapers presented the events of Novemeber 1939 depending on their orientation and the social and political context by using comparative historical analysis.
Financial analysis of selected enterprises
Němcová, Karolína ; Homolka, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
The first part of this master´s thesis includes on the theoretical interpretation of the principles of management of the company in terms of financial analysis.Financial analysis is an important tool for obtaining information about complex financial situation.The second part of master´s thesis helps to identify initially selected businesses that are focused on the processing and sale of dried meat in the Czech Republic. Than we go to the application of indicators in the theoretical part where the sub calculations are presented in the chart and possibly graphically along with commentary of the result achieved. Analysis of selected business entities is ensured on the basis of publicly available financial documents such as balance sheets,profit and loss account in five accounting periods,in the years 2010 -2014.Finally the thesis evaluates the achievements of individual indicators, which comprehend sively expresses the financial situation of the two selected businesses.