National Repository of Grey Literature 75 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Nginx Web Server Security Weakness Detection Tool
Wagner, Michal ; Perešíni, Martin (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the security of the Nginx web server and its configuration options, with an emphasis on the reverse proxy server feature. It explores available alternatives to Nginx and security threats to reverse proxy servers. The thesis also delves into methods of detecting these security threats through penetration testing and conducts research on existing tools for detecting security vulnerabilities in reverse proxies. In the practical part, a tool is developed to demonstrate security attacks and detect vulnerabilities on the Nginx server. The functionality of the tool is validated in a suitable testing environment, and based on the gained experience, a technical specification is formulated for configuring the Nginx reverse proxy server to limit its susceptibility to attacks.
Rezervační systém sportoviště
Remeň, Juraj ; Křena, Bohuslav (referee) ; Smrčka, Aleš (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is the digitalization of the sports ground booking agenda, primarily based on the requirements of TJ Ochoz u Brna, but the system is also applicable to other small or medium-sized sports clubs. The system is intended to make the timetable of sports grounds in the municipality more transparent, to facilitate the creation of bookings for the sports grounds in question for the residents and to relieve the responsible persons from maintaining and using different systems for managing bookings, such as various Google or Excel spreadsheets or writing them down on plain paper.
Stuff Placing Optimization for Transport
Vacek, Michal ; Smrčka, Aleš (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis treats of application of stuff placing optimization for transport. Application is developed in cooperation with Škoda Auto a.s., which solves the problem of transport materials in containers from their factories to assembly halls abroad. It describes an application analysis, a plan and an implementation. Application consist of two parts. The first computes the optimalization - it selects subset from set of moduls (boxes) and it locates this boxes to a container. The second part of application display the stuff placing. The part of this bachelor thesis is also set of agnated optimalization methods, mainly Knapsack and Bin-packing problem.
Chess Program with Various Chess Variations
Mydliar, Ján ; Křena, Bohuslav (referee) ; Rozman, Jaroslav (advisor)
The main task was create a program allowing human play against the computer and computer to computer with the option selected variants of chess. To start work describes algorithms for playing games and their various features. The following is a copy of selected options, evaluation function, the changes on top of the program and the graphical user interface.
Static Analysis of Java Programs
Vyvial, Pavel ; Hýsek, Jiří (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
The project SHADOWS has started research which is developing software for automatic bug healing. We work with self-healing software, which looks for concurrent bugs. If the~detection software finds a bug, the healing action will be performed. After every healing action, one would like to know whether this action has fixed the detected problem and, perhaps even more importantly, that it has not caused any other, possibly even more serious, problem. Therefore this paper describes a technique which gives the answer for this question after automatical healing. One can fix some concurent bugs by adding healing locks. One does healing assurance by searching monitorenter instruction and uses Control Flow Graph analysis over Java byte-code. The prototype uses static analysis (tool FindBugs) for this purpose.
Chess Program for Bughouse Variant
Staňa, Marek ; Křena, Bohuslav (referee) ; Rozman, Jaroslav (advisor)
This thesis describes process of creating a chess program playing Bughouse variant allowing to play against human or other programs. Firstly explains difference in Bughouse rules from classic chess, main part is about artificial intelligence. It compares individual methods used for making chess programs and adapts them to Bughouse variant.
Preparation of Homeworks in the Course Algorithms
Řezáč, Jakub ; Peringer, Petr (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is oriented on an implementation of homework for a subject Algorithms, which is taught in second year-class on Faculty of information technology of University of technology in Brno. For homework's correction is used system for automatized homework correction. A modification of this system is part of this submission too.
BiBTeX Style for ČSN ISO 690 and ČSN ISO 690-2
Pyšný, Radek ; Rozman, Jaroslav (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
This thesis describes the creation of a BibTeX bibliographic style which could be used for the typesetting of bibliographic references according to the ČSN ISO 690 standard. The requirements of the ČSN ISO 690 standard are discussed, followed by the format of the interaction between the LaTeX typesetting system and the BibTeX tool. The structure of the bibliographic database and the bibliographic style that is required by the BibTeX tool is further elaborated. Finally, this thesis describes the properties of the created BibTeX bibliographic style czplain.bst .
Chess Program for Various Chess Variations
Jadrníček, Zbyněk ; Křena, Bohuslav (referee) ; Rozman, Jaroslav (advisor)
This thesis describes process of creating chess program allowing human play against computer. First part explains chess rules, next parts are about artificial intelligence. Thesis deals with nontraditional chess variants and also with changes, which were made in implementation in comparasion with classical game. It compares usual chessboard representations in computer, methods of playing games and techniques of evaluation chessboard state. The aim was to achieve high artificial intelligence by using of effective algorithms.
Explanatory Analysis of the Chess Game
Hertl, Vojtěch ; Rozman, Jaroslav (referee) ; Křena, Bohuslav (advisor)
Cílem této práce je navrhnout a implementovat vysvětlující analýzu šachových partií. Tato analýza byla vytvořena na základě šachového programu (chess engine). Jelikož existuje mnoho kvalitních, volně dostupných a open-source šachových programů, tato práce se nesoustředí na implementaci nového programu. Namísto toho, již existující šachové programy byly prostudovány a porovnány. Nejvhodnější program pro tuto práci byl vybrán a pro něj bylo navrhnuto rozšíření, které poskytuje slovní vysvětlení kvality jednotlivých tahů a celých šachových partií. Toto rozšíření bylo implementováno, otestováno a ohodnoceno.

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