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Proceedings of APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC 2022
Foret, František ; Lavická, Jana ; Chung, D. S. ; Drobníková, Iveta ; Přikryl, Jan ; Lee, H.
The joint International Interdisciplinary Conference of Chemical Analysis, APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC 2022, comprising the 18th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analyses, the 17th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, the 28th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques, and IUPAC Special Symposia by Division of Chemistry and the Environment, provided full texts of 108 oral and 54 poster presentations. The attached conference proceedings, edited by highly cited scientists, document the quality of the meeting. Similarly to previous years, the lectures were given by distinguished scientists. The list of speakers as well as more detailed information about the conference can be found on its permanent web at www.ce-ce.org or in the proceedings published in Separations (https://doi.org/10.3390/separations10020109).
A Premature but Significant Birth: The Beginning of Korean Pavilion at the Venice Biennale and its Aftermath
Lee, Hyunah
Korean Pavilion is the last national pavilion at Giardini della Biennale in Venice, completed in 1995. This paper explores the unknown history of the pavilion that appeared in the ‘year of art’ of South Korea and the centennial anniversary of the Venice Biennale under the legitimated idealistic name of “Korean” Pavilion. It investigates the politics of the pavilion’s beginning and argues its significance as a premature, but earliest platform of Korean architecture. Also, it observes developing discourse on architecture exhibition and its archive in contemporary Korean architecture reflected in the Korean Pavilion in the last decade. As a result, this paper discusses the pavilion’s ironic contrast, oscillating between its start made in the politics of the national pavilion at the Venice Biennale, and its transformation into being the oldest and most representative architectural platform for Korean architecture.
Moc v organizaci z genderového pohledu
Lee Šrůtková, Helena ; Šnýdrová, Ivana (vedoucí práce) ; Kopecký, Martin (oponent)
Předložená bakalářská práce shrnuje poznatky týkající se problematiky stylů vedení lidí z pohledu genderu s cílem zjistit, zda existují rozdílné předpoklady mužů a žen k výkonu manažerské funkce, resp. zda existuje rozdílný přístup mužů a žen ke stylu vedení lidí. Teoreticky vymezuje tuto problematiku prostřednictvím teorie organizace a řízení, resp. v kontextu tématu moci v organizaci a stylů vedení lidí, a teorie genderu. Stěžejní analytickou část opírá o empirické výzkumy provedené na téma stylů vedení nahlížených z genderové perspektivy, které byly provedeny zejména v anglosaských zemích a jeden výzkum z českého prostředí.
Qualitative study of itinerant specialist support for the inclusion of preschoolers with disabilities in the Czech Republic
Lee, Soo Hoon ; Šiška, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Strnadová, Iva (oponent)
Why is the brilliant concept of inclusion so complex and is failing?. What has gone wrong or rather what is not right in practice? Maybe, one of the answers could be found in the way the inclusive practitioners in practice use disability terminologies in educational settings. In this view, the study seeks to sensitize education professionals practicing inclusion in all educational settings to pay attention to the terminologies that they use in their day to day language communication with others to describe people with disabilities. In writing and speaking about, and with people with disabilities, whether they are young or old, it is most important to use appropriate terminology. Firstly, it demonstrates to all that we value people with disabilities as members of our society. Secondly, it educates those who read and hear what we say, about appropriate terminology, and therefore gives them an opportunity too, to help develop and promote, inclusive and equitable values. The main aim of this study is to identify the effects of using appropriate disability terminologies by inclusive professionals in interacting and communicating with students with special educational needs. Ultimately, education professionals are viewed as agents of change and appeared to play a vital role in enhancing inclusive practices....

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
1 Lee, Hyunah
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