National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Purpose of Marketing Strategy in E-commerce
Kulhánek, Jan ; Paďourová, Veronika (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
Work deals with marketing strategy of e-shop Containing the theoretical basis for describing the problem and analysis of the selected company. Draft marketing strategy is focused primarily on product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and promotion. It also included an economic evaluation of the proposal.
Rescue of Persons during the Fires of Hight Buildings
Kulhánek, Jan ; Bíla, Jan (referee) ; Valášek, Rudolf (advisor)
Objective of this work is to process the research of fires in high-rise buildings in the Czech Republic in recent 10 years in terms of their effects, number of evacuated people and rescued persons by fire unites. It evaluates causes of injury and death during fires in high-rise buildings and reasons leading to the use of emergency sources by fire unites. It evaluates equipment in high-rise buildings from point of view of function of safety device against fire and equipment installed for intervention in high-rise buildings and it evaluates negative effects which affect the action of fire unites, especially in terms of evacuation and rescue. It analyses various ways to rescue people from point of view of possiblity using fire unites, the availability of life-saving equipment and the speed of rescue. It makes a design for involvement of forces and sources of other components of integrated rescue system to the process of human rescuing.
Proposal of communication and proceeding flow of information at company
Kulhánek, Jan ; Lysý, Jan (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
In my Bachelor´s thesis I deal with solution of communication problem in company which occur in internal level. The beginning of bachelor´s thesis is addict to theory which is followed by practical part, which is addict to analysis of prezent situation. This part is devided to three chapters. The first one describe analysis of externel background, the sekond analysis of market and branch and the last part is apply to analysis of internal background of copany. After this part is section describing suggestions and arrangements. In conclusion is achieve interpretation of suggesting solution.
Non-security of the Czech Army's soldiers on social networks
Kulhánek, Jan ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Kučera, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the risk of the Czech Army not being properly secure on social networks, the behaviour of its uniformed members and their positive identification of social networking sites. The Russian aggression in the Ukraine and the hacking of Czech medical facilities have once again brought up the importance of cybersecurity and the role that it plays in the modern world, with the human factor being positively identified as the weakest link in security. This case study seeks to define the ideal types of soldier behaviour on social media and to analyse the potential risks that each type poses. To this end, this thesis first presents information necessary to fully understand the vast topic of cybersecurity on social media. Next, it defines several ideal types and their building blocks, in order to categorize the social media accounts of soldiers it later analyses. The author concludes that each defined ideal type has inherently problematic behaviours associated with it and carries with it a level of risk for the Army of the Czech Republic. However, the present user and family member ideal types were found to be the riskiest. Key words OSINT, SOCMINT, NATO, Czech Armed Forces, Cybersecurity, Security, Social media, Ideal type analysis, Social engineering Title The insecurity...
Microtextures and compositional relations in multiple grown garnet formed during subduction of crustal and mantle rocks
Kulhánek, Jan ; Faryad, Shah Wali (advisor) ; Collett, Stephen (referee) ; Konrad-Schmolke, Matthias (referee)
English abstract Studies of rocks from high- to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic environments in subduction zones play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of Earth's dynamic processes and geodynamic evolution. Such samples, which have experienced Earth's mantle conditions, provide valuable insights into the subduction and exhumation processes associated with the tectonic collision of lithospheric plates. By analysing the mineral assemblages, textures, and chemical compositions of these rocks, we can unravel the complex history of the subducted rocks and determine the pressure-temperature paths experienced during their formation. Additionally, the investigation of high- to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks aids in constraining the mechanical behaviour of subduction zones, deciphering the fluid-rock interactions and element cycling processes. Such studies contribute to our broader understanding of plate tectonics, the formation of mountain ranges, and the geodynamic processes that shape our planet. This research focuses on the investigation of metapelitic and metabasic rocks from the Saxothuringian zone of the Bohemian Massif and the Western Gneiss Region of the Norwegian Caledonides. The studied rocks have a shared history of being part of subducted material that experienced high- to...
Garnet group minerals from selected localities of granitic pegmatites in the Moldanubicum
Kamenský, Jan ; Matějka, Dobroslav (advisor) ; Kulhánek, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of garnets from selected localities of granitic pegmatites in the Moldanubian unit. The first studied garnets are from pegmatite near the village of Strážek and the second is from pegmatite near Přibyslavice. Pegmatite near Strážek forms a zonal body enclosed in the pararules of the Strážek Moldanubian and is characterized as anatectic. Garnet crystals usually reach dimensions of up to 1 cm and come from the miarol block unit and the edge of the quartz core of pegmatite. The garnets were studied using electron and optical microscopy. The chemistry of garnets is around the boundary almandine47-67-spessartine29-53. These garnets are zonal. The results were compared with the diploma thesis of H. Kupská (Kupská 2015). One of the garnet grains also contains inclusions of barite and oxides and hydroxides of Fe and Mn. The studied garnets from the Přibyslavice locality come from the contact of aplite and pegmatite. The measured garnet grain shows a predominance of the almandine component and coresponds to the chemical composition of almandine64-78-spessartin14-34 and is not zonal. These results from an electron microscope were compared with a representative analysis by R. Nováček (Nováček 1931). The specificity of these garnets is that they contain abundant quartz...
The role of EUBAM in implementing the Integrated Border Management system in Ukraine
Kulhánek, Jan ; Šír, Jan (advisor) ; Svoboda, Karel (referee)
This thesis examines the effectiveness of EUBAM in implementing Integrated Border Management in Ukraine between the years 2005 and 2019. The method chosen for this research is a case study analyzing EUBAM's projects aimed at integrated border management. The research concludes that EUBAM is most effective in projects that enable it to have a physical presence in the area. On the other hand, projects that are in essence theoretical tend to score lower. Keywords EUBAM, IBM, Ukraine, Moldova, Transnistria, Customs service, Border service
Mass balance and major and trace element zoning in atoll garnet from eclogite facies metamorphism.
Kulhánek, Jan ; Faryad, Shah Wali (advisor) ; Svojtka, Martin (referee)
English abstract This work focuses on high pressure atoll garnet-bearing metabasites from the central part of Krušné hory Mts. in Saxothuringian zone of Bohemian Massif. Eclogite bodies are interpreted as a part of alochtonnous units, which were dragged into the high pressure conditions of subduction zone during a subduction of Saxothuringian oceanic crust under the Teplá-Barrandien Unit and subsequently they were exhumed into upper parts of subduction- collisional system. Main mineral assemblage of eclogites consists of omphacite, garnet, quartz and amphibole which replaces grains of omphacite. Minor minerals present are rutile, ilmenite, talc a chlorite. Zircon, apatite, paragonite, pyrite, plagioclase, albite and monazite are enclosed in porphyroblasts of garnets. Grains of garnet frequently form the atoll structures, where its central part of a grain is replaced by new minerals of matrix and rim part stays preserved. Based on compositional profiles and mapping of major and trace elements, two evolution phases of garnet were distinguished. Older garnet (I) forms mainly preserved cores of garnet and on the contrary younger garnet (II) is present on rims or also replaces garnet I in the core part of a grain. Garnet I has higher amounts of Ca and Mn but lower Mg and Fe than garnet II. Preserved grains of...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 17 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
7 Kulhánek, Jakub
4 Kulhánek, Jaroslav
4 Kulhánek, Jiří
1 Kulhánek, Jonáš
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