Application of R. McKenzie's method in the therapy of functional disorders of the cervical spine
Fílová, Veronika ; Kuba, Kryštof (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, surname: Veronika Fílová Supervisor: PhDr. Kryštof Kuba Cert. MDT Consultant: Mgr. Silvie Táborská Title: Application of R. McKenzie's method in the therapy of functional disorders of the cervical spine Abstract: This bachelor thesis is dealing with application of Robin McKenzie's method in the therapy of functional disorders of the cervical spine. The aim of this work is to describe the practical use of mechanical diagnosis and therapy in patients with functional disorders of the cervical spine and also to point out the early indication of surgical treatment without applying all conservative treatment options. This bachelor thesis serves also as a basis for the diploma thesis which will focus in more details on the use of this method in the therapy of cervicobrachial syndrome. In the theoretical part of the thesis there is a brief description of anatomy and kinesiology of the cervical spine, the patophysiology of the cervical spine and there is also a description of mechanical diagnosis and therapy. In the practical part, there are case histories of five patients with functional disorders of the cervical spine. The McKenzie's method was used for examination and therapy. The problems were resolved in four patients in an average of 23.5 days. The last patient discontinued the...
Options for assessment of chronic cervical pain Subtitle: Affecting chronic cervical pain by relaxation techniques
Nevolová, Kristýna ; Jakovcová, Karolína (advisor) ; Novotná, Marie (referee)
BACHEROL THESIS ABSTRACT Author's first name and surname: Kristýna Nevolová Bacherol thesis supervizor: Ing. Karolína Jakovcová Consultant: MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Ph. D., MBA Title of bacherol thesis: Options for assessment of chronic cervical pain. Subtitle: Affecting chronic cervical pain by relaxation techniques. Abstract: The bachelor thesis focuses on the description of tools that can be used to assess chronic neck pain. The practical part deals with influencing these difficulties with the help of relaxation techniques. The theoretical part provides basic information about pain and its distribution, describes the anatomy and kinesiology of the cervical spine and provides a brief overview and description of assessment tools divided into simple and multidimensional. Multidimensional tools were divided into questionnaires designed specifically for the cervical spine, questionnaires that can also be used to assess the pain and disability associated with this area, and questionnaires evaluating the psychosocial factors of chronic pain. The theoretical part also includes chapters devoted to stress and relaxation techniques related to the practical part of the work. The practical part includes case reports of three patients with chronic neck pain, whose problems were affected by relaxation techniques. Patients...
Physiotherapy in patients with shoulder replacement. Subtitle: Influence of preoperative physiotherapy
Drahorádová, Olga ; Novotná, Marie (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT First name, surname: Olga Drahorádová Supervisor: Ing. Marie Novotná Title of the bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in patients with shoulder replacement. Influence of preoperative physiotherapy. Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of physiotherapy in patients after shoulder replacement surgery. Target is oriented to find out an influence of preoperative physiotherapy beside patients indicated with reverse total endoprosthesis of the shoulder joint. This thesis is separated into two main parts. The theoretical part describes anatomy and kinesiology of shoulder girdle, types of shoulder replacement, indications, contraindications and options of operation solutions. In additional contains information about most common issues and handicaps of shoulder girdle and summary of finding physiotherapy options with mentioned patients. The practical part evaluates data, which have been obtained due to questionaire methody "Shoulder Assesment Form". Patients have been randomly split up into two diferent groups according selected criterias. The both groups completed standard postoperative physiotherapy, but only one of them had also integrated preoperative physiotherapy. The result of this paper is resume about the short preoperation therapeutic one, which makes possible to...
Application of R. McKenzie's method in the therapy of functional disorders of the cervical spine
Fílová, Veronika ; Kuba, Kryštof (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, surname: Veronika Fílová Supervisor: PhDr. Kryštof Kuba Cert. MDT Consultant: Mgr. Silvie Táborská Title: Application of R. McKenzie's method in the therapy of functional disorders of the cervical spine Abstract: This bachelor thesis is dealing with application of Robin McKenzie's method in the therapy of functional disorders of the cervical spine. The aim of this work is to describe the practical use of mechanical diagnosis and therapy in patients with functional disorders of the cervical spine and also to point out the early indication of surgical treatment without applying all conservative treatment options. This bachelor thesis serves also as a basis for the diploma thesis which will focus in more details on the use of this method in the therapy of cervicobrachial syndrome. In the theoretical part of the thesis there is a brief description of anatomy and kinesiology of the cervical spine, the patophysiology of the cervical spine and there is also a description of mechanical diagnosis and therapy. In the practical part, there are case histories of five patients with functional disorders of the cervical spine. The McKenzie's method was used for examination and therapy. The problems were resolved in four patients in an average of 23.5 days. The last patient discontinued the...
