National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The System of Remuneration of Employees and Proposal of Changes in Selected Agricultural Cooperative
Kopečná, Lenka ; Hutař, Stanislav (referee) ; Kruntorádová, Markéta (advisor)
The dissertation deals with the employee remuneration system in the Agricultural cooperative Klučov – Lhota and the proposal of changes in this area. In the practical part, basic terms regarding remuneration are considered. Then an analysis of the current state both in the cooperative and in its surroundings is processed. The outcome of the whole study is a SWOT analysis, on the basis of which changes are proposed in the area of the remuneration of employees. The aims of these changes are to increase the welfare of the employees and to stabilize the personnel situation of the cooperative.
Tax Optimalization of Individual Income Tax
Kopečná, Lenka ; Hutař, Stanislav (referee) ; Svirák, Pavel (advisor)
The bechelor thesis deals with choice od form business in the case of individual people. It is about company with or without a cooperating person and the entry of more individuals into the company, limited liability company, limited partnership and general partnership. It includes a definition of these forms of business. The objectives is to answer and determine the most advantageous way of doing business.
The System of Remuneration of Employees and Proposal of Changes in Selected Agricultural Cooperative
Kopečná, Lenka ; Hutař, Stanislav (referee) ; Kruntorádová, Markéta (advisor)
The dissertation deals with the employee remuneration system in the Agricultural cooperative Klučov – Lhota and the proposal of changes in this area. In the practical part, basic terms regarding remuneration are considered. Then an analysis of the current state both in the cooperative and in its surroundings is processed. The outcome of the whole study is a SWOT analysis, on the basis of which changes are proposed in the area of the remuneration of employees. The aims of these changes are to increase the welfare of the employees and to stabilize the personnel situation of the cooperative.
Tax Optimalization of Individual Income Tax
Kopečná, Lenka ; Hutař, Stanislav (referee) ; Svirák, Pavel (advisor)
The bechelor thesis deals with choice od form business in the case of individual people. It is about company with or without a cooperating person and the entry of more individuals into the company, limited liability company, limited partnership and general partnership. It includes a definition of these forms of business. The objectives is to answer and determine the most advantageous way of doing business.

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2 Kopečná, Lucie
1 Kopečná, Lukrécie
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