Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 11 záznamů.  1 - 10další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Současné možnosti integrace informačních zdrojů
Pokorný, Jan ; Vlasák, Rudolf (vedoucí práce) ; Ivánek, Jiří (oponent) ; Krbec, Pavel (oponent)
Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce
Speech Recognition of Czech Using Finite-State Machines
Podveský, Petr ; Hajič, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Psutka, Josef (oponent) ; Krbec, Pavel (oponent)
Speech recognition has become a thriving field with many real-life applications. Voice dialing in cell phones, voice control in embedded devices, speech-driven interactive manuals and many other utilities rely on solid speech recognition software. We believe that research in speech recognition can boost performance of many applications related to the area. The thesis concentrates on automatic large-vocabulary continuous-speech recognition of Czech. Czech differs from English in a few aspects. We focus on these differences and propose new language-depended techniques. Namely rich morphology is investigated and its impact on speech recognition is studied. Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words are identified as one of the major sources deteriorating recognition performace. New language modeling techniques are proposed to alleviate the problem of OOV words. The proposed language models are tested in speech recognition systems on diverse speech corpora. The obtained results validate the original approach to language modeling. Significant overall speech recognition improvement is observed.
Verb Valency Frames Disambiguation
Semecký, Jiří ; Hajič, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Krbec, Pavel (oponent) ; Lopatková, Markéta (oponent)
Semantic analysis has become a bottleneck of many natural language applications. Machine translation, automatic question answering, dialog management, and others rely on high quality semantic analysis. Verbs are central elements of clauses with strong influence on the realization of whole sentences. Therefore the semantic analysis of verbs plays a key role in the analysis of natural language. We believe that solid disambiguation of verb senses can boost the performance of many real-life applications. In this thesis, we investigate the potential of statistical disambiguation of verb senses. Each verb occurrence can be described by diverse types of information. We investigate which information is worth considering when determining the sense of verbs. Different types of classification methods are tested with regard to the topic. In particular, we compared the Naive Bayes classifier, decision trees, rule-based method, maximum entropy, and support vector machines. The proposed methods are thoroughly evaluated on two different Czech corpora, VALEVAL and the Prague Dependency Treebank. Significant improvement over the baseline is observed.
Language Modeling for Speech Recognition of Czech
Krbec, Pavel
In this thesis, I have designed and implernented a new language model for speerh recognition. The innovative part of the language model is the integration of the HMM-tagger component designed by myself. The HMM tagger can be used as a stand-a.lone disambiguation tool and, when combined with the hand written rules, it is currently the best disarnbiguation tool for Czech language in terrns of error rate. I have perforrned a speech recognition experiment on a highly inflectional language (Czech) where I tested the proposed language model. I have shown that the accuracy of the novel language model outperforms other state--of---the--·-art Czech language models. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Analýza výzkumných dat na základě fondu disertačních prací Univerzity Karlovy v Praze s ohledem na dlouhodobé uložení digitálních objektů
Pavlásková, Eliška ; Krbec, Pavel (vedoucí práce) ; Ivánek, Jiří (oponent) ; Bartošek, Miroslav (oponent)
Disertační práce se zabývá výzkumnými daty a jejich použitím v akademické oblasti z pohledu dlouhodobého ukládání a archivace. Mapuje využití výzkumných dat na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze, analyzuje je a je možným východiskem pro další výzkum. První část práce se zaměřuje na dlouhodobé ukládání po teoretické stránce. Popsána je relevantní problematika s ohledem na uživatele dat, na uložení dat a na jejich strukturu. Druhá část je věnována přímo výzkumným datům. Obsahuje jejich definici, stručné vysvětlení jejich významu a zdrojů a model životního cyklu výzkumných dat. Stěžejní částí práce je popis samotného výzkumu a jeho výsledků. Výzkum proběhl v roce 2015 a byl založen na vzorku disertačních prací ze sbírky Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Data byla analyzována metodou obsahové analýzy a metodou zakotvené teorie. Výsledky jsou prezentovány ve dvou částech - výsledky obsahové analýzy s ohledem na rozdíly mezi přírodními, společenskými a humanitními vědami a výsledky kvalitativní analýzy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Verb Valency Frames Disambiguation
Semecký, Jiří ; Hajič, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Krbec, Pavel (oponent) ; Lopatková, Markéta (oponent)
Semantic analysis has become a bottleneck of many natural language applications. Machine translation, automatic question answering, dialog management, and others rely on high quality semantic analysis. Verbs are central elements of clauses with strong influence on the realization of whole sentences. Therefore the semantic analysis of verbs plays a key role in the analysis of natural language. We believe that solid disambiguation of verb senses can boost the performance of many real-life applications. In this thesis, we investigate the potential of statistical disambiguation of verb senses. Each verb occurrence can be described by diverse types of information. We investigate which information is worth considering when determining the sense of verbs. Different types of classification methods are tested with regard to the topic. In particular, we compared the Naive Bayes classifier, decision trees, rule-based method, maximum entropy, and support vector machines. The proposed methods are thoroughly evaluated on two different Czech corpora, VALEVAL and the Prague Dependency Treebank. Significant improvement over the baseline is observed.
Současné možnosti integrace informačních zdrojů
Pokorný, Jan ; Vlasák, Rudolf (vedoucí práce) ; Ivánek, Jiří (oponent) ; Krbec, Pavel (oponent)
Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce Práce neobsahuje abstrakt v českém jazyce
Speech Recognition of Czech Using Finite-State Machines
Podveský, Petr ; Hajič, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Psutka, Josef (oponent) ; Krbec, Pavel (oponent)
Speech recognition has become a thriving field with many real-life applications. Voice dialing in cell phones, voice control in embedded devices, speech-driven interactive manuals and many other utilities rely on solid speech recognition software. We believe that research in speech recognition can boost performance of many applications related to the area. The thesis concentrates on automatic large-vocabulary continuous-speech recognition of Czech. Czech differs from English in a few aspects. We focus on these differences and propose new language-depended techniques. Namely rich morphology is investigated and its impact on speech recognition is studied. Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words are identified as one of the major sources deteriorating recognition performace. New language modeling techniques are proposed to alleviate the problem of OOV words. The proposed language models are tested in speech recognition systems on diverse speech corpora. The obtained results validate the original approach to language modeling. Significant overall speech recognition improvement is observed.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 11 záznamů.   1 - 10další  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
1 Krbec, Petr
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