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Cross-correlation of mechanical properties of hydrogels on micro/macro-scale studied by atomic force microscopy and oscillation rheometry
Kuzník, Pavel ; Szabová, Jana (referee) ; Smilek, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on measurement of mechanical properties of hydrogels on local and macroscopic level by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and oscillation rheometry. Both techniques allows measurement of hydrogel in hydrated state which provides native state of measured samples and prevents them from inserting artefacts into measurements made by AFM, which could negatively change measured values. AFM has more measuring modes, but for measurement in this bachelor thesis was used tapping mode called Contact mode force mapping. The largest part of this work is concentrated on measurement of agarose hydrogel, which pertains to category of physical hydrogels, concretely concentration line and time dependency (syneresis of hydrogel) were measured by both techniques. Suitability of AFM for measuring of mechanical properties of hydrogels was tested on other hydrogel samples with different type of crosslinking. Hydrogel based on sodium alginate crosslinked by calcium ionts (Ca2+) was tested. Furthermore were measured two chemical gels including polyethylenglycol (PEG) hydrogel and organogel of ethylene propylene-diene monomer (EPDM). Measurement of PEG hydrogel included time dependency due to its swelling and absorption behaviour, which led into dissolving of PEG hydrogel. EPDM organogel is not dissolving in water, so it was measured as a standard for AFM measurements. In addition to Young’s modulus as a base parameter for measurement of hydrogels in swollen state, was adhesion and work of adhesion tested in case of EPDM gels.

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2 Kuzník, Petr
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