Physiotherapy in Alcohol - Dependent Patients
Kolínková, Lucie ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
Bachelor thesis abstract Name, surname: Lucie Kolínková Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in Alcohol-Dependent Patients Abstract: The content of this thesis is the issue of physiotherapy in patients with alcohol dependence. The aim of this work is to bring a comprehensive overview of the problems of alcoholism, its impact on the patient's health, obstacles for the therapist and used physiotherapeutic approaches. The introductory, theoretical part describes the origin of alcohol dependence and its composition, incidence and abuse. It deals with the effects of alcohol on the human body and comorbid disease. It also summarizes the treatment of alcoholism of without the use of physiotherapy. A special part of this work is a form of research. It describes and summarizes current knowledge in the use of physiotherapy in patients with dependence. It contains a brief description of the methods and approaches that can be used in physiotherapy with dependence- patients. It also includes a review of current studies investigating the influence of physiotherapy and exercise methods on the physical and mental health of alcohol addicts. The discussion summarizes the issue of alcoholism, evaluates and compare individual studies. Key words: physiotherapy, physical...
The Use of Orthesis at Patients Suffering from Spastic Dystonia
Pekárková, Martina ; Šebek, Milan (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
OF BACHELOR'S THESIS Name, surname: Martina Pekárková Thesis supervisor: Ing. Milan Šebek The second reader: Title of bachelor's thesis: The Use of Orthesis at Patients Suffering from Spastic Dystonia Abstract of bachelor's thesis: The theme of this bachelor's thesis is the use of orthesis at patients suffering from spastic dystonia. The thesis consists of the theoretical and practical part. The most common causes of spastic dystonia are mentioned in the theoretical part. The key chapters of the thesis are Spastic Dystonia and Treatment. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, which deals with orthotics, its particular types and their functional use are described. The practical part of the thesis is compiled with regard to doing research based on foreign studies. Orthesis are specified on the basis of the static and dynamic use. Relevant studies were analysed and based on their results it may be said that static orthesis are not significant for their use. The application of dynamic orthesis is debatable, because in some studies their positive effect on spacticity was proved, while in others it was disproved. For lack of valid literature, in which the effect would be definitely proved or disproved, it is necessary to do some more research. The purpose of this thesis was to gather and unify...
Physiotherapy in Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury of a Knee Joint. Subtitle: Focusing on the Method InternalBraceTM
Pavlíková, Lucie ; Šebek, Milan (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Author: Lucie Pavlíková Supervisor: Ing. Bc. Milan Šebek Opponent: Name of the bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury of a Knee Joint Focusing on the Method InternalBraceTM Abstract: The bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of physiotherapy after injury of the anterior cruciate ligament of a knee joint. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the anatomy and kinesiology of the knee joint and its structures, as well as the way of injury of the anterior cruciate ligament. The following are the most common solutions of LCA rupture (graft from ligamentum patelae and m. Semitendidosus and m. Gracilis) and subsequent physiotherapy. There is also an innovative method, the InternalBraceTM method, using FiberTape® knitted fiber. In the practical part, case reports of three patients after the operation using InternalBraceTM system are processed. Physiotherapeutic intervention was, in two patients in the acute phase, conducted according to the guidelines by method makers for seven weeks. Its aim was to verify the used methodology of rehabilitation in practice. In a third patient, the difficulties that may arise are described. Key words: FiberTape, InternalBrace, knee joint, ligamentum cruciatum...
Mapping people's awareness of possibility of home physiotherapy after acquired brain damage
Vadkertiová, Monika ; Chalupská, Tereza (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
Title: Mapping people's awareness of possibility of home physiotherapy after acquired brain damage My bachelor's thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part contains information about stroke, about subsequent rehabilitation and about home physiotherapy. Stroke is one of the most common acquired brain damages and many patients just after the stroke remain at home with permanent consequences. Physiotherapy is one of the basic elements of neurorehabilitation of these patients. The greatest effort of physiotherapists for these persons is to increase mobility to the highest possible level, return to self-sufficiency and reduce dependence on others. Home physiotherapy has a great benefit in improving the quality of life of these patients. The main theme and aim of the practical part is to map the awareness of people after acquired brain damages, after release and mainly about the possibility of home physiotherapy. The practical part is realized in the form of an anonymous questionnaire for these persons. The result of my survey showed that more than half of the interviewed respondents did not have information of the possibility of using home physiotherapy. Key words: home physiotherapy, discharging patients, patient's awareness, brain damage, stroke