National Repository of Grey Literature 230 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Kinds of football defence and its aplication in game
Matura, Petr ; Pokorný, Ladislav (advisor) ; Kuhnová, Věra (referee)
Bakalářská práce zjišťuje používání druhů obran na různých úrovních výkonnostních soutěží. Porovnává použití druhů fotbalových obran v závislosti na soutěži a kvalifikovanosti trenérů a zpracovává návrh metodiky nácviku vybraných druhů fotbalových obran, nejčastěji používaných v soutěžích ČMFS Bakalarska work investigate with using kind defence on different level efficiency contest. Collation using kind football defence versus contest and competence coach and working proposal philosophy training choice kind football defence, most often used in contest CMFS. Powered by TCPDF (
Proposal on the optimal basketball training method within the physical education of children in older school age
Růžička, Josef ; Pokorný, Ladislav (advisor) ; Kuhnová, Věra (referee)
Title: Proposal on the optimal basketball training method within the physical education of children in older school age Author: Josef Růžička The study aims to find optimal theoretical model of basketball training method within the course of physical education at primary schools and general secondary schools. We focus on children in older school age. The objective is to make basketball training more effective as well as more familiar to teachers that are lacking more complex or personal experience with this sport. We use the method of experiment. First, the numbers of testing exercises to detect the level of general game skills of the children were defined. Then the model of teaching method consisting of ten setting-up (introductory) exercises was developed and implemented into a complete semestral plan. At the beginning of experiment, two groups of children were tested for their general game skills. Then our proposed model was applied onto these two groups. We aimed to develop model of teaching that would help to improve and develop basketball skills of children. At the end of experiment period were children's basketball game skills tested again to see what extend was our proposed model successful. The results proved that proposed method of teaching was appropriate, since both groups of children...
School Injuries in Physical Education Classes at the Primary School
Hotovcová, Zuzana ; Kuhnová, Věra (advisor) ; Dlouhý, Martin (referee)
The aim of thesis is to provide a comprehensive picture of the selected areas of frequent school injuries in physical education classes in primary schools not only pedagogical, but also from a health point of view. The theoretical part deals with injuries of younger school age children, school injuries (especially in physical education classes) and their preventive measures, safety at work in physical education classes. It defines the most common types of injuries in physical education classes in primary schools, their prevention and following first aid. The work shows what to do in case of an accident of pupil and how to properly proceed directly at scene of the accident. To avoid legal penalties for teacher, we also mention the right way to report injury, injury record and we deal with book of injuries. Empirically oriented part and its questionnaire survey demonstrates what level of knowledges are reaching selected physical education teachers of elementary schools in the area of legal issues, injury prevention and laic first aid. KEYWORDS Injury, school injury, physical education, prevention, safety, first aid, accident reports.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 230 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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