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Production of Orff's The Wise in the season 2016/2017 in Czech republic
Kovačič, Josef ; BÁRTA, Martin (advisor) ; KUSNJER, Ivan (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on an important opera work by Carl Orff, based on a fairy tale written by the Brothers Grimm, and its performance in Czech theatres in the season 2016/2017. Great emphasis is placed on the author himself and the subsequent understanding of his work in the context of the composer's life, the development of his unique musical style and the difficult times of the Second World War, in which The Wise Woman opera was written. The thesis aims to highlight two different arrangements of the same title, their different dramatic constructions and the musical section, and perhaps general singing and acting pitfalls of individual roles. In conclusion, the similarities and differences of both productions are defined and possible motivations in the approach of their directors are outlined.
Kfelíř, Daniel ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; MÁROVÁ, Libuše (referee)
This Bachelor Thesis deals with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his opera The Magic Flute. The primary aim of the Thesis is to give the reader an insight into the life and work of the classicistic composer, focusing closely on The Magic Flute. In the first part the author concentrates on its origin and development, followed by description of the piece's story and individual characters. Since the author particularly favours the role of Papageno, its famous aria Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen is analysed both harmonically and formally in more detail. That part is considered the author's own contribution. The subsequent sections of the Thesis concern the current programme of The National Theatre in Prague, which has been offering The Magic Flute as a part of its repertoire for three years. The author also mentions the small stage (Black Box) of the New Theatre in Pilsen, where an adaptation of The Magic Flute, Papageno In the Enchanted Forest, is played for children's audience. The Thesis should be useful to all readers interested in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his opera The Magic Flute.
Artistic personality of Jaroslav Šaroun
Bařák, Lukáš ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; MÁROVÁ, Libuše (referee)
This diploma thesis is dealing with the personality of Jaroslav Šaroun, contemporary composer, pianist and accompanist. It focuses on his artistic life and as well as his personal life. The main emphasis is on his artistic life, which is dealt with in several chapters. Those chapters describe his evolution from a young student to a piano player of Czech philharmony. Another important point is his view of music interpretation and of pedagogical activities and its principles, which he passed on to students, at the Prague conservatory as well as at HAMU. Furthermore a cycle of Four songs for baritone and piano with lyrics by Toquato Tasso is analyzed in this thesis and viewed from many angles.
Voice characters of women´s figures in the opera Don Giovanni
Řeřichová, Barbora ; HAJÓSSYOVÁ, Magdaléna (advisor) ; KUSNJER, Ivan (referee)
Subject of this Master´s thesis is analysis and vocal characterization of female roles in the opera Don Giovanni, composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I decided to divide this subject into several principal parts. Initially I would like to overview the life and work of the author himself. The next part of this thesis examines the opera as whole; its history of origin, plot issues, characters, performance traditions and main differences between traditional interpretations. As next I would like to address female characters in Don Giovanni opera. Finally this paper presents a deep analysis of the three main female characters of the opera with emphasis on vocal characterization and interpretation of their famous representatives. Finally this paper describes general classification of voice types, discuss the overall problematics of tone and voice production and also evaluate the mechanics and functionality of vocal chords from the physiological point of view.
Tenor roles in the opera Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana
Šantora, Vít ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; VOTAVOVÁ, Yvona (referee)
This work familiarizes the reader with tenor roles in the opera Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana. The work includes a brief biography of the composer with an emphasis on creation of the opera. The main part of this thesis is a description of dramatic evolution of the characters in comparison with interpretative approach. Famous Czech performers are mentioned.
Opera and new media
Gattringerová, Eliška ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; PŘÍVRATSKÁ, Jiřina (referee)
The author is focusing on issues of opera in new media in her work. The introduction defines and decribes the concept of new medias. After that, author is especially focusing on presentation of operas which are broadcasted live into Czech cinemas, history of this relatively young phenomenon and its gradual develepment. As a next topic mentioned in the author's work is possibility to watch live broadcasts or records via particular websites of theatres. Finally, the author is describing internet websites, which are dealing with the opera issues, history, content and specifics. The author is summarizing other options how to present opera.At the end of the work, the author is trying to characterize meaning and benefits of the new medias for today's opera and opera audience.
Slovak female sopranists from past until now
Mikšíková, Katarína ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; MÁROVÁ, Libuše (referee)
In this thesis I focused on life, development, artistic career and the career peak of our important Slovak female sopranos. I tried to capture and record their musical beginnings, studying singing, first achievements, starting in theaters and concert halls and stages. I focused on the finding of the studied repertoire during their careers and attempted to summarize all the major significant theater stages and concert platforms in the course of their professional life they performed. I also wanted to bring their views on major global career each of them experienced and their views on theater and the world of singing.
Comparation of interpretation of the role count Almaviva from Marriage of Figaro
Nosek, Vít ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; JONÁŠOVÁ, Jana (referee)
This work familiarizes the reader with the role of Count Almaviva from The Marriage of Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The work includes a brief biography of the composer with an emphasis on his operatic output, particularly The Marriage of Figaro. Central to this work is a comparison of several interviewed professional singers´ approach to interpreting the role of Count Almaviva.
Music therapy. Music as the medicine for our spirit
Vagenknechtová, Lucie ; JANÁL, Roman (advisor) ; KUSNJER, Ivan (referee)
This work introduces to readers a field of music therapy. At first point it's dealing with the begining and need of music sense as well as historic development. In addition to this it's focused on music therapy as a field of science and organisation structure in the Czech republic and abroad. Opinions of classical and alternative experts are compared. Music treatment is described in detail in particular branches of psychosomatics. In conclusion, the work points to positive and negative ways of music influence.
Leoš Janáček Jenufa in Prague and Pilsen production with emphasis on the role Kostelnička
Karásek, Jan ; KUSNJER, Ivan (advisor) ; DOLEŽAL, Vladimír (referee)
In my dissertation, I deal in detail with the opera Jenufa from the composer Leos Janacek and the librettist Gabriela Preissova. In the chapter the fourth and the fifth, I aim my interest to elaboration of this opera in the Theatre J. K. Tyl in Pilsen and in the National Theatre in Prague. In next chapters, I reworked my personal interview with one of the czech leading opera singer Eva Urbanová, which performed in many productions as main character Kostelnicka. I would like to convey deep experience of Urbanova's understanding of the character and of Janacek at all for the readers of this dissertation. At the end of my dissertation, I summarize Pilsen and Prague production with the conclusion that Prague production is much better not only in directing treatment but also in the music cast.

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