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Trend výnosů pšenice seté v kontextu vývoje klimatu
Macalíková, Markéta
Climate change is characterized by higher average temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events such as torrential rains, floods, frost and snow cover absence, absence of snow cover and longer episodes of drought. In the 21st century is likely to shift production areas where surface area of corn and sugar beet will be increased. In corn production areas will be achieved lower yields than in sugar beet in 2020. Around 2030, the most suitable conditions for growing wheat sown in sugar beet and potato production area. The last part was determined from the data of the Central Control and Testing Institute for Agriculture of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the relationship between the moisture regime selected sites in different stages of the growing season and yield lines. Statistically significant correlations between yield and available water holding capacity (AWHC) was observed at stations Uherský Ostroh, Pusté Jakartice, Lípa and Věrovany.
Analysis of traffic accidents locations, situated near motorway D1 in Central Bohemian Region entrances and exits in depending on the character of turning lane
Máčalíková, Markéta ; Šebková, Marika (advisor) ; Vojtěch, Vojtěch (referee)
This thesis is focused on traffic accidents of Czech Republic in year 2013. The theoretical part describes the concepts that relate to the road traffic with the help of laws and standards. Solved problems are traffic accidents, which are situated around motorway´s entrances and exits on the motorway D1 in the Central Bohemian Region. The main objective was to find out, if traffic accidents are influenced by the length of turning lanes or length of connecting lanes. Data of traffic accidents were obtained from the database of the Police of the Czech Republic and the length of dashed lines of turning lanes and connections lanes were measured in ArcGIS. To determine if the accident affected of the character of entrance or exit, entrances and exits were divided according to their type. For analysis were used 73 entrances and exits and 199 traffic accidents. The intention of the analysis was to highlight the fact that the reduction in traffic accidents should be able to contribute not only by adjusting the state of the transport network, but also by adjusting parameters on highways.

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3 Mačalíková, Michaela
5 Máčalíková, Markéta
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