Expansion of a Czech Producer of Modular Wood Buildings on the Intra-community Market
Kočařík, David ; Kubant, Michal (referee) ; Bumberová, Veronika (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with a proposal of business development of the company DOMESTAV PLUS s.r.o., which deals with the production of modular wooden buildings. The theoretical part contains defining the terms connected with the intra-community market, the conditions for entering this market and description of selected analyses of company’s external and internal environment. These analyses are applied in the practical part as basis for the proposal of an appropriate strategy for the development, consisting in the expansion of the company into the intra-community market. On the basis of the results of the analyzes is made the proposal of changes, which leads to increased competitiveness and improvement of the company's economic situation. The proposal part also deals with identification of the risks associated with the implementation of this change.
Selected Specific Issue VAT Intra-community Businesses
Kočařík, David ; Kubant, Michal (referee) ; Svirák, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the issue of VAT in intra-community trades. Main pillar of the whole thesis is suggestion of solution for businesses operations process, between domestic company and economic subjects from EU countries. This way has been created the manual, which use legal provisions in practical examples, determines when are or aren´t intra-community transactions exempt from VAT and shows particular examples of VAT payments.
Assessing Selected Indicators Using Statistical Methods
Le Thi, Tra Mi ; Kubant, Michal (referee) ; Doubravský, Karel (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with assessment of a financial situation using statistical methods in a company named ABK99 s. r. o. Theoretical part contents an interpretation of financial analysis which includes a financial analysis of the selected indicators. In practical part, the selected economic indicators are assessed using financial analysis. Using statistical methods such as time series and regression analysis a future development of the company is predicted. The importance of this bachelor thesis is seen in presenting proposals of possible precautions leading to improvement of company's financial situation.
Business Project
Kubant, Michal ; Ing., Mgr.Petra Marcinčáková (referee) ; Mandelík, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with questions about prospectus assembly for the company GASTROSUN SK, s.r.o with detailed focus on refinement of its prerequisites. The aim of this diploma thesis is to put together the comprehensive and integrated prospectus with the focus on its usability in practice. It’s important so that all assemblage plans in this prospectus reflected the real estate. Partial aim of this diploma thesis is matching other possible kinds of investments with the investment embedded in business by the help of indicator of return on capital employed before taxation.
Communication infrastructure for drone swarm
Kubant, Michal ; Mikulka, Jan (referee) ; Janoušek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with creation and testing of wireless communication network used for transmission of multimedia and telemetry data in swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles. In the first part of this work are presented functions of the IEEE 802.11ax and their possible usage. The second part if thesis describes configuration of network elements in the wireless network, and discusses maximum transmission speed. The third part presents testing of the assembled network, designs and use of protocols for multimedia streams in a swarm of drones. Also the results are briefly evaluated and illustrated. The fourth part analyzes the methodology of testing the network in the outdoor environment, it discusses the results obtained by using this methodology in different outdoor spaces, and further proposes suitable solutions for improving the efficiency and range of the wireless network.
Expansion of a Czech Producer of Modular Wood Buildings on the Intra-community Market
Kočařík, David ; Kubant, Michal (referee) ; Bumberová, Veronika (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with a proposal of business development of the company DOMESTAV PLUS s.r.o., which deals with the production of modular wooden buildings. The theoretical part contains defining the terms connected with the intra-community market, the conditions for entering this market and description of selected analyses of company’s external and internal environment. These analyses are applied in the practical part as basis for the proposal of an appropriate strategy for the development, consisting in the expansion of the company into the intra-community market. On the basis of the results of the analyzes is made the proposal of changes, which leads to increased competitiveness and improvement of the company's economic situation. The proposal part also deals with identification of the risks associated with the implementation of this change.
Assessing Selected Indicators Using Statistical Methods
Le Thi, Tra Mi ; Kubant, Michal (referee) ; Doubravský, Karel (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with assessment of a financial situation using statistical methods in a company named ABK99 s. r. o. Theoretical part contents an interpretation of financial analysis which includes a financial analysis of the selected indicators. In practical part, the selected economic indicators are assessed using financial analysis. Using statistical methods such as time series and regression analysis a future development of the company is predicted. The importance of this bachelor thesis is seen in presenting proposals of possible precautions leading to improvement of company's financial situation.
Selected Specific Issue VAT Intra-community Businesses
Kočařík, David ; Kubant, Michal (referee) ; Svirák, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the issue of VAT in intra-community trades. Main pillar of the whole thesis is suggestion of solution for businesses operations process, between domestic company and economic subjects from EU countries. This way has been created the manual, which use legal provisions in practical examples, determines when are or aren´t intra-community transactions exempt from VAT and shows particular examples of VAT payments.
Business Project
Kubant, Michal ; Ing., Mgr.Petra Marcinčáková (referee) ; Mandelík, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with questions about prospectus assembly for the company GASTROSUN SK, s.r.o with detailed focus on refinement of its prerequisites. The aim of this diploma thesis is to put together the comprehensive and integrated prospectus with the focus on its usability in practice. It’s important so that all assemblage plans in this prospectus reflected the real estate. Partial aim of this diploma thesis is matching other possible kinds of investments with the investment embedded in business by the help of indicator of return on capital employed before taxation.