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Detached house with a workshop Frank
Kubečková, Klára ; Vaněk, Vojtěch (referee) ; Jelínek, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the design of a new family house with an attached "massage studio" in the town of Frenštát pod Radhoštěm. The house, designed for a family of four, has two aboveground floors and a garage space. The entrance to the house is located on the northeast side, while the massage studio has access from the back. The residential rooms are oriented to the south for optimal sunlight. The building is insulated with the ETICS contact system and constructed from Ytong aerated concrete and Silka sand-lime masonry elements. The roof is pitched with anthracitecolored ceramic roofing tiles and a vegetated flat roof above the garage and studio. The facade will be finished with white silicone plaster

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1 Kubečková, Katarína
1 Kubečková, Kristina
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