National Repository of Grey Literature 47 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Materials in the construction of production machines
Šafařík, Petr ; Hermanský, Dominik (referee) ; Merenus, Ondřej (advisor)
The task of this thesis is to introduce the materials used in the construction of manufacturing machines. Properties of materials are described and also their advantages and disadvantages. The study also contains stress analysis of the components in Autodesk Inventor and selection the appropriate material for a tested component.
Frame design for molding machine
Hodonský, Lukáš ; Budík, Tomáš (referee) ; Merenus, Ondřej (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor’s work is research in the field of forming machnines, design construction of frame hydraulic press and his design calculation. For design frame we create require drawing documents. In the end we solve model frame hydraulic press with finite element method.
Influence of chatter on precision of machine tools
Tomeček, Ondřej ; Merenus, Ondřej (referee) ; Hermanský, Dominik (advisor)
These work is about origin of chatter during the machining and its influence on quality of machining surface. In work are listed ways of chatter suppression during machining. Finally, these ways are compared.
A reliability of a 3D Rep-rap printers
Lukačovič, Peter ; Merenus, Ondřej (referee) ; Kočiš, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes 3D printers of RepRap open-source system, in order to explain principles of operation with main advantages and disadvantages. The thesis also solves problems with printing quality and suggests some hardware and software improvements.
The 3D Printer Prusa Mendel launching
Stanko, Michal ; Merenus, Ondřej (referee) ; Kočiš, Petr (advisor)
The essence of this thesis is to summarize current knowledge of 3D printing. The theoretical part describes the development and options of printing using differnet technologies and methods. The practical part is focused on a specific problem, launching 3D printer Prusa Mendel.
Design of Centring Guides of Oblique Straightening Machines XRK 2-150
Mazánek, Jan ; Merenus, Ondřej (referee) ; Omes, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was design of new entering guide for oblique straightening machine XRK 2–150. Straightening machine is capable of straightening bars with diameter range from 40 mm to 150mm. New guide was designed as a modification of XRK 2–180 entering guide, with accent on better cushioning.
Use of sensors in industrial application
Grygařík, Jan ; Merenus, Ondřej (referee) ; Blecha, Radim (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is dealing with the summary of security sensors used in automated operations and tries to divide them into groups according to used technology including examples of their uses in industrial applications. The first part of the thesis focuses on the problem of security and it mentions lightly the procedure of its installation. The second part offers the summary of all types of security sensores and it includes the examples of their application.
Multifunctional machining centers for machining rotating and prismatic parts
Merenus, Ondřej ; ing.Petr Polišenský, TOSHULIN,a.s. (referee) ; Marek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis will focus on a design of multifunctional machining center. The work is created in cooperation with two colleagues. Michal Kunorza will design a rotary table and Tomáš Grëtz will design a machine spindle with automatic tool exchange. My part of the work will focus on design of linear tool axis. The result of this cooperation should be machining center for rotary and non-rotary workpieces.
Design of machine tool for centreless grinding process
Merenus, Ondřej ; Hrbáček, Jakub (referee) ; Blecha, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes the design of centerless grinding machine for cylindrical profile. Designed machine will be used for surface treatment of metal or alloy tubes. The work consist of theoretical and practical part. Issues of centerless technology, construction of various machines and their examples are outlined in the theoretical part. The practical part of work consist of basic calculations of work components and the model of designed construciton in programme Autodesk Inventor 2011. Part of work is drawing of entire set.
Design of a band saw with an automatic exchange of saw blades
Šula, Martin ; Merenus, Ondřej (referee) ; Kočiš, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the design of a band saw with automatic exchange of three saw bands for cutting of steel rods or profiles. It also deals with the design of solution variants, design of selected variant and calculation. The result of the calculations is the safety check with respect to the elastic limit states, the fatigue control and the bearing life calculation. It also contains an economic assessment of the variant.

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