National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conversion of fingerprints captured by a mobile device into a standardized format - image editing
Mucha, Vojtěch ; Říha, Kamil (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of fingerprint conversion taken by a mobile device into a standardized format. In the present day, mobile devices are used more and more often to acquire biometric data, fingerprints included. Processing and standardization of such data is an essential part of the subsequent biometric analysis. The aim of the work is to design and implement an algorithm which would convert a photo of a finger into a grey scale picture of its fingerprint with distinct papillary lines and subdued valleys. The algorithm is implemented in C++ using OpenCV library and a trained neural network for finger detection from hand image. The achieved results are evaluated according to the algorithms for assessing the quality of fingerprints NFIQ 2 and Innovatrics.

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