National Repository of Grey Literature 16 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Testing of sensory abilities of assessors: studying of smell and vision sensitivity
Hýsková, Eva ; Janoušková, Eva (referee) ; Vítová, Eva (advisor)
This diploma thesis was focused on visual and olfactory senses and their role in the sensory evaluation. The requirements for assessors working in sensory analysis, for testing place and requirements of the Czech Institute for Accreditation for the accreditation of laboratories working in the field of sensory testing are summarized here. An overview of methods and legislation in the field of sensory analysis is also presented. Methods for studying of smell and vision sensitivity of assessors were selected in the experimental part of this thesis. The methods were verified in the sensory laboratory, validated and standard operating procedures have been developed to the individual methods.
Changeof phenolic acids content during malting of spring barley
Štýblová, Romana ; Janoušková, Eva (referee) ; Běláková, Sylvie (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with detection of chosen phenolic acids (sinapic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, syringic acid, p – hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid and p – coumaric acid) in the malting barley and monitoring of their changes during making a malt in real enviroment of floor malt house. Tehoretical part describes individual phenolic acids, their presentation in raw material for making of malt and methods for determination . There is described technology of making a malt. The nine samples was taken in experimental part. There were a malting barley, intermediate products of malting, malt and rootlets. Phenolic acids were extracted by alkaline and acid hydrolysis. This samples were detected by Ultra high – performance liquid chromatography using of UV detection (UPLC/PDA).
Testing of sensory abilities of assessors - studying of taste sensitivity
Chytilová, Eliška ; Janoušková, Eva (referee) ; Vítová, Eva (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to study the sensitivity of one of the five human senses - taste. It deals with anatomy of taste sense, taste perception and it also describes which kinds of taste we are able to identify. Sensory analysis is focused on human senses and their practical use. Consequently, the requirements for sensory assessors, requirements for sensory laboratory, methods used in sensory analysis and summary of legislation in this area are described in this thesis. In order to perform qualified sensory assessment, the laboratory needs accreditation. On this account the requirements of Czech accreditation institute are mentioned here. Methods suitable for studying of taste sensitivity of sensory assessors are chosen and validated in experimental part. Standard operating procedures are elaborated for these chosen methods.
Analysis of composition of residues of inorganic pharmaceuticals from the 18th century
Janoušková, Eva ; Nesměrák, Karel (advisor) ; Kozlík, Petr (referee)
In this bachelor thesis, sixteen samples of inorganic pharmaceuticals from the 18th century were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry, UV/VIS spectrometry, capillary zone electrophoresis, titrations, and gravimetric analysis. The analysis confirmed that the composition of fourteen of the analyzed samples corresponded with their respective Latin inscriptions on the apothecary jars, while two of the samples proved to be a completely different substance. All samples, except for one, contained a relatively high number of impurities. These impurities helped determine if the source of the sample was a mineral commonly occurring in nature or a chemical reaction. Keywords: History of pharmacy, ICP-MS, F-AAS, F-AES, UV/VIS spectrometry, historical pharmaceuticals
The effect of different bariatric operations on the weight loss in the treatment of obesity
Janoušková, Eva ; Matoulek, Martin (advisor) ; Svačina, Štěpán (referee)
Introduction: Bariatric procedures belong to modern methods of therapy of obesity, especially in patients with higher degree of obesity. Currently, different procedures are performed, among those gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. Our research investigated the effect of various bariatric procedures on the weight loss and some other metabolic values in the treatment of obesity. Methods: The data collection for quantitative research was carried out at the 3rd medical department of 1st faculty of medicine of Charles University and General Faculty Hospital in Prague, partially retrospectively and mainly prospectively. We monitored the change of weight and compensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the first year after operation in group of 54 patients of which 32 patients had a two-year monitoring as well. For monitoring changes of weight throughout a particular period of time after operation, the conversion on % EWL a % EBMIL was used. The data was evaluated by basic statistical methods. Results 1: In our reference group (n=54) average value of EWL was found 37,58 % in the first year after the surgery. The value of EWL for sleeve gastrectomy was 47,52 %. The value of EWL for gastric bypass was 39,82 %. The value of EWL for gastric banding was 23,28 %. Results 2: In the subset of...
The effect of different bariatric operations on the weight loss in the treatment of obesity
Janoušková, Eva ; Matoulek, Martin (advisor) ; Svačina, Štěpán (referee)
Introduction: Bariatric procedures belong to modern methods of therapy of obesity, especially in patients with higher degree of obesity. Currently, different procedures are performed, among those gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. Our research investigated the effect of various bariatric procedures on the weight loss and some other metabolic values in the treatment of obesity. Methods: The data collection for quantitative research was carried out at the 3rd medical department of 1st faculty of medicine of Charles University and General Faculty Hospital in Prague, partially retrospectively and mainly prospectively. We monitored the change of weight and compensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the first year after operation in group of 54 patients of which 32 patients had a two-year monitoring as well. For monitoring changes of weight throughout a particular period of time after operation, the conversion on % EWL a % EBMIL was used. The data was evaluated by basic statistical methods. Results 1: In our reference group (n=54) average value of EWL was found 37,58 % in the first year after the surgery. The value of EWL for sleeve gastrectomy was 47,52 %. The value of EWL for gastric bypass was 39,82 %. The value of EWL for gastric banding was 23,28 %. Results 2: In the subset of...
Representation of selected elements in human hair
Jochimová, Eva ; Janoušková, Eva (referee) ; Zemanová, Jana (advisor)
Hair is an excellent matrix for monitoring trace elements and minerals in the body. To long-term changes in concentration of elements in the body are reflected in their value in her hair, so the assessment of the organism from the mineral analysis of hair is a very suitable method. This method is widely used in toxicological testing and forensics. This work deals with the analysis of Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Mn, Se, As, Cd and Pb in 100 samples by ICP-MS. It is a male hair samples with the age range 19 – 74 years. Analysis of hair revealed that concentrations of individual elements are moving in a narrow range of values. Values of older age category are in some case significantly deflective.

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5 Janoušková, Eliška
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