National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Inter-rater Reliability of the Box and Block Test in People after Stroke
Markovcová, Lucie ; Rybářová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Mezian, Kamal (referee)
The name of the thesis: Interrater Reliability of the Box and Block Test in People after Stroke Introduction: Czech extended version of the Box and Block Test (BBT) manual has been developed recently, thus the reliability needed to be reestablished. The BBT is often used in occupational therapy. Aim: The main aim is to determine the interrater reliability of BBT administered according to this manual in people after stroke. A secondary objective is to determine the variability of BBT results measured by the same rater. The research question is to determine the percentage agreement between the two raters. Methodology: 20 people after stroke were tested using the BBT. A video was made of the attendance testing. This was independently scored by two raters, A and B, whose scores were correlated to determine interrater reliability. The percentage agreement of these values was also determined. Values measured by the same rater from the attendance testing and from the video were correlated to determine the variability of the results. Spearman's correlation coefficient (rs) was used for correlation. Results: The interrater reliability values of three BBT trials of dominant and nondominant upper extremity ranged from rs = .987 - .999 confirming a very high correlation. Exact agreement or agreement with a...
Barriers of Public Environment from the Perspective of People with Acquired Brain Injury during Shopping
Markovcová, Lucie ; Rybářová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Pluhaříková-Pomajzlová, Jana (referee)
Author: Lucie Markovcová Title: Barriers of Public Environment from the Perspective of People with Acquired Brain Injury during Shopping Introduction: Removing barriers of the enviroment is one of goals of The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In foreign studies, occupational therapists are also focused on the effects of barriers on the performance of people with disabilities, which limit them due to sensory disorders or their phatic and cognitive functions. Aim: Find out the barriers of public enviroment, that complicate shopping of people with aquired brain injury (ABI). Methods: A questionnaire with 34 questions was made and distributed in electronic version and also in version for printing by emails to facilities for adult people with ABI. Therapists and family members were allowed to help them with filling the questionnaire, so people with malfunction of phatic functions and cognitive skills were not limited. Also involved observation during shopping was made with 5 people with ABI. Results: The questionnaire was filled by 26 people with ABI on average in 12 minutes. 20 of them were after stroke. Most of them were at least 1 year after ABI and felt their disability as medium-difficult. 23 respondents were already shopping after ABI. Most of them needs physical help from...

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